7 Wonderful Ways In Which Consuming Prunes Daily Will Benefit Your Health

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Despite not being extremely popular, prunes are actually a magical fruit that can provide your body with a multitude of benefits. They can help you lose weight, keep your bones healthy, improve blood circulation and speed up your digestion and metabolism. The dehydrated fruit is full of robust and nutritious vitamins that will provide your body with the energy and nutrition that it needs. And what’s more, just six of these tiny fruits a day can be enough to give you all the necessary health benefits that you could possibly need. Considering the benefits this fruit has to offer, we thought it would be a good idea to outline just how great it is for your body through this article. So, read on to find out why you should add prunes to your daily diet, today:

1. Supports The Basic Functioning Of The Human Body

Supports The Basic Functioning Of The Human Body
Image: Shutterstock

Prunes are enriched with potassium and are a great way to add the dose that you need to keep your diet pristine. Potassium is a nutrient that is necessary to help the body function smoothly and can even help prevent many diseases. Potassium helps keep your bones strong and healthy and can also aid the healthy growth of your muscles. A daily intake of about 4,300 milligrams of potassium is recommended and so you should definitely eat more potassium dense foods like bananas and leafy greens (1).

2. They’re Great For Your Blood

They’re Great For Your Blood
Image: Shutterstock

Prunes are a great source of iron and can help drastically improve the quality of your blood and its circulation. Many women suffer from anemia and iron deficiencies due to the process of menstruation and hence it’s a good idea to consume a lot of iron rich foods. A lack of iron in the diet can lead to many conditions and problems such as extreme fatigue, complications with pregnancy and even lung or heart problems (2).

3. They Support Your Digestive System

They Support Your Digestive System
Image: Shutterstock

Let’s be real. Most of us struggle with our stomachs and often suffer from common digestive ailments like constipation, indigestion, and diarrhea. Well, the lack of fiber in our diet is probably the cause of this. Fear not, prunes are here to your rescue. Prunes are packed to the brim with soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is exactly what your gut needs to stop lazing and get up and get moving. Prunes also contain an ingredient known as sorbitol which acts as a natural laxative that can help stimulate bowel movements in your body. However, don’t go overboard and eat more than 6 dried prunes in a day or else you might end up spending a little too much time on the pot (3).

4. They Can Help You Lose Weight

They Can Help You Lose Weight
Image: Shutterstock

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should supplement your exercise regime with eating prunes but you should definitely consider adding them to your diet. Since they contain a massive amount of fiber, they can help keep you feeling full longer. This makes them the perfect post workout snack. Whenever you feel like you might be super drained after a grueling sports or exercise session, pop open a box of prunes and feel your energy get replenished (4).

5. They Strengthen Your Bones

Our bones are our essential support systems and with the lifestyle that we lead, they are often prone to damage and weakening. It is essential that we keep them nourished and strong so as to avoid expensive medical bills in the future. Those who are at the risk of suffering from osteoporosis, especially those who are older and women who are past menopausal age are more likely to experience a loss of bone density. Many recommend people who are more at risk of developing the condition to eat prunes daily as that might prove extremely beneficial for their bodies (5).

6. They Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

They Can Help Lower Blood Pressure
Image: Shutterstock

If you are someone who suffers from high blood pressure and are looking for ways to control it, then look no further. Prunes are a wonderful fruit to aid in the treatment of high blood pressure and have been shown to reduce blood pressure. Although high blood pressure has no visible symptoms, it can increase the risk of one suffering from kidney disease, heart issues or other problems in the body. If you are someone who struggles with high blood pressure, it is advisable to consume healthy and nutritious foods like dried fruits like raisins, berries and nuts (6).

7. They Can Give You A Vitamin Boost

They Can Give You A Vitamin Boost
Image: Shutterstock

Prunes are filled with essential vitamins that can really aid your health and give you the essential nutrients that you need to protect your eyesight and promote healthy growth. They are a great source of Vitamin A (beneficial for eyesight), Vitamin C, B6 as well as K which are all essential for the smooth functioning of one’s immune system. To add the cherry on top, prunes are also rich in other essentials like copper, manganese and iron (7).

All said and done, it is up to you whether you want to consume prunes or not. For many people, dried plums are an acquired taste and we understand that completely. However, after reading this article, we’re sure we’ve convinced you to try adding it into your diet. Do let us know if you enjoyed reading up about the benefits of consuming prunes in the comment section below.

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