9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years
Last Updated on

If you’re someone who has puffy eyes on a regular basis, then you might consider changing your diet. Apart from the amount of time you spend hitting the sack (we mean to sleep, get your minds out of the gutter!), the type of food and your dietary content can play a massive role in the eye bags present under your eyes. If you find yourself waking up in the morning with terrible eye bags under your eyes, no matter how good your sleep must have been, your diet might just be the main culprit. If you feel like no matter how much water you drink, you just cannot get rid of those pesky puffy eye bags, here are a couple of foods that might be causing them. Consider skipping these food items in your next few meals and see the difference it makes to your skin:

1. Junk Food

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

Even if you don’t add excessive salt to your junk food, you know that junk food has a high level of sodium content – nearly 2000 milligrams per meal! This is more than what an average person should be consuming during the day. To counteract these excessively high sodium levels, your body will retain water, which will lead to you suffering from inflammation (1).

2. Tomatoes

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

Tomatoes are a fruit that belongs to the deadly nightshade family, and it contains solanine which may lead to issues related to puffiness and inflammation. While it has not been scientifically proven, those suffering from certain inflammatory diseases such as arthritis have noticed significant changes to their bodies after they have decided to eliminate it. So if you’re suffering from puffy eyes regularly, consider getting rid of tomatoes from your diet (2).

3. Eggplant

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

Eggplant is another nightshade vegetable that contains the chemical solanine. No matter how much you enjoy the succulent vegetable, it can cause puffiness and inflammation thanks to the chemicals present in it. Hence it is a good idea to try cutting the vegetable out of your diet for at least three weeks to notice a significant change in the puffiness levels of your eyes (3).

4. Hot Peppers

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

Chilies, habaneros, and jalapenos are all members of the nightshade family and can thus be a significant cause of your puffy eyes. But not only this, but hot peppers also contain an ingredient known as capsaicin which is a compound that can cause the tissues in your body to burn or become inflamed. So, of course, this also includes the area around your eyes (4).

5. Canned Foods

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

If those chickpeas and black beans you are eating came from a can, then they might not be as healthy as you may think. It would be best if you rinsed them thoroughly before you decide to cook them. Canned foods like chickpeas contain a lot of sodium as it helps preserve them during the canning process. This leads to health issues, and swollen and puffy eyes are just one of them. Cleaning them will help get rid of the excess sodium (5).

6. Wheat Bread

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

If you are someone who is intolerant to gluten or allergic to wheat, eating products like pasta, bread and noodles can cause you to wake up feeling heavily bloated. It can also cause you to suffer from puffy eyes. Hence, it’s a good idea to swap the wheat with lettuce wraps and see if this can help depuff your under-eyes (6).

7. Dairy Products

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

Cheese, milk, and yogurt are all inflammatory foods and can cause swelling if you are allergic to them. Many people end up suffering from lactose intolerance, and it is more common than you could imagine. So if you are someone whose metabolism cannot handle dairy products, it’s a smarter option to steer clear of them to make sure you don’t suffer from unnecessary bloating. So skip out on the dairy, and you might find the puffiness under your eyes subsiding (7).

8. Excess Sugar

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

Let’s be honest; we all love sugar. It’s almost addictive, and for many of us, cutting sugar out of our diets might feel like the most challenging things we can do. Unfortunately, sugar can be one of the most inflammatory foods you can consume. Although sugar can cause inflammation all over the body, it is the most visible around the eyes as the skin in that area is thin and hence more prone to swelling. Even artificial sugars and sweeteners are equally dangerous when it comes to causing bloating. So start swapping out your sugary desserts with fruit, and you might wake up feeling much more refreshed the next day (8).

9. Salty Chips

9 Foods That May Cause Your Eyes To Get Puffy
Image: Shutterstock

Everyone knows that a diet high in salt can increase one’s risk of suffering from heart diseases, heart failures, stroke, and many other heart-related conditions. So eating fried food like salty chips can be terrible for your overall health and might increase your risk of suffering from heart disease, inflammation, and many other issues. The excessive sodium content in your diet can cause your eyes to get super puffy and swollen (9).

If you switch to healthier alternatives to the foods we have mentioned, you might notice that your eyes have reduced in puffiness, and you aren’t suffering from inflammation. If you found this article informative, you should definitely consider sharing it with others! Let us know all of your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Niharika Nayak
Niharika NayakBA (Media & Communication)
Niharika has a passion for all things art, music, and travel and has over 4 years of experience in writing for social media. During her spare time, she likes experimenting in the kitchen, playing video games, and hanging out with stray animals.

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