Top 7 Smart Relationship Hacks that All Newlywed Couples Must Know

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

You meet the love of your life, date for a couple of months, have the big fat fairytale wedding and are finally living that coveted happily ever after you crave so much. But what happens after Happily ever after? Just because you’re married to the love of your life doesn’t mean you’ll always get along with them. You might have disagreements or even small squabbles. You might like binging on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but he might like watching football. Sometimes deciding on things and coming to a compromise seems more difficult than usual or sometimes your partner might just be a little too busy at work. Almost every couple goes through these issues at some point during their married lives, and we’re here to tell you it’s perfectly okay to feel frustrated.

Here is a list of a few useful and straightforward tips to help you overcome the hurdles in your relationship:

1. It’s Okay To Make Compromises

It's Okay To Make Compromises
Image: Shutterstock

It’s a beautiful Friday night, and the latest Quentin Tarantino film has come out. However, it’s also sports night at your partner’s favourite bar, and he wants you to go with him and enjoy the game. Rather than spending the night bickering, or doing one of the activities and feeling like you’re going through serious FOMO, make these plans well in advance. If you know the release date of the movie, schedule it on a calendar. Or if this was just a random plan, you can ask your partner to go for sports night with his friends and explain to him how important it is that you catch the movie, even if it means going alone (Solo date night for the win).

2. Make A Couple’s Bucket List

Make A Couples Bucket List
Image: Shutterstock

While everyone should have a bucket list regardless of whether they’re single or engaged, it’s also important to set a couple’s bucket list. This could include goals you might both want to achieve like travelling to Machu Picchu or owning a house by the time you both hit 35. If that’s too much forward-thinking for your taste and you are the type of couple who goes with the flow, set smaller goals. You can keep adding things to the list individually and taking a look at it at the end of each month to decide on what to do.

3. Start Every Conversation On A Positive Note

Start Every Conversation On A Positive Note
Image: Shutterstock

Picture this; your partner has come home from a long and exhausting day at work. Rather than letting him have a five-minute breather, you decide to chastise him about not keeping his socks in place or paying the bills. Start every conversation on a brighter note and then discuss any unresolved issues or conflict.

4. Admit Your Own Faults

Admit Your Own Faults
Image: Shutterstock

As the proverbial saying goes— To err is human; to forgive, divine. When you’ve wronged your partner, be it for any issue, accepting your fault will only make them appreciate your honesty even more. There’s nothing wrong with setting aside your ego and admitting your wrongdoings. This way, you can both sit together and come up with a solution as to how to resolve the issue.

5. Celebrate The Success Of Your Partner

Celebrate The Success Of Your Partner
Image: Shutterstock

Everyone loves a cheerleader, and your partner will truly appreciate you taking an interest in their work and celebrating their success with them. Acknowledge their success, no matter how big or small it is and celebrate the good times. It may be something as small as receiving a ‘good job’ email or even your first formal date anniversary.

6. Turn Deciding Into A Fun Game

Turn Deciding Into A Fun Game
Image: Shutterstock

Can’t zero in on a vacation destination? Why not solve this dilemma with a fun puzzle or quiz? Make a list of your top five favourite destinations, and then eliminate the lists in accordance with what’s in your budget, the weather, travel time, etc. Now ask your partner to do the same with the place you have picked. Thus, you will be left with just one final destination. This deciding game can be used whenever you are stuck in a rut about anything.

7. Think Of The Ratio 5:1

Think Of The Ratio 51
Image: Shutterstock

This is an important ratio to keep in mind if you’d like your love life to start getting back on track. For every one bad thing that you list down about your relationship, write down five positive ones or five things about your partner that make you feel happy and safe. You could write these down in a personal diary or a list on your phone. Every time you feel like your partner has hurt your feelings, take the list back out and look at it. Let it remind you of everything you love about your partner and why they’re so special to you.

As they say, love is a battlefield. Only, this is a battle where both people have to ally together against the rest of the world. What did you think of these tips? Do you have any suggestions for newly-wed couple hacks? Tell us in the comments below.

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