10 Healthy Foods That Can Be Unhealthy If You Overeat Them

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
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There are two kinds of people on earth – One, who opens a jar of cookies, eats one and keeps the rest for the next day, and the other type who end up munching all the cookies and other contents in the cabinet! If you can relate, this article is solely dedicated to you. We know the struggle of eating healthy and how long it really persists. But say, you are stuffing yourself with nutritious food only, is that good enough? The line between healthy and unhealthy food is pretty thin, mainly because it lingers on the quantity. Did you know even fruits and veggies can be harmful to your health if consumed more than necessary? Now, before you start panicking, we at Stylecraze made a list of healthy foods you should think twice about before taking a second and third helping!

1. Bananas

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From the very start, these hustle-free fruits have won our hearts. We love how we can get them in all seasons and how easy it is to chop them, blend them and peel them. Nothing like a banana for breakfast! But if you are a person who digs bananas so much that you can finish a dozen at a sitting, we got news for you! Having too many bananas can lead to tooth decay. If your banana is too ripe, the high quantity of tyramine might cause you a headache (1). So, no matter how much you love bananas, keep the numbers to two per day.

2. Oats

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Oats may as well be declared as an international breakfast! We love how easy it is to make and how healthy it is. But wait till you hear this; eating too much oats can trigger bloating and induce indigestion. Studies prove that people who have recurring gastric problems can reduce them by limiting the quantity of dietary fiber (2). Oats also limit the absorption of zinc, magnesium, and calcium and cause excess weight gain. Keeping your oats to 6 ounces a day will help you enjoy the healthy sides of the meal only.

3. Cheese

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As a cheese lover, this might be a hard pill to swallow. Large quantities of cheese put you at a greater risk of heart diseases. The high amount of saturated fats can cause heartburn because of cholecystokinin’s release when you devour them (3). So if you have a habit of ordering “extra cheese” on every pizza topping, you might need to put a halt to that. It is okay to have your mac and cheese, spaghetti pasta, and cheese-burst pizza occasionally instead of making it a regular affair.

4. Rice

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The majority of Asians in general, cannot live without consuming rice. This staple food is something many people have ingrained in their regular meals. But rice can spike your insulin levels like no other food. The arsenic exposure can cause poorer mental performance and make you sloppy. This is why you always feel drowsy after eating a whole plate of rice. The effects are higher if you are hogging on rice at night before going to bed. You will tend to gain carbs and weight easily, plus feel inactive for the whole day. Do you know the feeling of your eyelids drooping slowly, especially when you are trying hard to concentrate or get things done? Well, that’s definitely the after-rice effect.

Bonus Tip: If you let about 90 grams of rice soak in water overnight, it helps you get rid of all the toxic elements, and you can use the water for washing your hair and making it shine.

5. Broccoli

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Just when we developed a taste for the greens, this had to come up! Broccolis contain thiocyanates, which produce excess thyroid hormones. People who overdose on broccoli often complain about bloated stomachs and hair loss. It can also cause a stuffy nose and provoke allergies of all kinds.

6. Blueberries

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Blueberries are a bane for people who are diabetic. It dangerously lowers the levels of glucose (4). Blueberries also interfere with medications and need to be eaten after proper medical consultations with your doctor. Blueberries can also make you feel short of breath because of the sudden hike in vitamin K. Even though it is irresistible and contains many good qualities, keeping it to one cup a day will help you retain the good properties and keep the harmful effects at bay.

7. Nuts

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Nuts contain healthy fats ideal for the heart, but if you are prone to gaining weight, you might have to work harder to reduce these extra pounds. Keeping your cashews and almonds numbered can help you retain the health benefits effectively. If you are all about keeping up with the diet trends and binging on nuts as a substitute for fried snacks, you might have noticed that your belly feels bloated accompanied by many burps. That’s because their food value is very high and binging will definitely count as overeating. If you are prone to digestion problems, it is possible to result in diarrhea.

8. Soy

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Processed milk, tofu, tempeh, and soy are good alternatives to meat protein, but too much of it can lead to excess estrogen production. So if you depend on soy products, eat them in limited quantities to take care of the hormone production.

9. Chicken

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The low-calorie dinner is excellent for minerals and proteins, only if it is bought from a local farm. Factory-farmed chickens have pumped antibiotics that are harmful to your body even in tiny quantities. It is essential to check the source of the meat and make sure the chicken is bred in sunlight.

10. Carrots

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As kids, our parents encouraged munching on raw carrots for better metabolism. But as you’ve grown up, it is important to know that even “healthy” foods can cause issues if eaten excessively. Carrots are rich in vitamins and calories, but sucrose is the same as sugar we get from the market. It can cause tooth decay and hike your blood sugar levels beyond limits.

So now you know which foods you should not risk overeating. Too much of anything is bad, and our fruits and veggies are here to tell us that. Having them in the correct quantity can help you keep fit and healthy. So, are you a fan of any of these foods? Let us know in the comments below!


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  1. Biogenic Amines in Plant-Origin Foods: Are they Frequently Underestimated in Low-Histamine Diets?
  2. The Health Benefits of Dietary Fibre
  3. Effect of glycomacropeptide fractions on cholecystokinin and food intake
  4. Blueberries’ Impact on Insulin Resistance and Glucose Intolerance
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Indrani Karmakar
Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer
Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and doodling.

Read full bio of Indrani Karmakar