12 Ways To Raise Your Vibration Fast

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

Positive manifestation is an excellent way to achieve what you want. You must have read that keeping your vibration high is essential to attracting positivity in your life. When you increase your vibration, it signals the universe that you are operating at a higher frequency, and you are ready to welcome good things that come in your way. Let us read more about positive vibration and the exercises that help you increase positivity in your life.

1. The Law Of Vibration

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Every person attracts what they believe. The law of attraction suggests that we attract the kind of energy we are. When our energy levels are high, we attract good energy, and when we feel low, we are vibing with lower energy levels. Everything in the universe can be broken down into energy, and if you can keep your energy levels high, nothing can bring you down.

2. Be Grateful

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Gratitude is the key to giving an instant boost to your vibration. It is essential to say it loud and thank the person through words or gestures. We might be thankful for the action of a person but be too busy to express it freely.

3. Use Crystals

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Crystals are used to raise vibrations by many spiritual healers. Every crystal has a different kind of healing power, and the strong vibration of the quartz stimulates chakras and eliminates blockages. It can also stimulate chakras and get rid of energy blockages. While crystals are used as birthstone and jewelry pieces, mediating with them can help you cleanse your aura and reach higher levels of peace.

4. Reside To Nature

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Nature is one of the most potent healers. Instead of constantly staying upright in your shoes, let your toes dig in the soil or walk bare feet on the beach. A simple walk in the meadow or a stroll through the woods can rejuvenate your soul and hype your energy levels.

5. Breathe Well

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It’s evident that everyone is breathing to stay alive, but what is important is to breathe well and inhale fresh air as much as possible. Make it a habit to perform breathing exercises and fill your lungs with fresh air early in the morning before you start your day.

6. Listen To Your Favorite Music

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Feel-good music can raise your vibration like no other. It will make you feel snug and warm, and also, lyrics of happy songs will speak to you and motivate you. Keep a playlist of happy songs and listen to them whenever you are free.

7. Write A Journal

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The practice of writing and maintaining a journal helps to manifest your dreams and materialize them. Write all the dreams you want to fulfill in your life and a detailed plan of how you plan on achieving them. Writing it down increases the chances of materializing it.

8. Read A Book

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Reading habits are always healthy and lead to raising your vibration frequency. You may not be a bookworm but reading books on meditation and energy is always intriguing. You can pick a self-help book and keep a few hours to yourself to read and understand yourself.

9. Regular Exercise

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A healthy body is a secret to a healthy mind, and the more you indulge in physical exercises, the more your body will release endorphins that boost happiness in your body. It also reduces your stress and anxiety and always keeps you in an energetic mood.

10. Meditate

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Meditation has many benefits, and it has been proven to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. It also helps you clear your mind and break through the negative shadows that block you from positivity. Get classes for guided meditation and include it in your everyday routine.

11. Self-Care Raises Your Vibration

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Take time and pamper yourself. It is the best gift you can give yourselves. Any self-care routine you enjoy will help you raise your energy levels. Be it tying your hair up in different hairstyles, a skincare routine, going for a full body massage, or getting a manicure done, everything adds to raising your vibration.

12. Do What Makes You Happy

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It’s easier said than done, as there are several things we would like to do but are tied up with other responsibilities. However, maintaining the balance and taking time out for what you would like to do helps to accelerate your vibration and keep your energy high. So whatever you like doing, be it cooking, gardening, or even drawing, take time out to do it every single day.

So now that you know the importance of raising your energy levels and how you can raise the frequency of your vibrations, you will surely achieve a higher level of happiness and satisfaction in whatever you do. You will also vibe with people with higher energy levels and keep all kinds of negativity away from your life. So, do you have any secrets to keeping higher energy drawn on you? Let us know in the comments below!

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