11 Hacks For People Who Sweat A Lot

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

We’ve all been there; you’re in the middle of a meeting or just hanging out with friends, and suddenly, you start to feel those beads of sweat forming on your forehead, your back, or even your palms. Sweating is a natural bodily response to help regulate your temperature, but for some of us, it can be a little too much! If you are someone who finds themselves perspiring more than they’d like, fear not! This article is here to help you. Read on to know some clear ways to deal with your excessive sweating.

1. The Ice Cube Trick

If you’re heading to an event and need to stay dry, try this simple trick. Grab an ice cube from your freezer and gently rub it over your wrists, neck, and other pulse points about 30 minutes before you need to be sweat-free. This temporary chill can help lower your body temperature, reducing the sweating.

2. Choose Your Fabrics Wisely

Choose Your Fabrics Wisely
Image: Shutterstock

Instead of the standard advice to wear natural fabrics, consider going for performance fabrics designed for moisture-wicking. There are many brands that offer clothing specifically designed to keep sweat at bay. Trust us, it’s worth the investment.

3. Stay Hydrated

It may seem counterintuitive, but staying well-hydrated can actually help control excessive sweating. When your body is dehydrated, it tends to sweat more as a way of cooling down. By drinking plenty of water, you help your body regulate its temperature more effectively, which can reduce sweating.

4. Powder Power

Powder Power
Image: Shutterstock

Traditional talcum powder can be a game-changer in this regard. Dust a bit under your arms, on your back, and anywhere else prone to sweating. It’ll help absorb moisture and keep you feeling fresh throughout the day.

5. Lemon Juice Freshness

Lemon juice is a natural astringent that can help constrict your sweat ducts. Dab a bit of lemon juice onto your problem areas to temporarily reduce sweat production. However, be cautious with this hack if you have sensitive skin or any open cuts or wounds.

6. Mindful Meals

Mindful Meals
Image: Shutterstock

The foods you eat can have an impact on your sweat levels.  Did you know that caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol may all trigger excessive sweating (1)? Therefore, you need to limit your intake of these foods, especially before attending events.

7. DIY Antiperspirant

Mix equal parts of baking soda and cornstarch to create your own natural antiperspirant. Apply a thin layer to your underarms, and it should keep you sweat-free throughout the day.

8. Sweat-Proof Makeup

Sweat-Proof Makeup
Image: Shutterstock

For those who wear makeup, sweating can be a real challenge. Look for long-wear and waterproof makeup products. There are even setting sprays designed to keep your makeup in place, no matter how much you perspire.

9. Strategic Fan Placement

If you’re at home or in your office, use the fan to your advantage. Place it strategically to create a cooling breeze that helps prevent sweat from forming. This hack may not be possible in all situations, but when you can, it’s a game-changer.

10. Stay Stress Free

Stay Stress Free
Image: Shutterstock

Stress and anxiety may trigger excessive sweating. Find relaxation techniques that work for you. Managing stress can help reduce your overall sweat levels.

11. Clinical Solutions

If you’ve tried all the above hacks and still find yourself struggling with excessive sweating, it might be time to consult a medical professional. Hyperhidrosis, a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating, can be treated with a range of medical options, including prescription antiperspirants, Botox injections, and even surgery (2).

Why Is Sweating Good For Our Body?

Why Is Sweating Good For Our Body
Image: Shutterstock

While we don’t really enjoy sweat marks, sweating is a beneficial process for the human body. It serves as a natural cooling mechanism, helping to regulate our internal temperature. When we engage in physical activities, our body produces sweat to release excess heat. This process not only cools us down but also expels toxins and waste products from our system.

Sweat also contains antimicrobial peptides that can help protect our skin from certain harmful bacteria (3). Sweating contributes to overall health by ensuring our body functions optimally. However, if you’re uncomfortable with your sweat levels, or if it’s interfering with your daily life, there are steps you can take to manage it better. The most important thing is to stay confident and not let excessive sweating hold you back.

Even some of the most successful and inspiring people in history have struggled with excessive sweating, and it certainly didn’t stop them from achieving greatness. So, embrace your unique challenges and find the strategies that work for you!

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Indrani Karmakar

Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer

Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and...read full bio

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