11 Powerful Signs That Show You Share Great Chemistry With Your Partner

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

When you hear about romantic love, dating, and couples, the first thing you probably think of is “chemistry”. Yes, chemistry is one of the founding pillars of a relationship and is absolutely essential for the couple’s future. You’ve probably read about chemistry in books and seen it in plenty of romantic films, but have you ever wondered if you share it with your partner? If you aren’t sure exactly what we mean when we say chemistry, it’s that special feeling you feel that draws you to a person and helps create a natural glow between the two of you. In fact, it’s pretty easy to tell if you have chemistry with someone from the first date itself. So without further ado, here are eleven signs that you share great chemistry with your partner:

1. You’re Comfortable Being Yourself Around Them

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Having good chemistry with your partner does not mean that you have to throw yourself at them all of the time or showcase PDA. Many people expect to feel their hearts pounding and think they’ll have butterflies in their stomach all the time, but this is not always the case. If you share good chemistry with someone, you’ll feel totally comfortable being yourself around them.

2. You Can’t Stop Laughing And Smile In Their Presence

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Another sign of good chemistry is being able to laugh and smile around someone. If you’re around your partner, you should crack a smile, and their laughter should be contagious. This shows that you are happy to be in your partner’s company. If you feel like you’re always bored around your partner or that your partner doesn’t make you smile as often, then that’s not really a good sign.

3. You Share A Sense Of Familiarity With Them

You Share A Sense Of Familiarity With Them
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Have you ever met someone who you absolutely hit it off with immediately? While a solid feeling of recognition doesn’t always occur, when it does happen, you feel really special. Having that feeling when you are with your partner is always a good sign. You can always guess what’s on their mind even if they don’t say it. This sense of camaraderie and telepathy is enough to make you feel close and familiar with your partner.

4. You Notice The Smallest Things About Them

You Notice The Smallest Things About Them
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You probably notice when your partner makes a change or even parts their hair in a different way. It does not only apply to physical changes. You can spot the slightest change in the way they talk, behave, or how they respond to you. If you are interested in someone, you would notice the most minor changes and remember things they may have said and told you. If you feel a certain type of chemistry with someone, you may pay more attention to them.

5. Your Partner And Your Have A Similar Sense Of Humor

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Of course, this does not mean that you and your partner should both have the exact same sense of humor, but if you can laugh over certain things, it’s a good sign. Most couples who have a similar sense of humor think alike and have similar witty banter. That is the best way to get rid of small fights and keep each other entertained. It is perfect to get rid of boredom.

6. You Often Lose Track Of Time When You’re With Them

You Often Lose Track Of Time When You’re With Them
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One of the most significant signs of having great chemistry is losing track of time when you are with or around your partner. If you feel like you lose track of time when you are with your partner and that everything around you disappears, then that’s a sign that you may be meant to be. This goes back to the point of feeling completely at ease around your partner. It simply means you always have a great time when you are with your partner.

7. You Learn New Things From Them

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Chemistry isn’t just about being physically and emotionally attracted to your partner. It comes in many forms. You will know that you share good chemistry with your partner if they push you to be the best version of yourself. Compatible couples constantly challenge each other and try to help improve the other’s lives. Couples with great chemistry feed off of each other’s energies and grow as individuals too. You may explore a side of yourself that you thought never existed. The drive to learn new things and become better as a person is also a testament to your swoon-worthy relationship.

8. You Respect Each Other’s Boundaries

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If you are talking about a sensitive subject, and your partner doesn’t push to get more information, that’s a good sign. If you want to take things slow and they don’t push you to get physical with them, that is also a good sign. They should respect your need for alone time every now and then, and you should do the same. If your partner understands, accepts, and protects your boundaries, then there is hope for your future with your partner. In the end, best friends make for superb relationships.

9. Your Partner And You Share Similar Interests

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Sharing similar interests with your partner doesn’t have to mean that you watch the same kind of films, play the same type of video games and eat the same cuisine. It could mean that you and your partner are open to trying what the other person enjoys. If your partner is a huge sports person and you are more of a video gamer, you could try including your partner in the game or join them in a football game they may want to play.

10. You Don’t Share Any Awkward Silences

You Don’t Share Any Awkward Silences
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When you share good chemistry with someone, nothing will feel forced. This includes awkward small talk. If you and your partner can sit together and be utterly silent without forcing a conversation, that’s a sign that you have fantastic chemistry. Even if you are not out on some fun adventure or partying, simply sharing a meal together or sipping coffee together in silence shows you reach your zen self without feeling conscious of the other person.

11. You Crave Their Touch

You Crave Their Touch
Image: Shutterstock

If you notice that you always want to be physically close to them and that you two enjoy getting physical with one another, that is a good sign. Of course, this does not mean that you have to mate like rabbits, but it means that you enjoy being cuddled with, giving your partner pecks on the cheek, and more. Being physically compatible is another vital aspect of a healthy relationship that has good chemistry.

And there you have it, eleven signs that show you have great chemistry with your partner. Of course, even if you don’t have all of these signs in your relationship, that’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes, it takes time to build chemistry between a couple. For some people, it takes time to adjust to their significant other due to individual differences. But what matters is how they reach a comfortable point as time passes. Do let us know all of your thoughts on this article in the comment section below!

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Niharika Nayak

Niharika NayakBA (Media & Communication)

Niharika has a passion for all things art, music, and travel and has over 4 years of experience in writing for social media. During her spare time, she likes experimenting in the kitchen, playing video games, and hanging out with stray animals. She has a bachelor's degree in media and communication from the Manipal Institute of Communication and aspires to...read full bio

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