4 Reasons I Am Absolutely In No Rush To Say ‘I Do’

Written by Shivani K • 

Seriously, I’m absolutely in no rush to get married. First of all, let me start this article by mentioning a little disclaimer that I, in no way, form or shape urge people of my age to not get married. All I want to advocate is to do what makes you happy! And if saying ‘I do’ and getting into a marital relationship will help you achieve that, then, go for it! However, that’s definitely not me and I’ll tell you why.

I see people around me in a rush to get married. Lots of women, especially. Almost everyone who’s of my age is dead-set about finding their ‘ideal’ man, buying a house with him, and then starting their own family. Well, that’s great, really great, but just for them. I find myself eons away from being able to even think of that. I’m not saying I’ll never settle down, but I definitely won’t do it today or anytime soon. I’m utterly, and really happy, and in love with my unpredictable way of life currently. If you still think I need to reason out my decision of not getting married right now, here are a few reasons.

1. I Am Comparatively Young

 I Am Comparatively Young
Image: Shutterstock

At the age of 20, I’d already outlined how my life would look like ten years down the lane. I had jotted down a timeline for getting married, for having my first baby and so on. Now, at the age of 25, I’ve had a lot of instances in my life that has made me realize that life is fickle; and that it certainly doesn’t work the way you want it to. But, hey, that’s what makes life great, right? It’s unpredictable!

I’ve realized that the years I’m living now, these twenties are the best time of my life that I’ll cherish forever. I’ve learned to take risks, to get out of my comfortable cocoon, be spontaneous, and take life as it comes. So, I love my job, my family that keeps me sane, my insane friends, my pet dog, my red wine, and my little hood (my apartment). This is my idea of a happy life right now. And I don’t need a significant other to barge into my life to make it look complete. I find solace in living like this, without a partner.

2. I Understand What ‘I Do’ Means And Therefore, I Know I’m Not Ready For It Yet

I Understand What ‘I Do’ Means And Therefore, I Know I’m Not Ready For It Yet
Image: Shutterstock

The main reason why marriages don’t last long these days is that people just don’t understand the actual meaning of it. I’m so sure that people who are my age have a completely wrong idea of marriage. Or it could be that they simply don’t view marriage as a permanent vow that is cast is stone. People my age look at marriage as if it was a solution to all of their on-going problems. They think of it as a legal document that grants them access to the hallway of happiness.

But you see, it’s clearly not that. You need to be ready to share your entire life with someone. It’s like splitting your perfectly functioning life into equal halves and sharing it with a significant other. And I’m clearly not ready for that.

3. I Don’t Want To Do It For A Social Media Post

 I Don’t Want To Do It For A Social Media Post
Image: Shutterstock

I guess this needs to top my list of reasons for not getting married. Like seriously, what were you thinking when you posted a picture of your ring on social media even before informing your parents that your guy just proposed to you. Now, don’t be shocked. I’ve known real stories like these. How many of you, single people out there face a dilemma every time you open your Facebook account and see someone’s status change to ‘engaged to’ or ‘married to’?

Many people out there agree to get married just because FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a real thing. See, people love weddings, it’s a celebration of love so who wouldn’t love it anyway. But what they fail to realize is that a wedding is very different from a marriage. And I don’t obsess over how my wedding would look, I believe in the reality of it, and therefore I’m in no rush to face that reality anytime soon.

4. I Haven’t Found ‘Him’ Anyway

I Haven’t Found ‘Him’ Anyway
Image: Shutterstock

I suppose I don’t even have to explain this reason. I’ve not met a man who would want me to make permanent decisions in life, who would make me think that settling down with him is the best thing to do in life. I’m definitely in search of him. And when the time is right, I shall say the word ‘Yes’ to both my wedding dress and him. Until then I’m going to live my life my way, unapologetically.

Don’t you think I make sense? What do you think, when is the right time to say those words? Leave your answers in the comments below.

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