This Is What I Do To Get Rid Of My Facial Hair In 10 Minutes

Written by Saumya Gaur • 

Has it ever happened to you that you have made a plan to hang out with your friends on the spur of the moment, only to find that you have a 5’o clock shadow on your lip, that is brightly outshining your lipstick? If you answered yes, then I feel you sister. I have been there and done that myself.

Even if your facial hair is fairly predictable in its growth cycle, chances are you have found yourself in a situation where you are pressed to find a salon for a quick hair removal session. Whether it’s your busy schedule that doesn’t permit you that time or the fact that your facial hair grows back pretty quickly, this is the one time when almost all women wish that God had given us some concession on the hair front!

I Tried The Razor

Tired of constantly finding myself in this scenario, I decided to find a long-term solution to this problem. The first option on my list was to use the razor, like my testosterone-fuelled brethren.

After doing a lot of research online about the pros and cons of using the razor, I had come to the conclusion that the oft-repeated statement that shaving makes the hair hard and also it makes it grow back faster was just a myth. Armed with this reassuring knowledge, I watched a couple of YouTube videos which demonstrated how to shave properly.

Following this, I went to the shower and slathered on some shaving cream (my husband’s), and tried to follow the technique that was demonstrated in those videos. Sure enough, I found that the whole thing just took me 5 minutes, and I was done. No trace of that nascent mustache anywhere.

But the next day I realized, shaving was not for me, and this is why.

shaving was not for me
Image: Shutterstock

In my excitement to get rid of that unwanted hair, I had not paid any attention to my shaving technique and ended up with quite a few nicks here and there. Also, there was the issue of razor burn. Despite applying a generous amount of aloe vera gel, there was no reduction in the inflammation. The whole region above my upper lip looked red, and I could also see a few pimples surfacing right next to the corner of my mouth. This had me convinced that shaving was not the way for me.

Not the one to give up so easily, I went back to the cyberspace and started digging up more information on other DIY methods that could help me get rid of unwanted facial hair. I found quite a few, but I ended up not using them because for some or the other reason they did not work for me. I had almost given up when I came across a home remedy that finally did the trick. Want to know what it was? Here you go:

The Magical Hair Removal Face Pack That Helps Me Get Rid Of Facial Hair In A Jiffy

Magical Hair Removal
Image: Shutterstock

To prepare this mask, you will need a couple of ingredients, but the most amazing thing about this is that you will find them in comfort of your home. All you need to do is look in your kitchen!

These are the ingredients you need:

  • One tablespoon of gram flour (besan)
  • 3–4 tablespoons of raw milk
  • One tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1/4th tablespoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

This is what you need to do to prepare it:

  1. Pour all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them well to form a smooth paste.
  2. Now, apply a thick layer of this paste on the area which has unwanted hair. You can also apply it on your chin. But take care to apply it only in those places where you have facial hair.
  3. Leave it on for about 10 minutes to dry.
  4. After it has dried completely, rub it gently using your fingers to completely remove the paste.
  5. Follow it up by washing your face with plain water.

It Has Other Benefits Too

Benefits Too
Image: Shutterstock

You would be surprised to see that the thick paste works in a similar manner as that of facial wax, only minus the discomfort that usually accompanies it. Apart from removing the facial hair, this pack provides a host of other benefits. It prevents new pimples from surfacing, acts as a natural bleaching agent, and it even helps you get rid of discoloration. Isn’t it an amazing way to solve all your hairy woes? The best thing about this hack is that I can do it in the convenience of my home, and it also doesn’t cause me any physical discomfort. Besides, all the ingredients that are used in the pack are organic, so there is no risk of an adverse reaction as well.

Try this home remedy yourself and let us know how it worked out for you in the comments section. If you have any other hacks that can help in the removal of facial hair, share them with us in the comments section.

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