7 Important Full Body Winter Care Tips To Keep In Mind This Season

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

As winter arrives, it brings with it both thrills and chills. But along with this it also brings us a host of skincare problems. Dry skin and heavy dandruff are often a common skincare and haircare problem that plagues many during these chilly months. So how do you ensure that you get through winter with your supple summer skin and fresh hair intact? Well, it will involve following an intensive winter skincare regimen religiously. Remember, just rubbing creams and lotions onto your body is not going to be enough, you have to dress the part too. Here are seven winter care tips that will help you brave the weather:

1. Facial Oils Are A Must

Facial Oils Are A Must
Image: Shutterstock

If you’re someone with oily skin, you’re probably wondering why we’re asking you to apply oil to your face but hear us out. Facial oils are perfect for winter and contain anti-aging properties that help keep your skin taut and supple. They also moisturize more intensely than lotions, making them the perfect ingredient to incorporate in your skincare regime. For people who have dry skin, virgin olive oil is the best product to use. Those with oily skin can make use of sweet almond, tea-tree, or even grapeseed oil. This can work even better than a night cream during winter.

2. Bath Salts Are Important

Bath Salts Are Important
Image: Shutterstock

During the season of winter, it is completely advisable to make use of bath salts instead of regular scrubs. They provide your skin with a nice glow and exfoliate all the dead cells efficiently leaving your skin supple and healthy. You can drop a few sprinkles into your bucket or if you’re lucky enough to have a bathtub, your bathtub. This would provide you with some relaxing and stress relieving effects as well as healing a tired and sore foot. One of the best things about bath salts is that they don’t drain the skin off moisture. This is one warm and fuzzy way to beat winter chill.

3. Moisturize Your Lips

Moisturize Your Lips
Image: Shutterstock

The skin on your lips is a lot thinner than the skin on the rest of your body. During winter time it is essential that you keep your lips moisturized and apply a balm every time you feel your lips drying up. The only rule with lip balms is that you use them liberally. It’s a smarter idea to use a roll on balm rather than a pot balm for hygiene purposes. You can use a natural homemade scrub like lemon and sugar on alternate days to get rid of dead skin cells. Just ensure you don’t use too much lemon or your lips may sting.

4. Make Use Of A Hand Cream

Make Use Of A Hand Cream
Image: Shutterstock

Your hands deserve some love too! After all they are the first part of your body that you use to interact with the world around you. During the winter season, your hands can get dry super fast. Due to frequent handwashing (thanks to the current pandemic), your hands will be getting dry faster than they usually do. Make sure you pick up a hand cream that contains milk as a key ingredient. At night, massage your hands with almond oil, olive oil or even coconut oil to keep them smooth and healthy. It’s always a better option to go for a gentle hand wash over using soap to wash your hands.

5. Start Giving Yourself A Hot Oil Hair Massage

Start Giving Yourself A Hot Oil Hair Massage
Image: Shutterstock

One of the best things to do to protect your scalp during the winter season is to massage warm or hot oil onto your scalp. Not only is this relaxing but also a super effective treatment for shiny and super bouncy hair. Always mix oils to get the maximum benefit out of them. You can heat and mix certain oils like olive, coconut, almond, and castor oil together to achieve the best effect. Make sure you oil your hair before every hair wash and leave it on overnight or at least for an hour before you wash it off to get the best benefits.

6. Soak Your Feet In Hot Water

Soak Your Feet In Hot Water
Image: Shutterstock

One of the most relaxing and efficient ways to get rid of cracked feet is to mix some salt in a bucket of water and soak your feet in it. This also helps if you have tired and sore feet. You can add a few drops of lemon, eucalyptus or even lavender oil into the water. Use this time to practice self care or catch up on your favorite books and just sit back and relax. You can purchase a scrubber to help you get rid of the dead skin cells. Once you’re done with this process, you should use a foot cream and wear woolen socks to protect your delicate feet.

7. Try A Fruit Facial

Try A Fruit Facial
Image: Shutterstock

You’re probably wondering why we’re asking you to mash a bunch of fruits together and slather it on your face, but we swear it’s a great idea! You can mash up fruits like apples, avocados, grapes, papayas, oranges, and even bananas together to make a thick mask. Leave the mixture on your face for fifteen to twenty minutes for the best results. Finally, wash off the pack with a splash of cold water.

Winter will go wonderfully if you take good care of your skin and hair and ensure that you’re taking all the necessary precautions. Considering we’re facing winter during a pandemic, we need to be even more careful than we would be on average. Tell us if you agree with our tips and if they were of help to you in the comment section below.

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