There Are 8 Kinds Of Souls! Which One Are You?

Written by Shivani K • 

We all know that when light passes through a prism, the dispersion results in a beautiful array of the VIBGYOR colors (violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red). In the same manner, when the supreme source of all beings (God, the supernatural power, or the Tao – whatever you side with!) casts its wakefulness in this chaotic world, what comes out are eight different types of individual souls.

We all believe that each one of us has our own unique role to play in this world. And we don’t get to pick the role, it’s a choice made by our soul’s intuitions — a choice that drives us to evolve and become something in our lives. Our entire journey is shaped by our soul and its choices. Our soul is a spark of conscious energy — a spiritual chunk of us. It is known to be made by the amorphous universe even before our earthly journey began.

There are eight kinds of souls. Eight different essences that reflect each individual’s role once we come into existence. Read on to know which type of soul you could mostly be!

1. The Shaman

The Shaman
Image: Shutterstock

They depict the wise and old souls. A shaman soul can form a soul-to-soul connection with everyone. Talking to them heals you of your worries. Their advice is most sought after and respected. Being around a shaman will fill you with positivity. The shamans believe that everything in this universe, even the tiniest elements, are alive and carry information for us. They help us to connect with the spirit, the consciousness, or the energy from within us.

2. The Server

The Server
Image: Shutterstock

The primary trait of a server is that s/he is a natural caretaker. They are gentle souls, always on a lookout to find people who are in distress and help them. They are known to ease the sufferings of the people and the world as a whole.

But, the servers are often taken for granted and abused for their excessive generosity. These kinds of souls are usually found to be in the public service, the medical service or even the political services. They have motherly qualities and emit vibes of harmlessness.

3. The Warrior

 The Warrior
Image: Shutterstock

They define all things active and challenging. With hard angular features, the warriors are forever ready to take down any hurdles that come their way. They believe in working hard towards their goals. And they are the embodiments of courage, strength, and determination. Nobody dares to bell the cat in them because of their vicious nature.

4. The Artisan

The Artisan
Image: Shutterstock

They live up to their name. You will find them 24×7 with an urge to create something new and interesting (in fact, they just want to create anything). They thrive in fine arts and they have a creative juice that can be flown in any direction. Their creations could vary from mere writings, poems, handicrafts or even the intellectual stuff like scientific theorems.

5. The Sage

The Sage
Image: Shutterstock

Sages define charm. They emit a charisma that entices almost anyone and everyone. If they aren’t receiving the desired attention, they end up being a tad bit dramebaaz. Hilarious by nature, they never miss an opportunity to crack a joke. That being said, they are naturally blessed with the gift of the gab and are constantly found sharing their wit and wisdom.

6. The Scholars

The Scholars
Image: Shutterstock

Scholars are curious souls. They go on adventures — the intellectual ones! All they want to do is to indulge in their knowledgeable pursuits. When it comes to emoting, they are a big thud. You cannot possibly look them in the eyes and fall in love – their cold gaze might annoy you! Acquiring as much knowledge as possible in this lifetime is their sole purpose to live. We can find them as teachers or folks in the field of education or research.

7. The Priest

The Priest
Image: Shutterstock

Priests are motivational souls. They love channeling their inner strength and fill others with their wisdom. People find them attractive because of the simple life they lead. But, beware! They can be immensely preachy. Nevertheless, they have a potential to rehabilitate a soul and urge people to live a positive life. They are the ones who belong to the group of motivational speakers, spiritual healers or the life coaches in society.

8. The King

The King
Image: IStock

They are unwavering in nature — always focused and will never abandon any task that has been taken up. These souls are not meant to be followers; they lead people on their own terms. Their problem-solving capabilities give them a dominating and authoritative position in other people’s lives. They are perfectionists and always focus on the big picture. In the real world, you’ll find them in the government or politics.

You and I are one of these. Your soul is the innermost being of who you are. We could be a mix of two or three souls too, but one particular soul’s traits are predominant. Which soul type are you? Share this with your friends, maybe they will know your traits better than you!

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