8 Real Benefits Of Walking That We Didn’t Expect to Be True

Written by Tanya Arora • 

Most commonly recommended as the best exercise for even the laziest of people, walking has tons of benefits! In fact, it has so many amazing benefits that most physicians and doctors like to call it a ‘wonder drug’ – the kind that heals almost every problem you have without causing new ones. That’s because the chances of injury or things going wrong on a walk are very less as compared to a run or an exercise. So your bones and muscles are very much safe! Don’t worry.

Coming back to the point, walking has more advantages than you would’ve ever thought. Let’s discover these very benefits-

1. Keeps Blood Pressure Normal

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If you’re a patient of high blood pressure, you should seriously walk 40 minutes a day! A study conducted by the Korea Institute of Sports Science found out that walking about 40 minutes every day can lower the blood pressure of those who suffer from hypertension (1). It can bring down the level of blood pressure of the affected individual by up to 5 points just after one walking session!

2. Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

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In the case of cancer, prevention is always better than cure. Walking might just be a way of preventing breast cancer. Seven hours of walking per week, which is an hour of walking every day, can reduce the chances of menopausal women being diagnosed with breast cancer by 14 percent, says the American Cancer Society (2). Walking more than 7 hours can cut it down by 25 percent. 75 minutes of high intensity or 150 minutes of moderate exercise can also help.

3. Reduces Diabetes Risk

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Once you get diabetes, you can never be cured of it. Hence, reducing your risk of getting is vital and that can be done by walking every day! A recent study proved that taking 3000 to 7500 steps a day as you walk can prevent you from the deadly iron grip of type 2 diabetes (3). Walking actually lowers your blood sugar levels.

4. Improves Body’s Vitamin D Production

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The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D. Now, a recent research suggests that walking when there’s still sunlight can increase your body’s vitamin D levels and save you from fractures and brittle bones in the long run (4)! Walking for about 15 to 30 minutes in the sun each day should do it. Just make sure you have sunscreen on!

5. Enhances Creativity

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The Stanford University recently conducted a study and found out that a person’s creativity can increase when they take a walk. Their creativity continues to be heightened for a short while even after they’re done walking (5). Interestingly, it’s not the environment that causes this creativity spike as even indoor walking can have the same result as outdoor walking. Just the simple act of walking is stimulating for the brain. No wonder people are shown walking in movies and TV shows when they need to come up with an idea!

6. Boosts Immunity

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A walk a day can keep the doctor away! At least that’s what the Appalachian State University found out (6). As per their research, walking for about 30 to 35 minutes at a moderate pace can give your immunity a boost. This easy activity can prevent you from common colds. In fact, the boost walking gives to your immunity can last for several hours after you’re done walking!

7. Controls Sugar Cravings

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Giving in to your sugar cravings may satisfy your mind and tongue but it’ll have an adverse impact on your body. To control your sugar cravings, you should take a walk! A University of Exeter study states that taking a short walk whenever you crave chocolate can help you curb that craving as well as reduce the number of sweets you eat when in a stressful situation (7). It’s not just restricted to walking though. Any other form of physical activity can also prevent you from reaching out for that box chocolate chip cookie!

8. Slows The Aging Process

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Nobody likes to get old too quick. And if that’s you too, walking can help you keep the signs of aging at bay. A long, clinical trial proved that walking is the best way to prevent mobility loss, which is the precursor of aging (8). Scientists at McMaster University also found out that walking maintains the skin tightness and can even reverse certain signs of aging (9).

Walking has a fountain of health benefits associated with it. And that’s not even the best part! The best part is that this activity is free and can be done anytime, anywhere. So schedule a slot and devote it to walking!

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