A Pinch Of Baking Soda Can Change Your Life!

Written by Chandrama Deshmukh • 

As Indians, all of us would have heard of baking soda. It is almost a ubiquitous kitchen item that can be found in all kitchens irrespective of which part of the country we are in. But did you also know that apart from being used as an ingredient in food items, it has a host of other benefits as well? We did a bit of digging around, and these are the various ways that we came across in which baking soda can be used for benefiting our health. Some of these will blow your mind!

1. To Make Your Body Sports Ready

1. To Make Your Body Sports Ready
Image: Shutterstock

Unbelievable, right? Even we couldn’t digest this one, but it turns out that consuming a capsule of baking soda actually helps in enhancing an athlete’s performance. Who would have thought!

2. To Clean Your Hands

All you need to do is add baking soda to water in a 3:1 ratio, and you have a completely homemade and absolutely affordable hand cleanser. It works just like soap and even rids your hands of odors.

3. To Relieve Acidity Related Problems

3. To Relieve Acidity Related Problems
Image: Shutterstock

If you are being inflicted with severe pain because of gas, ulcers or even indigestion, all you have to do is mix half a teaspoonful of baking soda in half a glass of water and drink it. Do this no more than 7 times a day (or 3 times if you are over 60), and you will get relief very soon.

4. To Help Get Relief In Case Of Insect Bites Or Poison Ivy Rashes

The next time your child comes crying to you with an insect bite or rashes, try giving them a thick paste of baking soda mixed with water instead. Not to consume, but to apply to the affected area. Sometimes, just applying the powder also helps.

5. To Fight Body Odor Without The Help Of Chemical Deodorants

5. To Fight Body Odor Without The Help Of Chemical Deodorants
Image: Shutterstock

Just add a pinch to your bath water or apply the powder directly to your underarms. You will be surprised by how effectively it fights body odor. And it doesn’t even cost a bomb like all the deodorants in the market!

6. To Help De-Stress

In case you’ve had a hard day and need a nice relaxing bath, look no further than your kitchen cabinet. All you have to do is add baking soda and apple cider vinegar to your bath water, and just soak in all the goodness. Add a glass of wine too, if that helps you relax more! And apart from de-stressing you, it also cleans up the bathtub, so all the more reason to do this!

7. To Remove Splinters

7. To Remove Splinters
Image: Shutterstock

If you have a small child who is overly curious about things, then you may have faced this situation sometime in life where you’ve had to remove splinters. Sometimes husbands too can come to you with the same problem! What do you do then? We suggest – yes, you guessed it right – baking soda. Just add a tablespoon of it in a glass of water and soak the area with the splinters. In a couple of days, the splinters will fall out by themselves.

8. To Soak And Exfoliate Your Feet 

Sometimes, all we need is a pedicure. But thanks to our busy schedules and never-ending commitments, a trip to the salon becomes almost impossible. On those days, just add baking soda to warm water and soak your feet. We suggest three tablespoonsful in a small tub. For exfoliation, just use it in its powder form and scrub your feet with it. This is the best way to treat your feet without visiting the salon.

9. To Treat Sunburns

9. To Treat Sunburns
Image: Shutterstock

Sometimes, a holiday at the beach can be disastrous, especially if you forget to pack your sunscreen. And we all know how painful a serious sunburn can be. An immediate way to find relief is to soak in a bath saturated with baking soda. Alternately, you can also dip a towel in a saturated baking soda solution and apply on the affected areas.

10. To Brush Your Teeth

While this really helps in killing unwanted bacteria in your mouth and also in whitening your teeth, it is not advisable to do this too often. That being said, baking soda mixed with sea salt can do wonders in removing plaque from your teeth. Mix baking soda and sea salt together in a 6:1 ratio and blend them together. Apply this to your teeth and gums and let it stay for 15 minutes then rinse.

11. To Whiten Your Teeth

11. To Whiten Your Teeth
Image: Shutterstock

One interesting way to achieve this is by adding baking soda to crushed strawberries. Apply this mixture on your teeth for best results. But like we’ve mentioned in the previous point, do exercise a bit of restraint and don’t go overboard with treating your teeth with baking soda as it can corrode your teeth.

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