9 Ways To Curb Feelings Of Loneliness If You Are Isolating Alone

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

While maintaining physical distance has definitely lessened the impact of the spread of the virus, it has taken quite a toll on our mental health. Many of us live away from our friends and family, and due to this, we’re probably going through intense feelings of loneliness. If you are going through terrible feelings of loneliness and you feel like you have nobody to talk to you, you can do a couple of things that might help. From drawing to joining an online class and learning a new language, here are nine things you can do to curb feelings of loneliness when you are isolating:

1. Understand The Difference Between Being Alone And Feeling Lonely

Understand The Difference Between Being Alone And Feeling Lonely
Image: Shutterstock

Being lonely and feeling alone are two entirely different things. Loneliness is caused by a level of isolation that can cause damage to your mental well-being. You can work independently, live alone, travel alone, and still be at total peace with yourself. Loneliness can hit you in an entirely different way. It will often lead you to feel like the odd one out in certain social situations, and that can lead you down a painful road. The effects of loneliness can often make it harder for you to establish solid connections with others. And at times when you feel most vulnerable, it might make you feel like you have no safe place in terms of emotional support.

2. Stay Connected And Plugged In

Stay Connected And Plugged In
Image: Shutterstock

Technology can make it easier to stay in touch with people without being present physically. Friends, family, and loved ones are often just one phone call away, that is, unless you live with them. If you feel like you’ve been out of touch with those you were once close to, now is an excellent time for you to reconnect with people. Social media can serve its purpose in many more ways than one, and you have a better chance at establishing a connection if you have something in common with those you are interacting with.

3. Attend Virtual Social Gatherings

Attend Virtual Social Gatherings
Image: Shutterstock

Since we cannot go out to meet new people, why not try to meet new people online? The internet comes with the benefit of an online community. And there are tons of communities from plenty of different walks of life online. Many of these communities are available to the public for free. Start by finding Facebook groups that align with your interests and hobbies. Many communities host gatherings that are virtual and are highly active now.

4. Volunteer Virtually

Volunteer Virtually
Image: Shutterstock

Have you ever been looking to contribute to something much bigger than yourself? Well, now is the chance for you to make it happen! There are plenty of ways to pay it forward without leaving the comfort of your home. Helping others around you can help take your mind off loneliness and shift your focus towards the greater good.

5. Speak To A Mental Health Practitioner

Speak To A Mental Health Practitioner
Image: Shutterstock

There is a lot that therapy can do to improve your mental health. A professional therapist can equip you with all the tools that you need to cope with loneliness. There are also apps out there that can help you with that. These apps and online sessions can be as effective for your mental health as in-person therapy.

6. Reach Out To Those Around You For Support

Reach Out To Those Around You For Support
Image: Shutterstock

If you’re someone who has dealt with symptoms of long-term loneliness for weeks, months, and maybe even years, physical distance can be very inconvenient. If you are currently struggling with these symptoms, please take advantage of any resources that may be of help to you.

7. Keep Yourself Busy By Learning Something New

Keep Yourself Busy By Learning Something New
Image: Shutterstock

Now is the best time to pursue a hobby or even something that you have always wanted but could not do or didn’t have the time to do before. If you are someone who enjoys learning things with others, you could even join a virtual class and pick up some new tricks. You could join a class for drawing, join guitar classes or maybe even join a virtual choir.

8. Start Reading More

Image: Shutterstock

Books certainly make for the best of friends. If you are someone who is an introvert, then we guarantee that there has been a time in your life where all you cared about was reading books, and they were great company to keep. Not only does reading help increase your knowledge, but it also helps you connect with others. You can even join an online book club and share some fun anecdotes you may have picked up from books.

9. Don’t Compare Your Life To Others

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Telling a loved one that you trust about how you are dealing with feelings of loneliness can help, but it can make it easier to do this if you have had time to relax and chat first. It would be best if you remembered that people might only share the good things that are happening to them on their social media. Hence, it is essential to avoid comparing yourself to those around you as this can just lead to you feeling lonelier. You can never be too sure of what others are going through.

In the end, the only way for you to seek help is if you accept that you are lonely and seek help. If you seek out help, that is the only way for you to deal with your feelings. Do let us know if you have ever dealt with feelings of loneliness or if you are currently going through it now in the comment section below.

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Niharika Nayak

Niharika NayakBA (Media & Communication)

Niharika has a passion for all things art, music, and travel and has over 4 years of experience in writing for social media. During her spare time, she likes experimenting in the kitchen, playing video games, and hanging out with stray animals. She has a bachelor's degree in media and communication from the Manipal Institute of Communication and aspires to...read full bio

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