My Take On How You Can Never Age (Mind, Body, And Soul)

Written by Shivani K • 

Aren’t we all worried about how to keep our bodies healthy? We are constantly thinking about eating right, exercising every day, and getting enough sleep. We all know this drill and how it works as a whole. But, what we forget to understand is that above all this, the most crucial thing to do is to take care of ourselves as a “whole being”. It’s not just limited to our body — it’s about creating a balance between your mind, body, and soul. Even our mind and soul need to be embraced with all its imperfections, we need to give the mind and soul enough care and attention to keep ourselves healthy.

Lately, I’ve been on the duller side of life. Everything seems to be dull and gloomy. Although I confess that it might have to do with lack of sleep, a part of me has convinced myself that it isn’t all about the lack of sleep. I crave to wake up with a smile, feeling all refreshed in my mind and ready to take on the new day as it comes. And ever since I’ve been craving this, I’ve been doing a lot of research on how to reach that happy state of being as a whole. And, I’m sharing my thoughts about it with you all. Here’s what you need to know to keep your mind, body, and soul as fresh as the daisies:

Challenge Your Mind

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Mindfulness is extremely vital to practice if you want to infuse calmness in your life (1). Just think about it. If you’ve landed yourself a job that doesn’t require you to think much you will naturally start off with those wavering, pondering thoughts that will eat up your peace of mind. This will drain you eventually. Just like any other physical part of the body, the mind also needs to be exercised every day. Our mind needs to be challenged.

I realized that we humans forget that we are holistic beings. And if we don’t take care of our emotional well-being, it directly affects our physical health. So, write down your thoughts on a paper, empty your mind out so that it can feel refreshed too. Practice yoga for the mind and meditate if you find it helpful. I engage myself in reading all things good and bad.

Nourish Your Soul

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In the process of finding a balance with body, mind, and soul, I’ve understood that, of the three, it is our soul that we all tend to ignore the most. Only a soul that’s tended to with utmost care can make one feel happy from the within. The only way to tackle a disturbed soul is to handle your mental exertion better. Now, this mental exertion depends from person to person. We all know that stress in life is unavoidable and we find multiple ways to get stressed. But, there are quite a number of ways to avoid it as well. Here are some ideas I tested for a healthy soul. You can try these to see if it works for you too:

  1. Socialize: Irrespective of whether you’re an introvert or one of those raging extroverts, the connection that you maintain with people has a direct link on your mental well-being. In fact, statistics show that those who socialize better, live a long and fulfilling life (2).
  1.  Explore The Nature: The nature has a solution for everything wrong in our lives. We get to learn, understand and realize many of the life’s virtues through nature. Going on treks, or just sitting simply by a river gazing at its flowing beauty helped me to calm my mind and find answers to all my problems. If there’s any place solitude feels right, it’s when you’re one with nature.
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  1. Embrace Spirituality: Spirituality helps in nurturing your soul in the best way (3). Most of us are always on a lookout to find our inner self and our purpose in life. Perhaps, a spiritual exploration is all we need. It certainly helped me.
  1. Learn Something New: It’s important to always challenge our inner self and push ourselves to learn something new. So, continue to work on your personal growth in areas you have always wanted to explore. Watch TED talks, read inspiring books, meet inspiring people, and keep learning.
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  1. Declutter: Make it a weekly ritual to de-clutter your surroundings. Get rid of the objects around you that occupy space and promote negativity (especially that wardrobe of yours that’s turned into a storage unit).

Create A Better You

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Okay, this doesn’t mean you have to turn your life upside down and change everything. It’s simple. You need to start making little changes to help you become more you and to help you be comfortable in your own skin.

No matter which road you take, embracing all of you is the only key to your happiness. Learn to nurture your body, mind, and soul together and you’ll find yourself falling in love with yourself even more.

Have you ever been on a find-yourself-journey? Which way did you take? Leave your answers in the comments below.

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