This Is What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Four Almonds Every Day

Written by Rachana C • 

Almond is called the ‘king of nuts’. It is also known as badam in many parts of the world. Right from children studying for exams to the body conscious ones wanting to lose some flab, these nuts have touched many lives in some way or the other and have been contributing to human health from approximately 19,000 years.

So, you have heard enough about the goodness of almonds and asked your cousin who stays in the Middle East to grab a bag of these nuts for you. Are you still thinking that there is much too much fuss over a trifle? Then, reading the below benefits will make you stand corrected.

  • Help You Lose Weight

Three primary components of almonds – fat, protein, and fiber – help you cut down body fat. Consuming monounsaturated fatty acids (good fats) gives you a sense of satiety and helps you refrain from overeating or binging. Proteins are, of course, the building blocks of muscles, and fiber helps in easy elimination of waste. Apart from these benefits, they also make you feel full and prevent the need to keep snacking now and then.

  • Enhance Brain Functioning

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The tell-tale almond and its power to sharpen your intellect seem not just a myth. Almonds are rich in minerals. Zinc, one of the minerals found in almonds, decreases the rate of death of the nerve cells. The vitamins present in almonds, like vitamins A and B12, decelerate the aging process of the brain cells. All of these directly or indirectly contribute to the healthy functioning of the brain and hence, enhance the intellect. So, exams round the corner? Grab some almonds!

  • FacilitateYounger-looking Skin

Almond and vitamin E are almost synonymous in the beauty world. Almond oil and almond nut are great sources of vitamin E. Along with that, the flavonoids and antioxidants in the almond reduce the pace at which the cells age. Obviously, the slower the cells age, the longer you remain young. In fact, almonds also contain a distinct variety of antioxidants that reduce the risk of skin cancer, particularly when your skin is exposed to the harmful UV rays.

  • Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

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Just like monosaturated fatty acids have been called “good fats”, a component called LDL is a variety of cholesterol that can be called “bad fats.” However, certain elements in almonds help the body eliminate this bad fat and reduce the risk of heart attack by decreasing the probability of clogged arteries.

All those MUFAs (Monosaturated Fatty Acids) slow down the release of glucose in the blood. Slow release of glucose in the blood means consistent sugar levels. If you are intending to prevent diabetes or considering alternatives that can help you manage diabetes, then having a handful of almonds every day, the first thing in the morning, is something you can’t skip. Here’s how you can do so.

Best Ways To Consume Almonds

1. Soaked Almonds

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Soaking almonds helps in easy removal of the peel. The peel comprises of a substance called tannin. This tannin, along with phytates, is believed to reduce the absorption of nutrients by the blood. Simply put, the peel doesn’t give you complete access to the nutrients in the nut. Also, soaking the almonds overnight makes them easily consumable and chewable.

2. Sprouted Almonds

Alternatively, after soaking almonds for about 12 hours overnight, wrap them up in a cloth and allow them to sprout. It could take anywhere from a day to three for the almonds to sprout. A whitish dot on the tip of the nut suggests that the almonds have sprouted. Eating sprouted almonds, again, like soaked ones, helps in better nutrient absorption.

3. Raw Almonds

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It is a widespread belief that if almonds are not soaked and peeled, there would be absolutely no nutritional benefit. This is a misconstrued notion primarily for two reasons. One, our body is more intelligent than we think it is. It produces the necessary enzymes to increase the absorption of nutrients from this dried fruit into the blood. Two, the phytates that are supposedly reducing the absorption, in fact, reach out to the colon and help the good bacteria multiply. Consuming phytates from almond skins improves digestion.

Find out which way of consumption suits your body the best. Like it is always said, listen to your body, it knows what it needs. Raw, soaked, or sprouted – almonds are like little packets of magic that can do a whole lot of good to your hair, skin, digestive system, heart, and blood sugar levels. I am going right away to soak my tiny energy sachets. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and try these super nuts. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section below.

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