Here’s A List Of Hotel Amenities You Can & Cannot Take, In Case You Didn’t Know

Written by , MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Chaitra Krishnan MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) linkedin_icon Experience: 5 years
Last Updated on

Let’s be honest, we all have taken sugar packets or shampoo bottles from hotel rooms that we’ve stayed in. And that’s okay because we’ve paid for them. However, there are some people who “steal” things like hairdryers and paintings from the rooms either because of ignorance or intentionally. Like Ross Geller from ‘Friends’ says, you can take the salt, but the salt shakers are off-limits! It’s important to know what you can take and what you CANNOT. In the light of the recent incident that took place in Bali where an Indian family was caught by the hotel staff for stealing accessories, we thought it’s important for you to know about those limits.


Things That You Can And Can’t Take Home

Toiletries Vs Television

It’s okay to take the mini bottles of toiletries like soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. You can also take the toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss as well because these things once used by a person cannot be used by another. But you cannot take home the pretty soap case or the soap dispenser from the bathroom. If you really like them, then take a picture of it and BUY them!

It’s almost impossible for us to imagine taking a television from a hotel room when we check out. However, some incredibly talented people can hide them inside their large suitcase and walk out as if nothing happened. This stunt can actually get you in serious trouble since it’s stealing in all senses.

Envelopes Vs Hair Dryers

Envelopes are paper covers that are present in hotel rooms for you to write important things and store. You can take a few extra envelopes with you when you check out because they’re not expensive. On the other hand, electronic accessories like hairdryers are a big NO-NO! You might have them for a few days of use but you cannot take them along with you. If you can afford to stay in a hotel room that gives you a hairdryer, you can probably buy one.

Bathroom Slippers Vs TV/AC Remotes

You can carry home those soft, white bathroom slippers that you get in the hotel. Nobody else is going to be given a used pair of slippers and hence the hotel staff will just throw them away if you leave them back in the room. However, taking TV or AC remotes is not allowed and it doesn’t even make any sense! The people who steal a TV remote probably don’t even know if it will work on the TV at home. Even so, it becomes too difficult for them to leave the remotes alone.

Sugar Packets Vs Flower Vases

The sugar packets that you get along with your coffee can be taken home if you want to. It’s just sugar! But stealing decorative items like flower vases, paintings, fancy mirrors, or wall clocks can get you in trouble.

Paper Notes And Pens Vs Bath Towels

Paper notes and pens are present in almost every hotel room for their guests to write down anything if they need to. These are complimentary items and you can take them along. However, if the pen looks like an expensive one, you may have to think about taking it twice. On the other hand, bath towels are the property of the hotel and they can be used by other guests after washing. So, just go home and use your own towel mate!

The Infamous Bali Incident


The video of the security guard and the hotel staff at Bali searching the bags of the family became viral within no time, turning the face of every Indian red with shame. The bags were taken out of their vehicles and checked, right before they were leaving. From the bags, they dug out electronic appliances, mirrors, bath towels, and decorative items that the tourists took from their hotel room! As the staff continued to open more bags, one of the men in the group can be heard offering to pay for whatever they’ve taken. To this, the hotel staff says that he knows that they have a lot of money but this isn’t about money but rather respect.

From the video, it’s evident that the tourists were blaming the hotel staff and when they were caught stealing they tried to settle the matter by offering money. One of the women in the group even said that they are “sorry for the children” trying to display that it was innocent mischief committed by their children. Stealing, trying to bribe, and then lying! Things couldn’t have gone worse.

The incident became an episode of embarrassment for most of the Indians and people expressed their disappointment on social media platforms like Twitter. Many people tweeted about how people represent their country and culture when they travel abroad and how their actions become a yardstick for people to judge their country.

This incident is an eye-opener for those who misuse their resources at hotels. And while it’s okay to take certain things from hotel rooms, it’s always better to take nothing but good wishes and respect from your place of stay. What do you think about the habit of taking things from hotel rooms? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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Chaitra Krishnan
Chaitra KrishnanBeauty & Lifestyle Enthusiast
Chaitra has a triple main bachelor’s degree in journalism, communicative English, and economics from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru.

Read full bio of Chaitra Krishnan
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