10 Things It’s Recommended We Quit Doing To Visit Doctors Less Often

Written by Tanya Arora • 

Visiting the doctor is a nerve-wracking experience for most. You already know you’re going there because something’s wrong and a bad news is just lurking around the corner. In fact, there’s a term for it! Iatrophobia can be defined as a fear of doctors and it is actually a real thing (1).

If you dread visiting the doctor so much and wish you wouldn’t have to do the same as often as you do, you really need to take care of your health. That’s the only way out. While staying active and steering clear of addictions is one way to keep yourself healthy, there are a handful of very precise things you can do to ensure you don’t have to see the doctor often. Let’s dive in and find out what they are-

1. Drinking Straight From A Can

Drinking Straight From A Can
Image: Shutterstock

You got a can of diet coke and now you’re drinking straight from it. That’s okay, right? Wrong! Drinking from a can means exposing yourself to a gazillion bacteria that have nested on its lid. The can goes through a lot before you purchase it and it is exposed to all kinds of bacteria in the process. These germs can result in indigestion or canker sores (2). Either drink from a straw or pour it in a glass.

2. Keeping Your Bag On Your Bed Or Chair

Keeping Your Bag On Your Bed Or Chair
Image: Shutterstock

It could be your daily handbag or a packet of groceries – whatever it is, don’t put it on your bed or chair. Your bags are exposed to the outside environment, which means they carry a lot of germs with them. So, when you put your bag on your chair or bed, you basically transfer all those germs, onto the bed or chair. The germs can get on you and cause health issues. Leather bags are the worst (3)!

3. Putting On A Tie Everyday

Putting On A Tie Everyday
Image: Shutterstock

If your job doesn’t strictly require you to wear a tie, don’t put it on. Studies show that wearing ties can put immense pressure on your jugular vein, which in turn can pressurize your eyeballs (4). This can result in blindness or glaucoma. Besides, ties too, contain bacteria (5).

4. Having Coffee In Plastics Cups

Having Coffee In Plastics Cups
Image: Shutterstock

A coffee-to-go is usually handed out in plastic cups, which we think are clean and safe. That’s not the case though. These plastic cups contain a compound known as bisphenol A, whose quantity increases when its temperature rises, i.e. when the coffee is hot. Having high amounts of bisphenol A can cause health issues such as poor focus and low energy levels, declined cell growth and poor reproductive function (6). Instead, have coffee in glass or metal cups.

5. Eating A Salad Over A Burger

Eating A Salad Over A Burger
Image: Shutterstock

Conventionally considered to be a healthier choice, a salad may not always turn out to be as nutritious as a burger. Salads often contain fatty, greasy items such as pickles, potatoes, dressing and more. In comparison, a burger contains healthy meat and fresh veggies, making it a better option!

6. Not Sharing Household Responsibilities

Not Sharing Household Responsibilities
Image: Shutterstock

If you live with someone (partner/family/roommate), you shouldn’t take the onus of all the household chores on yourself. Doing everything on your own can increase your blood pressure and cause unnecessary stress and anger (7). Splitting the tasks and responsibilities can ease this burden immensely.

7. Making Google Your Doctor

Making Google Your Doctor
Image: Shutterstock

A crime we’re all guilty of, isn’t it? Try not consulting the internet for the health problems you have. Studies confirm that 80 percent of the people use the internet to diagnose themselves for their health issues (8). This can actually lead to a worsening of the condition rather than improvement. Besides, the internet can instill unnecessary fear that you have every disease. So visit a doctor instead.

8. Using Artificial Sweeteners Instead Of Sugar

Using Artificial Sweeteners Instead Of Sugar
Image: Shutterstock

Neither diet coke nor low-fat, sugarless ice creams are healthier alternatives to their real counterparts. Researchers, in fact, believe that artificial sweeteners and foods that claim to be made with artificial sweeteners or zero sugar are more harmful than natural sugar. They consider saccharin, acesulfame potassium, aspartame and sucralose to be particularly harmful (9). Stevia is the only alternative to sugar that’s recommended.

9. Breathing Wrong

Breathing Wrong
Image: Shutterstock

Did you know that 25 different techniques of breathing exist? And, there is only one right way (which babies know and follow instinctively). However, adults forget to do that and generally breathe through their chest. This technique allows oxygen to fill in the lower portions of the lungs, leading to weight gain and heart issues (10). Breathing from the belly is ideal.

10. Not Using The Toilet Right

Not Using The Toilet Right
Image: Shutterstock

Western-style toilets with seats can harm your health, according to scientists. Squatting is a better position when on the toilet as it’s effortless and reduces the chances of conditions such as hemorrhoids and diverticulosis (11). If you have western-toilet, you can keep a small bench in front of it to plant your feet on.

Saying goodbye to these habits is not going to be very tough. Besides, the advantage of going through fewer doctor visits is a major bonus! So, for your own health, quit doing these things today.

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