“Period Feast” Gives It Back To The Yogi: 28 Menstruating Women Cook And Feed Deputy CM And 300 Other Attendees in Delhi

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

The internet decided to go on a rampage after Swami Krushnaswarup Dasji, a yogi, claimed that women who cook food while they are on their period will be reborn as “Kutri”. As dumbfounded as his statement made us, we were left even more astounded by the fact that this isn’t the first time women have been period shamed. In a college in Bhuj, Gujarat, 68 young women were left embarrassed as authorities forced them to strip down and “prove” that they weren’t menstruating.

Considering how speaking about menstruation is still a taboo in most parts of the world and women who are menstruating are treated unfairly, it’s only fair that we start talking about it now. In Nepal, women who are on their period are forced to live outside their homes in little huts called “menstrual huts”. However, not everything is negative as women are now taking matters into their own hands. On the 23rd of February, an NGO based out of Delhi organized an event they called, “Period Feast” to take a firm stance against the stigma that menstruating women cannot cook. 28 menstruating women cooked and served 300 attendees, one of whom was the Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia (1).

A Befitting Reply To Period-Shaming Yogi

A Befitting Reply To Period-Shaming Yogi
Image: Twitter

The 28 menstruating women behind the feast were wearing aprons that stated: “I am a proud menstruating woman” as they cooked the delicious meals. Those who attended the feast were asked to put their signatures on a pledge that stated they would stand in support and help dispel negative myths associated with menstruating women. During the event, a street play was also organized to dispel certain superstitions associated with menstruation. The guest of honor, Deputy CM Manish Sisodia was quoted as saying, “In today’s scientific day and age, there is nothing pure or impure about menstruation, it is a natural biological process that should be taken as it is”.

One of the women who cooked for the feast was a young college student. She stated that the feast was a befitting answer to the people who think menstruating women who cook will be reborn as “bitches”. The lady stated that there is no place in our country for such illogical superstitions. The entire event was focused on the concept of preserving the dignity of a menstruating woman and protesting against negativity that is spread by religious leaders like Swami Krushnaswarup. The organization, Sachhi Saheli, took a vow to raise its voice against the misconceptions that are associated with menstruation and break the silence.

A noted feminist activist named Kamla Bhasin was also in attendance at the event. She stated that she condemns the actions and thoughts of individuals who stigmatize and curse the very same blood that gave life to them. She stated that the feast was an appropriate answer to all the misogynistic comments passed by the yogi and people like him.

The Unfair Treatment Of Menstruating Women

In the incident mentioned prior, 68 Students of Shri Sahjanand Girls’ Institute (SSGI) in the town of Bhuj, Gujarat were asked to strip down. The women were asked to take off their underwear after a hostel warden accused two of the students of entering the kitchen while they were on their period. When netizens found out about this incident they were enraged and concerned for the safety of the young women. What was even more infuriating was the fact that the college is run by followers of Swami Krushnaswarup Dasji. The “Swami” had said, “A menstruating woman who cooks food for her husband will certainly be reborn as a ‘kutri’ (bitch).” According to the swami, this is what ancient scriptures state. The man didn’t just stop there, however, and proceeded to insist that men learn how to cook as well for all the wrong reasons. He then went on to make claims that if a man eats food cooked by a menstruating woman, he will be reborn as an Ox in his next life.


Image: Shutterstock

Taboos surrounding menstruation in India are not uncommon. However, what’s ridiculous is that even in this day and age, some backward-minded people are under the impression that menstruating women should not cook. Women menstruate up to 7 days every month until they’re about 50 and it’s something very natural and more importantly essential for human reproduction. Period taboos have unfortunately placed the burden onto women and what’s even more problematic is that women themselves perpetuate the stereotypes. The only result of a menstruating woman cooking your dinner is that you’ll be left with a full tummy and a happy grin on your face. Let us know your thoughts on this matter in the comment section below.

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