How To Get Stains Out Of Almost Anything

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

Stains on any surface have a way of showing up at the most inconvenient times. Whether it’s a coffee spill on your favorite shirt or a wine mark on your tablecloth, dealing with stains can be frustrating. However, before you think of tossing the stained items away, we would like you to know that there are some effective solutions for tackling stains on a wide range of materials (yaay!). In this article, we’ll explore some time-tested techniques and tips for rescuing your possessions from unsightly splotches. Read on!

1. Use Milk To Get Rid Of Ink Stains

Milk is a surprisingly effective solution for removing ink stains from cotton fabric. When an ink stain occurs, especially from a leaking pen or a clumsy accident, act swiftly. Place the stained area in a shallow bowl or container and pour milk over it, ensuring that the stain is fully submerged. Let it soak for a few hours or even overnight, allowing the enzymes in the milk to work on breaking down the ink. Afterward, you can gently scrub the stain with a soft brush or cloth.

2. Chalk Removes Oily Stains

Chalk Removes Oily Stains
Image: Shutterstock

Chalk is  very effective for removing oily stains from fabrics. The porous nature of chalk allows it to absorb and lift the oil from the stained area. To use chalk for stain removal, simply grind the chalk into a powder, sprinkle it generously over the oily stain, and gently rub it in. Leave it in place for a little while to let it absorb the oil, then brush off the excess chalk. This method is particularly handy for fresh grease or oil stains.

3. Use Vinegar For Grass Stains

Vinegar is a powerful, all-natural remedy for tackling stubborn grass stains. Its acidic properties are excellent for breaking down the chlorophyll in grass. To use vinegar for stain removal, mix it with an equal amount of water and apply the solution directly to the grass stain. Allow it to sit for some time and then scrub the area gently with a soft brush or cloth. You can also use vinegar for tomato and deodorant stains.

4. Baking Soda Removes Tea And Coffee Stains

Baking Soda Removes Tea And Coffee Stains
Image: Shutterstock

Baking soda is an excellent solution for dealing with stubborn tea and coffee stains. Whether on your favorite mug or clothing, this simple yet effective method can help restore your items to their former pristine condition. To use baking soda for stain removal, make a paste and apply it directly to the stained area. Allow it to sit for some time to break down the stain. The alkaline nature of baking soda helps to lift and eliminate the tannins responsible for tea and coffee stains, leaving your belongings looking fresh and clean.

5. Use Boiling Water For Berry Stains

Boiling water is great for dealing with berry stains on fabric. Berry stains can be particularly stubborn due to their natural pigments, but the high temperature of boiling water can help break down and loosen the stain. To use this method, first, place a cloth or paper towel under the stained area to absorb the excess liquid and prevent the stain from spreading. Then, carefully pour boiling water from a height of a few inches above the fabric onto the stain, allowing it to pass through the fabric and push the stain out. Be cautious not to scald yourself during this process.

6. Use Lemon Juice For Sweat Stains

Use Lemon Juice For Sweat Stains
Image: Shutterstock

Lemon juice is a natural and effective remedy for tackling sweat stains. The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a mild bleach, helping to break down and lift the discoloration caused by sweat. To use lemon juice for stain removal, simply apply it directly to the affected area and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. The acidity of the lemon juice is particularly useful in dealing with yellowish sweat stains on white fabrics.

7. Use Rubbing Alcohol For Makeup Stains

Rubbing alcohol is a versatile tool for tackling makeup stains on clothing and fabrics. Whether it’s foundation, lipstick, or mascara, makeup stains can be especially frustrating due to their oil-based or pigment-heavy nature. To use rubbing alcohol for stain removal, dampen a clean cloth or cotton ball with the alcohol and gently blot the stained area, working from the outside of the stain toward the center. Avoid rubbing, as this can cause the stain to spread. The alcohol will help break down the oils and pigments in the makeup, making it easier to lift from the fabric.

The key to removing any stain is to act promptly. While not all stains can be completely eradicated, these methods provide a fighting chance to salvage your cherished items and keep them looking fresh and clean. Ultimately, mastering the art of stain removal empowers us to maintain and care for our possessions, contributing to a more sustainable and resourceful way of living.

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