12 Plants That Help In Creating A Positive Environment In Your Home

Written by Tanya Arora • 

“Home is where the heart is” is probably one of the wisest sayings of all times. It’s the only place where you can escape the ugliness of the outside world and cocoon yourself in a blanket of calm and comfort. However, with the increasing negativity and stress these days, even your heavenly abode can get polluted! Which makes ushering positivity back into the homely sphere the most pressing need of the hour.

The simplest way to do that is to put gloves on your green fingers and bring home a bunch of plants that can change the aura of your house into that of a peaceful and positive monastery!

Here are 12 plants that’ll bring forth positivity into your home:

1. Jasmine

Jasmine has been held in high regard since time immemorial and is even considered to be sacred in Iran! The plant’s fragrant flowers help increase your self-confidence levels, make your relationships stronger, and even set the mood for romance. Jasmine can also help you get dreams that come true!

2. Rosemary

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If your sole purpose is to purify your house, you won’t find a plant better than rosemary to do the job. Rosemary can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, instilling an inner sense of peace in you. This Mediterranean plant also keeps negativity at bay and is best planted at the entrance to your house.

3. Lily

Having a lily in your home is a blessing as it serves many purposes. Firstly, it helps in alleviating all sorts of personal issues whether they be physical, spiritual or emotional. Keeping lilies in your bedroom also creates a conducive atmosphere for sleep, so you can wake up fresh every day!

4. Sage

Image: Shutterstock

Sage not only promotes your wellbeing but is also a handy ingredient for multiple dishes! Additionally, this magical herb can elevate your consciousness and take it to the next level. The essence of sage makes you more spiritually aware. In fact, burning sage can purify your home, freeing it of all sorts of negativity.

5. Ivy

Your home will be full of fresh air if you plant ivy in your house! This beautifying plant helps cleanse the atmosphere of your house by eliminating toxins. It also brings good luck if you place it outside or near the entrance of your house. Ivy can help strike a balanced atmosphere in your house.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera
Image: Shutterstock

If you want to purify your house and beautify your skin, aloe vera is a must-have plant! Full of healing properties, you can grow aloe vera even in artificial light, which means you don’t have to worry if your house has a closed aspect. This plant can help you ward off bad luck and negative vibes too!

7. Basil

Holy basil has been worshipped in India since ancient times and with good reason! This herb gives off plenty of oxygen and helps fight the toxins in the air, all the while drawing good vibes to your home. It also has medicinal properties and you can use it on your skin or drink it in the form of tea to cure several common ailments.

8. Orchid

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A beautiful and exotic plant, an orchid is what you need if you have trouble sleeping. Since orchids can help manage the energies when you snooze, it’ll be wise to keep them in your bedroom. Orchids can even help spice up your bedroom life; in fact, it was used extensively to heighten romance in ancient China!

9. Oregano

Another essential kitchen ingredient for all your Italian dishes, oregano is much more than just a flavor enhancer! This herb can help create an environment of love, happiness, spirituality, and peace in your home. It can also strengthen your family ties and repel negativity while attracting positivity.

10. Lavender

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Fragrant and exotic, lavender can relax your soul and your senses whenever you need it the most. Lavender brings forth a sense of stability in a person’s life and helps in treating common maladies such as headaches, depression, insomnia, and more. Lavender can even bring clarity to your thought process if you add it to your bath.

11. Rose

Considered to be the most beautiful flower and a messenger of love, a rose can heal you and the environment around you! This sacred flower removes negativity and flushes out toxins, making way for passion and love in your life and your heart.

12. Money Plant

Money Plant
Image: Shutterstock

A plant with several names – from hunter’s robe to golden pathos – the money plant is widely used in Feng Shui to magnetize good luck and wealth. This plant purifies your home by increasing the oxygen supply and reducing anxiety and stress. Since this is a creeper, it’s best to plant it in an area where it can climb freely.

Potting plants in every corner of your house is an easy and expensive way to maintain its sanctity and ward off any sort of evil spirits. So, get gardening and make your home green, pretty, and pure!

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