How Lovemaking Is Good For The Body And Brain

Written by Shivani K • 

With the holiday season coming to an end, there’s a good chance that you’ve been thinking about a good romp between the sheets lately. You don’t have to deny it. You don’t have to feel embarrassed about it. It’s natural to think about it. Humans are supposed to spend an undue amount of time thinking about or wanting to indulge in intimate physical activities. And by that we mean it’s not always about making babies, because humans do make love before and even after they’ve had kids.

In our everyday lives, there are multiple instances where we talk about our carnal relationships, crack adult jokes, or even indulge in innocent fantasizing. The reasons could be many. But, the bottom line is that lovemaking is good for us, it makes us happy and that’s exactly why we think about it so much. Studies have shown that even thinking about intercourse can impact our brain positively(1). And if you’re experiencing it in both thoughts as well as actions, consider it as the ultimate health-enhancing act that humans can ever engage themselves in. Now read on to know the actual mental and physical health benefits of a good session between the sheets.

1. It Boosts Your Immune System

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Have you ever felt that you might catch a cold soon? Have you observed how even a low-key session of exercise reduces your cold or fatigue? This is because any form of exercise or physical activity increases the temperature of the body and this helps in eliminating the virus. If you’re lazy to workout, consider making love instead. Because it increases the levels of immunoglobin A (2). Making love, at least once a week, increases the levels of antibody in our bodies which boost our immune system and help us fight illnesses.

2. It Reduces Your Blood Pressure

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We all know that high blood pressure isn’t good for our bodies. It can cause stress and anxiety or even lead to strokes. If there’s persistent stress and anxiety, it can even lead to diabetes. Intercourse helps lower your cortisol levels and keeps your blood pressure under control. It usually helps people cope with stress and leaves people feeling relaxed (3). In women, a hormone called oxytocin is released during the climax which lowers your blood pressure levels.

3. It Decreases Your Chances Of Having Prostate Cancer

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So, the fact that all of us agree that it’s the men who think more about lovemaking than the women can now be directly connected with men’s survival. The study shows that men who ejaculate 21 times or maybe more than that in a month have lesser chances of contracting prostate cancer (4).

4. It Helps Ease Your Pain

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Did you know that our body has natural painkillers? Endorphins are the hormones that are our body’s natural painkillers. As long as we have these functioning rightly in our body, we can rest assured that we wouldn’t have to take any other form of medication with respect to pain. The good news is that while you’re getting down and dirty under the sheets, lots of endorphins are released and it floods our body and brain. These endorphins help ease any kind of pain that a person is going through. In some, it can even cure headaches (5). Looks like you don’t have to go the extra mile to cure yourself of pain; all you need to do is make out with your partner.

5. It Helps To Burn Your Stubborn Calories

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Making love may not be a great substitute for your gym workouts, but it still burns calories. A 30-minute love making session is equal to a 15-minute run. An hour of active intercourse can burn an equivalent of a pizza slice or a glass wine. If you’re looking to burn a hamburger, maybe 2 hours of intercourse is what you would need. In fact, there’s a tool to help you with this (6). So, the next time you’re too lazy to hit the gym and you’re in the best of your romantic moods, consider having an intimate session with your partner on bed.

6. It Keeps Ulcers At Bay

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Angina is a heart condition that men mostly suffer from and along with it comes another severe health condition of developing ulcers in the stomach. When a study was conducted with a sample of around 10,000 men, the result showed that men who had a happy marriage and received love and support, had lower chances of developing the heart condition, angina (7).

We came across another study where 8,000 men were studied. The sample for this study was disturbed and unhappy men with broken marriages or lack of love lives. It was found that they had greater chances of contracting duodenal ulcer (8).

What we can infer from this is that, making love isn’t just limited to evoking feelings of affection between one another but it can reap health benefits too.

We always link the idea of making love to just pleasure. The truth is it’s much more than that. It benefits your body and mind in more than just one way. And we’ve given you a quickie listicle about most of it above. If you think there is anything that we have missed out on, let us know in the comments below.

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