7 Lies We Tell Ourselves Almost Everyday

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

Ever been lied to with such a sincere face that you believed it to be true? Well, we live in a world where every piece of truth comes with terms and conditions. So, it’s not even surprising when you realize you have been fooled into believing something that is an absolute lie. However, before pointing fingers, it’s time to reflect on the lies we feed ourselves every day. Yes, it’s a hard pill to swallow, but we do lie to ourselves! In this article, we have made a list of a few almost-harmless lies. Read on to know more!

1. I’m Okay

I'm Okay
Image: Shutterstock

How often do we find ourselves responding with a simple “I’m okay” when someone asks how we’re doing? This is a common response even when we’re not feeling okay at all. Society has taught us to mask our true emotions, to put on a brave face even when we’re struggling inside. It has become a reflex, a way to avoid burdening others with our problems. But by constantly brushing aside our feelings, we deny ourselves the opportunity to address them and seek the support we truly need.

2. I’ll Do It Later

Procrastination is a habit many of us struggle with. We often tell ourselves we’ll tackle that task or pursue that goal later, under the illusion that it will be easier to handle in the future. But as time passes, “later” never seems to arrive, and we’re left with a growing pile of unfinished business. The truth is that delaying any task only prolongs our stress and anxiety.

3. Buying Things Will Make Me Happy

Buying Things Will Make Me Happy
Image: Shutterstock

We are bombarded with messages every day that equate happiness with material possessions. Advertisements promise that the latest gadgets, fashion trends, or luxury goods will bring us joy and fulfillment. But the truth is far from it! While acquiring new things may provide a temporary boost in mood, true happiness stems from experiences, relationships, and personal growth.

4. I’m Too Busy

In today’s world, busyness has become a status symbol. We wear our packed schedules as badges of honor and boast about how little time we have for ourselves. But the truth is, busyness is often a choice. It is a reflection of our priorities and time management skills. While it’s important to be productive and pursue our goals, constantly filling our days with activities can lead to burnout and exhaustion. It’s essential to prioritize self-care and create space for rest and relaxation amidst our busy lives.

5. I’ll Start Eating Healthy Next Week

I'll Start Eating Healthy Next Week
Image: Shutterstock

How many times have we told ourselves that we’ll start eating healthier or exercising more next week? We convince ourselves that a future date holds the key to our transformation, while we continue to indulge in unhealthy habits in the present. But the truth is, there’s no better time to prioritize our health than right now. Waiting for the perfect moment only perpetuates our current behaviors and delays positive changes.

6. I Can’t Change

Many of us fall into the trap of believing that our circumstances or innate qualities determine our potential for change. We convince ourselves that we’re stuck in our ways, incapable of breaking free from ingrained habits or overcoming challenges. But the truth is, change is always possible. While it may require effort, dedication, and resilience, we have the power to transform our lives for the better. Whether it’s learning a new skill, breaking a bad habit, or pursuing a long-held dream, embracing the belief in our capacity for change opens up a world of possibilities. By adopting a growth mindset and taking proactive steps towards self-improvement, we can unlock our full potential and create the life we desire.

7. I’m Not Good Enough

I'm Not Good Enough
Image: Shutterstock

Self-doubt is a common struggle that many of us grapple with. We often underestimate our abilities and compare ourselves unfavorably to others. This leads to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. But the truth is, we are worthy and capable of greatness. It is important to remember that our worth is not determined by external achievements or the approval of others.

Each of us has unique strengths, talents, and potential waiting to be realized. By practicing self-compassion, cultivating confidence, and embracing our imperfections, we can overcome feelings of self-doubt and recognize our true worth. When we learn to value ourselves authentically, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and empower ourselves to pursue our dreams with courage and conviction.

The lies we tell ourselves in our daily lives often hold us back from pursuing our true potential. By recognizing these falsehoods for what they are and embracing the truth, we can break free from limiting beliefs. Let’s challenge the lies that hold us back and embrace the truth that sets us free!

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Indrani Karmakar

Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer

Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and...read full bio

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