How To Fix Face Problems Each Of Us Suffers From

Written by Tanya Arora • 

We do so much to take care of our face! We eat right, use the right products, and make sure we never skip on the cleansing-toning routine no matter how hectic our day has been. However, despite being thorough, certain face problems might still exist just like that stubborn stain on your pretty bedsheet that just refuses to go!

Today, we’re going to reveal to you 12 secrets on how to fix common face problems that haven’t spared even one us, no matter how hard we try.

1. Wrinkles

One of the first (and worst) signs of aging you’ll notice are tiny wrinkles all over face – your forehead, corner of your eyes, etc. To smoothen out the wrinkles you have, you should use bananas. Puree a banana and add 1 tsp. of honey to it. Apply the paste on your face and let it stay for maximum 20 minutes. Wash off and moisturize your skin.

2. Skin Irritations

2. Skin Irritations
Image: Shutterstock

Apart from discomfort, redness is a big side effect of skin irritations. That said, a humble cure exists for it in the form of your toothpaste! You need to simply apply some on affected areas to cool and heal your skin. Make sure you use white toothpaste only and perform a patch test before trying to be sure that you won’t suffer from any side effects.

3. Pimples

Even if you try to cover them up with makeup, large pimples will still make their presence felt strongly! If creams and other remedies have failed in treating your pimples, you should try potato juice. Squeeze the juice of a potato and apply it on the pimples you have. Leave it on till it dries out and then wash it off. Repeated use will guarantee pimple-free skin!

4. Skin Dryness

4. Skin Dryness
Image: Shutterstock

Avocados can be your best buddies to fight skin dryness! They are highly moisturizing in nature and they even feel good on the skin. Take the pulp of an avocado and mix it with your cream. Apply the concoction formed on your skin, keeping it on for 20 minutes. Rinse and repeat frequently.

5. Oiliness

Just like dry skin, oily skin is no less of a hassle. In fact, it’s worse as it can cause a breakout! In order to suck out the excess oil from your skin, mix 1 tsp. of sugar with tomato pulp and massage it into your skin, focusing on your T-zone. Next, wash it off after 5 minutes and pat dry for oil-free skin!

6. Thin Eyebrows

6. Thin Eyebrows
Image: Shutterstock

Thick brows are in, and thin ones are out! However, if you’re not naturally blessed with lusciously thick eyebrows, you needn’t worry. You can make yours thicker simply by rubbing milk on them every day! Ensure that you use a cotton pad to do so and that you wash the milk off once 15 minutes are over.

7. Acne

Acne can ruin your confidence and affect your self-esteem deeply. However, you don’t have to spend a bomb on treatments as using green tea is enough to cure you of your acne. Brew a strong cup of green tea and then cool it down. Now, dip a cotton pad in the tea and rub the pad all over your face. Once the tea dries up, wash your face. You can also use lemon juice mixed with water to reduce acne scars.

8. Large Pores

8. Large Pores
Image: Shutterstock

Large pores are the root cause of skin problems such as oiliness, acne, blackheads, and more. To reduce their size and prevent them from causing problems, you should apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Keep it on for 5 minutes and then wash your face with water. Remember to moisturize your skin post this procedure.

9. Double Chin

Double chins can easily be reduced with the help of simple facial exercises! Out of all these exercises though, the easiest one is chewing gum. Experts recommend chewing gum daily to reduce the size of your double chin.

10. Dark Circles

10. Dark Circles
Image: Shutterstock

The simplest and most effective remedy to lighten the dark circles beneath your eyes is to apply a few drops of almond oil on them. Massage the drops in a gentle motion so they get soaked in. Do this every night before sleeping to see results. Make sure you wash the oil off in the morning though.

11. Facial Hair

Not a fan of waxing or threading? There’s a natural and pain-free way to remove facial hair. For this, you’ll have to prepare a paste made of egg white, 1 tbsp. of sugar, and ½ tbsp. of cornstarch. Rub this paste on your face and leave it on till it completely dries up. Now, scrape the paste off your face in quick and gentle motions to get rid of unwanted hair.

12. Loose Facial Skin

12. Loose Facial Skin
Image: Shutterstock

Taut facial skin can take several years off your face and make you look youthful. You can try several facial exercises to tone up your facial skin and look younger without the need of surgery.

Taking care of your face should always be a top priority. So, use these tips to enhance your facial skincare regime and look flawless!

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