9 Things To Consider If You Wish To Stand Out In A Crowd

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
Last Updated on

Making an impression in a room full of people is highly subjective. Body language, physical appearance, and general confidence are based on people’s individual observations. Whether you like being the center of attention, or simply want to blend in with the crowd, know that everyone has their individuality. Extroverts are most likely to stand out in terms of socializing. But some people get attracted to introverts as they seem broody and mysterious. Anyways, if you are wanting to stand out, we’ve got you covered.

Did you ever panic about your first day of college or office because you were sure you would go unnoticed? Walking in a room with your hair blowing perfectly under the spotlight happens only in movies. In reality, people hardly know who else is in the room. But then again, some people make a great impression on you from their appearance to personality, and they make you want to be like them instantly. Wish you knew the ways to stand out in the crowd? We at Stylecraze made a list of foolproof ways that will help you make a great impression on people around you.

1. Know Yourself

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Making yourself stand out starts by being aware of your identity as an individual. It begins with the basics, like knowing what makes you feel happy, what you like doing, what you’re good at, and accepting what you’re not skilled at. It is also about being aware of your primary skills in terms of knowledge. Knowing yourself requires an appreciation of your strengths, and taking steps to improve your capabilities. It helps you grow and work together with others, which brings out the best in you.

Pretensions are the easiest to detect. If you have a mask of a confident person and struggling with unresolved mental health issues, it will only be tiring and draining for you to be around people. Because you are only there for the sake of it, not because you genuinely enjoy yourself there. Once you are one with yourself, your personality will automatically shine through!

2. Being A Second Mile Person

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Be someone who is more than what is expected of you. If you are assigned to complete a specific job, make sure you put in an extra mile of effort to do it. Doing so is also a pleasure to you but delights and impresses your coworker. The extra mile can be difficult and requires a deliberate and purposeful decision to go beyond expectations. Since very few people focus on actively making more effort than they need to, you will increase your odds of standing out from the crowd by going that extra mile.

3. Believing In Yourself

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The convictions you hold will distinguish you from other people. If you believe you can accomplish something and achieve it, you will as well share your enthusiasm with others to motivate them to join in or be a part of your goal. It is an element that separates you from the other candidates. You must believe that you’re competent enough to accomplish what you want to achieve.

4. Taking Calculated Risks

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Risk-taking is what differentiates you from those who are merely talking. If you believe strongly in the right course of action and are willing to take a risk in pursuing what you want, you will stand out from the crowd for being a person who systematically analyzes opportunities and situations. Once you have enough information to make a choice and take action swiftly and with a firm determination, you are bound to succeed.

5. Be A Go-To Person

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There is always room for someone who helps others solve their problems. A person to whom people can turn for assistance, advice, and support. Having a history of solving problems with your expertise, knowledge does make people want to know you. Make yourself stand out by establishing your credibility as a reliable expert skilled in producing top-quality work whether it is in your professional or personal field. We are not saying you should always put others’ interests above yours, but an approachable and comfortable personality can make you easily likable.

6. Being Authentic

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Being authentic and unique will always be noticed. Being who you are isn’t as simple as it seems. There is a lot of social pressure to conform to your personality. People often consider being nice as being fake! The path to authenticity begins with looking within and determining which values are most meaningful for you. It is also about accepting your flaws while living your daily life without any fear.

7. Helping Others

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Make yourself known and help others. When we put in a real effort to help others, we also gain positive feelings and joy in return. If you are given a chance to help people, give it all. Giving back to the community in your own way can take many forms, like sharing your knowledge, experience, or even monetary donations. It could be as easy as taking a moment to listen to someone and then offering an encouraging word.

8. Having A Good Attitude

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Your attitude can affect you and the people you connect with. Becoming pleasant and having an optimistic attitude and outlook on life can help one be noticed and build more lasting relationships with people. A positive attitude includes more energy and motivation to finish your goals and more joy, and it gives you strength to face everyday problems and helps you become friendlier.

Additionally, you are grateful for the positive experiences that you experience, and you can find solutions more frequently rather than getting bogged down by problems and shortcomings.

9. Dressing For Success

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The saying, “Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have.” works perfectly for people to give you the recognition you want and deserve. Dressing smartly will help you be noticed, and it also helps you reveal your personality through your appearance. However, don’t be too uptight with your dress code, it can be an indication to some that you only follow set rules and don’t quite think outside the box. Even though perceptions differ, dress smart and nice, but not like a no-smiling business person.

We know how challenging it is for a shy person to come out and get noticed, but that surely helps to make friends. The next time you have to go to a public outing, we hope these tips will come to use. If you are a natural-born mingler, these would be imprinted on the back of your head easily. Just remember, always be yourself instead of putting on a fake persona. It’s as real as real gets! Do you have any secret to being the magnet of the crowd? Let us know in the comments below.

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Indrani Karmakar
Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer
Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and doodling.

Read full bio of Indrani Karmakar