How Each Zodiac Sign Screws Up Perfectly Good Relationships

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Everyone comes with an emotional baggage. Whether you’ve been in 30 relationships or just one, you’ve probably gone through a lot. Have you ever felt like you were displaying a pattern when it came to relationships? Do you have this habit of wanting to escape from relationships if you find yourself too emotionally involved? Well, you’re not alone. You might just be displaying a pattern that your zodiac might be akin to. While most people take this in good humor, you might find that your zodiac’s traits are a little too similar to yours. Here’s a list of baggage you most likely carry into new relationships when you enter them:


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You’re most likely known for having a slightly volatile temper. Sometimes, you end up saying things in the heat of the moment and unintentionally hurting the ones you love. Although, once you’ve calmed down, you can tackle any situation head-on, your partner might not always stick around to benefit from it.


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Let’s face it, you loooove holding grudges. Letting go and moving on aren’t two things people would associate with you. That, coupled with your stubborn nature and inability to admit to your faults makes for super volatile arguments with your partner. But no, you stand up for what you believe in, girl!


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Your insecurities keep you from pursuing strong, committed, and long term relationships. You find it hard to let people in to see the real unfiltered version of you. Mainly, because you’re afraid they will not like what they see.


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Your crazy mood swings can take quite the toll on your partner. You’re the type who probably uses the cold shoulder and silent treatment pretty often, right? When you and your partner argue, it’s very hard for you to differentiate between things you should take personally and things you shouldn’t. This often leads you to harbor a grudge against your partner even if they simply didn’t have the same views towards a topic as you.


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You have a super large ego and are used to getting your way. This demanding nature can be quite taxing on your partner and you’ll find that most fights stem from you being too inconsiderate of their feelings and putting yourself first.


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You’re a super perfectionist. By that we mean, you don’t know when to quit. You need your partner to behave a certain way, you need to be wearing the right top with the skirt, you need to ensure you don’t mismatch your lipstick. If there’s one thing that has remained constant in these examples, it’s you. In your pursuit of perfection, you’re often inconsiderate of your partner’s feelings and you’re just obsessed with ‘fixing things’. Well, here’s a news flash, not everyone needs or wants to be fixed.


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Sometimes you take things a little too lightly. Your partner is often left wondering what place they hold in your life. Despite being gifted the amazing ability to be able to keep a level head, you still hurt your partner with your easy-going nature and never take them seriously. This leads to unnecessary conflict in your relationship.


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You’re super paranoid of your partner leaving you and moving onto someone better. You often get insecure when you notice your partner paying attention to someone else or simply being nice. This can lead to you and your partner developing severe trust issues and they grow distrustful of you for this very reason.


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You find it very hard to stay in a committed relationship because of your roving eye and need for adventure. Sure the bad and impulsive look might have worked on you in college, but isn’t it time you set those textbooks down and opened your eyes to the reality of the world? Daily and mundane tasks bug you to no extent and you find it hard to stick to a routine.


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Your workaholic nature may make you a great work buddy but it does make you a terrible partner. You find it very hard to not bring work home and when you do, you end up spending too much time venting about your workload even though you secretly love it. Your goals of attaining power couple status often make you push your partner to get out of their comfort zone or show the same level of commitment to work as you display.


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Your aloof, impulsive, and flaky nature can be taxing on your partner. Nobody likes being ditched for friends after spending half an hour getting ready for a dinner date. Or when your partner is confiding emotional issues in you and you snap at them for talking too much. It’s hard for you to have long-term emotional relationships with people.


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Pisceans are known for their idealistic nature and sometimes it proves to be overwhelming for those around them. Their escapist fantasies are not just related to their way of thinking and they might also want to escape a situation they feel incredibly trapped in, including a suffocating relationship.

While not everyone will be a word to word description of their horoscope, most people tend to notice they share similar traits with them. Do you think you share a pattern with your zodiac? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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