9 Ways To Overcome A Phobia

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
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As a child, you must have been scared of many things, but after you grew up did the trauma linger the same with you? Phobias are different from fear as sometimes you can’t really state a valid reason why something petrifies you. For example, if you are arachnophobic, seeing a spider on the wall is going to freeze you and you might set your house on fire just to get rid of it. But if you ask the people who are not afraid of spiders, they will probably brush past it without a flinch. Even though it is good to have fear in mind as it keeps you safe, fear can also stand like a pillar between you and your self-esteem. If you are a person who deals with any kind of phobia and has been searching for ways to get rid of it, you are at the right place. We, at Stylecraze, have made a list of things you can do to overcome your fear and fight your phobia. Read on to know them!

1. Desensitize Yourself At Your Best

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If you are overwhelmed by the thought of conquering your fear, then the desensitization technique might be the right choice for you. The only thing you have to do is gradually expose yourself to the fearful subject or event and then take a break when the anxiety is too overwhelming. For example, if you are hydrophobic, do not run headlong into the sea. Instead, start with a pool that has a comfortable water level and keep increasing it every day till you are confident enough to swim in it.

There are other professional ways to go about it and face your fears, but what matters is the willingness to actually overcome it. Sometimes it is harder for people to get over their fears because they already have an image in mind. One should prepare themselves beforehand with ways to push fears aside. It might be difficult at times, but not impossible.

2. Try Biofeedback

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Biofeedback is a fantastic method to observe your stress response. Biofeedback gives the nervous person the opportunity to view their physiological responses to stress. In the session, a physician will place electrodes on the skin, and a nearby monitor will show your heartbeat, breathing rate, and the activity of your muscles. This will help you know what your fear is doing to your body, and you will eventually be able to let go of it (1).

3. Try The Flooding Technique

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Like the desensitizing technique, the flooding technique allows you to confront your phobia to eventually eliminate it. Imagine a claustrophobic person being locked in the lift all day or a germaphobe being sneezed on a daily basis. It may sound easy if you don’t have these phobias, but it may seem like a death sentence to a person who has it. Make sure you don’t pressure yourself to do anything till you are absolutely comfortable with it.

4. Take Help From Your Partnership Method

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If you have ochlophobia, seeing gatherings must have been your worst nightmares. If you want to fight it, the best way would be to walk with someone you trust so you can ignore the crowd while you walk. Once you get over the fear that people are watching you, or they are going to stampede over you, you will be able to walk alone in crowded places.

5. Attend A Support Group

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Support groups make you realize that you’re not the only one facing a phobia. Being with other like-minded individuals who want to leave their phobia behind will increase your chance of fighting your fears. When you hear anecdotes from people having similar fears, it will inspire you to overcome it with the right guidance. This way, there are less chances of you getting conned about ways of treatment because you have a trusted support group. You can either find offline support groups or join one online.

6. Try Medication

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It’s fantastic if you feel better by yourself, and it’s perfectly acceptable to aid your recovery with medications as long as it is doctor prescribed. There are three kinds of drugs that are effective in the treatment of anxiety. The first is beta-blockers, which reduce the adrenaline-stimulating effects within your body (2). There are also antidepressants that aid in adjusting your mood. Also, sedatives such as Xanax are a great way to ease anxiety (3). Make sure you consult your physician about which type is the best for you.

7. Self-Exposure Therapy

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This is an excellent option for those who don’t want to indulge in expensive therapy sessions. The idea is to take the matter into your own hands and tackle that fear entirely on your own. You can either share your thoughts about it online where people who feel the same will reach out to you, or you can confront the fear itself after analyzing why it affects you so much.

8. Research On The Phobia

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Let’s say you have severe aviophobia; the only thing you should learn more about is how planes function. The information about flight safety and procedures will make you feel more confident about flying. Similar principles apply to all phobias. Knowing a little can make a massive difference in helping you overcome your fears. Don’t focus on just the negatives as it will only plant more phobic seeds in your brain. Try to watch videos on skydiving for example, to understand that exhilarating feeling that people actually enjoy. Maybe you don’t get it, but conditioning yourself will give you more strength.

9. Learn Relaxation Techniques

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One of the most unpleasant aspects of anxiety is the physical reaction like palpitations, pounding heart, etc. Which can increase anxiety. Relaxation techniques can be helpful to calm your anxiety. By doing meditation and yoga, you can by far fight your fears without getting anxious about them.

Fears can be a real pain as they can cause a very restricted life. Get your phobia in control quickly and start living your life to the fullest. No matter where your fear originated, you should know that you can overcome your fears. It’s not easy or fast and may require a considerable amount of time, but you’ll notice some improvement and move forward with your life. Do you have a phobia you have been fighting? Let us know in the comments below!


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  1. Biofeedback-Based Connected Mental Health Interventions for Anxiety: Systematic Literature Review
  2. Beta-Blocker Toxicity
  3. The Role of High-Potency Benzodiazepines in the Treatment of Panic Disorder
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Indrani Karmakar
Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer
Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and doodling.

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