It’s Time We Let Go Of These 7 Outdated Beauty Standards

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

We are not even exaggerating when we say, beauty standards and fashion statements are ever-evolving. What might seem like a trendy outfit today, might look like a cosplay outfit from the past few years down the road. Don’t believe us? Think about the low-waist jeans and glitter eyeshadows you thought would never leave the trend! However, beauty standards are not as harmless as fashion statements. Trying your best to fit in unrealistic beauty standards can damage your health and self-confidence. In this article, we have mentioned some outdated beauty standards that we need to let go of. Read on to know them all!

1. Flat Belly

Flat Belly
Image: Shutterstock

The societal obsession with having a perfectly flat belly has long perpetuated unrealistic body ideals. It has placed immense pressure on people to conform to a one-size-fits-all image of beauty.

But deep down we all know our bodies are a reflection of our unique genetics, lifestyles, and histories, and they should be celebrated for their individuality. We must shift our focus from striving for an arbitrary ideal to embracing body positivity and self-acceptance. So it’s time to let go of this outdated beauty standard and foster a culture that appreciates the beauty in everybody, irrespective of the shape or size.

2. Fuller Lips

Fuller Lips
Image: Shutterstock

The recent surge in the popularity of fuller lips, often achieved through cosmetic procedures, has fostered unrealistic ideals among many. It has also perpetuated the notion that there’s only one form of beauty. Plump lips are not the sole definition of beauty, and the pressure to conform to this standard can be both emotionally and physically taxing. We should focus on redefining beauty to encompass all types of lips, whether they’re naturally full, thin, or anywhere in between.

3. Perfect Body Shape

Perfect Body Shape
Image: Shutterstock

For far too long, society has imposed unrealistic ideals, promoting a narrow, homogeneous image of beauty that often leads to body shaming and self-esteem issues. The truth is that beauty is subjective and diverse. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and each should be celebrated for its uniqueness.

It’s time to reject the harmful narrative that one specific body shape is superior to all others. It’s time we shift our focus from chasing unattainable standards to embracing body positivity and encouraging everyone to love and appreciate their bodies just as they are. In doing so, we can foster a more inclusive and compassionate society that recognizes the beauty in everybody.

4. Flawless Complexion

Flawless Complexion
Image: Shutterstock

It’s high time that we liberate ourselves from the rigid beauty standard of an even complexion. Society’s fixation on flawless, perfectly uniform skin tones has contributed to the global skincare industry’s obsession with skin lightening and blemish concealment. Our complexions are a reflection of our heritage, experiences, and individuality, and they should be celebrated in all their diversity. Instead of striving for an even complexion, we should focus on achieving healthy, radiant skin and embracing our skin’s natural variations.

5. Bushy Brows

Bushy Brows
Image: Shutterstock

The recent obsession with full, bold eyebrows, often achieved through cosmetics or microblading, has placed undue pressure on people to conform to a singular image of beauty. The truth is that our natural eyebrows play a significant role in defining our unique facial features. Rather than striving for a specific brow thickness, we should celebrate and embrace the diversity of brows, whether they are naturally thick, thin, or anywhere in between.

6. Sparkling White Teeth

Sparkling White Teeth
Image: Shutterstock

Our teeth, like any other part of our body, come in various natural shades, and their color is influenced by factors such as genetics, diet, and overall oral health. Instead of fixating on the artificial ideal of perfectly white teeth, we should prioritize dental health, which includes maintaining strong and well-cared-for teeth. It’s time to shift our focus toward celebrating diverse smiles and promoting a culture that values natural beauty.

7. The Absence Of Cellulite

The Absence Of Cellulite
Image: Shutterstock

It is long overdue that we break free from the oppressive beauty standard of the absence of cellulite. The pursuit of perfectly smooth skin has led to the perpetuation of unrealistic ideals and the promotion of unhealthy practices in the beauty and fashion industries. Cellulite is a natural and common occurrence, affecting individuals of all body types and sizes. Rather than striving for an unattainable ideal, we should celebrate the diversity of our bodies and focus on embracing our unique features.

The time has come to liberate ourselves from these outdated beauty standards. We need to focus on celebrating individuality, diversity, and self-acceptance. Women all over the world are advocating for a more inclusive and authentic portrayal of beauty. As we move forward, let us continue to encourage a culture that values self-confidence, inner beauty, and the freedom to be our genuine selves.


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Indrani Karmakar

Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer

Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, full bio

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