How To Lose Weight According To Your Horoscope Sign

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If astrology has the power to predict every aspect of your life, it sounds about right that it could also have something to say about your weight.

This might seem totally bonkers, but give it a chance. Just like you did with all those fad diets, which by the way, totally fell flat!

So, if you’re looking for just one more way to lose weight, or to know why you haven’t been successful so far, read on below. You may get some useful insight.

1. Aries

1. Aries
Image: Shutterstock

You are likely to give up on your weight loss regime if you don’t see instant results. However, you need to stop doing that and start exercising regularly even if you don’t like it. You should also have light meals about 5-6 times a day. Grapefruits and green tea are good for you while alcohol should be avoided. You have a sweet tooth so try eating healthy sweets only.

2. Taurus

2. Taurus
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Taureans are a bit slow when it comes to losing weight, but their effort pays off if they persist. The reason for that is that your metabolism is kind of sluggish, so you should focus on having foods that speed it up such as spicy foods and apples. Yogurt and cereal are ideal breakfast options for you. Avoid sweets and have fruits instead.

3. Gemini

3. Gemini
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Your distinguishing feature is that you can skip meals all day but will hog like a pig at night! Instead of doing that, you should eat healthier snacks throughout the day and ditch coffee or tea. Also, try to include lots of veggies in your diet. Avoid fatty foods and alcohol as they can easily upset your stomach.

4. Cancer

4. Cancer
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Cancerians are passionate about food and love eating and cooking, which makes it very difficult for them to follow a diet. You should not eat junk food and white bread and should instead load up on fruits. You will have to stick to a diet and control your nervous eating if you want to be fit.

5. Leo

5. Leo
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You are a true-blue lover of all foods and drinks that can be qualified as ‘junk’ and ‘fast’! But despite your indulgence in greasy foods, you still don’t pile up extra pounds as you have an awfully good metabolism. Light exercises are enough for you, but complement that with plenty of water and nuts in your diet.

6. Virgo

6. Virgo
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You don’t have to worry much as you have what it takes to lose weight quickly! Just don’t starve yourself as you’re likely to do that. You’re generally not fond of fatty foods and processed meats, which works in your favor. Home-cooked food with minimal fats is your favorite. You should exercise regularly though to stay in shape.

7. Libra

7. Libra
Image: Shutterstock

Librans can’t stand having restricted diets and starvation. This is why you can find the first day of your weight loss regime to be extremely challenging. What you need is support, exercising and dieting together with friends. You should have more fish, soup, rice, and yogurt.

8. Scorpio

8. Scorpio
Image: Shutterstock

You find it extremely difficult to commit to a diet. This is because you get so lost in your work and other activities that you end up skipping meals altogether. That’s wrong though. You should never skip breakfast or other meals if you want to stay in shape. Foods you should eat include low-fat cheese, broccoli, celery, and cereals. Skip the alcohol.

9. Sagittarius

9. Sagittarius
Image: Shutterstock

You tend to pile up on weight much quicker as compared to other sun signs due to your love for junk food, candies, and other sweets. What makes it worse is that you hate dieting. However, you should still get on a strict diet; opt for salads and vegetables, garlic and vitamin C to shed kilos. Exercising and sleeping early are also vital.

10. Capricorn

10. Capricorn
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For a Capricorn, losing weight is not a challenge as you are very disciplined. You like to take control and always pick your own foods and diet. That said, you should avoid saucy foods and pasta, and have more of tuna, veggies, and soups if you want to maintain the right weight. The good thing about you is you rarely eat sweets.

11. Aquarius

11. Aquarius
Image: Shutterstock

You are a pro at dieting but you still need to follow the rules of eating. Why? Because you’re not fond of planning your meals or picking your own food, which can disrupt your fitness program. You need to choose your food and avoid calories as well as alcohol and chips.

12. Pisces

12. Pisces
Image: Shutterstock

Overeating is your weakness and the cause of your obesity. You need to start a detoxification process immediately to keep your eating under control. Veggies, fruits, herbs, and lean meats will help you. Moreover, you should only have carbs after the detoxification process is over. Dieting can be difficult for you so make sure you get a friend to tag along.

Even if you don’t believe that your sun sign has a role to play in your weight loss attempts, do try out the tips given here. These are quite effective and will definitely help in shedding those pounds.

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