Restore Your Thyroid Gland Naturally: Burn Fat And Activate The Metabolism

Written by Tanya Arora • 

Often, weight gain cannot just be attributed to binge eating. A lot goes on in your body that can lead to a steady or a sudden rise in body weight, and to know what’s going on, it’s best to get yourself tested medically. One of the common medical causes for an increase in weight lies in the improper functioning of your thyroid glands. So, let’s discuss how you can restore the proper functioning of your thyroid glands naturally and get your weight on the right level. Let’s begin!

What Is Meant By The Improper Functioning Of The Thyroid Gland?

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Thyroid is a gland that is located at the base of your neck. It is the seat of the production of certain hormones that can have a direct impact on your weight (1). Decreased functioning of your thyroid gland takes place when it is unable to produce the right amount of hormones, which, in turn, affects your metabolism. There are signs and symptoms that can help you determine if your thyroid is working properly or not. These symptoms include gain in weight (the most obvious one), depression, fatigue, dry skin, constipation, and poor concentration levels.

The Types Of Thyroid Diseases That Can Affect You

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The malfunctioning of the thyroid glands can lead to two diseases – hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (2). Hypothyroidism refers to an underactive thyroid gland, wherein the production of the necessary hormones by your glands takes a serious hit. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, takes place when your gland becomes overactive and produces an excess of the hormone. A common symptom of this disease is weight loss. Hence, our focus is not on this one, and we will be concentrating more on hypothyroidism in this article.

The problem with hypothyroidism is that weight loss can be extremely difficult. However difficult it may be, though, it’s still not impossible. And if you combine natural remedies with the prescribed treatment, you are on; you can see a marked improvement in your condition soon enough. The early and adequate treatment of your symptoms is quite necessary for this to work, though. Once that’s done, therapy combined with a healthy lifestyle and the right nutrition can set you as right as rain.

How You Can Bring Your Thyroid Gland Back To Normal The Natural Way 

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There are many natural remedies that can help you in your fight against a malfunctioning thyroid gland. These can help you burn that extra fat by activating your metabolism and bringing your weight back to normal. Without further ado, let’s list down all the natural ways that can help you.

1. Include Fresh Fruits And Veggies In Your Diet

Most fruits and veggies are rich sources of phytonutrients, which can help boost your immune function. In fact, an immune system gone awry is also partially responsible for the improper functioning of your thyroid gland – so boosting your immunity is actually a good idea. You will need to have foods rich in selenium for that. These include Brazilian nuts, garlic, eggs, sunflower seeds, and shrimps. These foods can also regulate your metabolism and help you shed those extra kilos.

2. Increase Your Iodine Consumption

It’s a well-established fact that iodine deficiency can lead to thyroid problems. Hence, consuming foods that are rich in iodine is of utmost importance. You have plenty of options to choose from that include but are not limited to spinach, pineapples, salads, iodized salt, algae, and sea fish.

3. Go Soy And Gluten-Free 

Both soy and gluten are bad for you if you have thyroid disease. You should avoid soy and soy-based products as much as you can. As for gluten, too much of it can bring about an increase in the autoimmune attack on your thyroid gland, thereby worsening your condition. So, it is a good idea to go gluten-free. There are certain other foods you should avoid too, such as refined foods, caffeine, sugar, and foods that contain additives, synthetic colors as well as preservatives.

4. Sit Back And Relax

Stress can worsen your condition to a great extent, and therefore, is something you should try your level best to avoid. You should make an effort to identify your stressors and then reduce them accordingly to weed out stress entirely. You can also practice stress-releasing activities such as yoga and meditation to achieve a state of relaxation. Warm baths and exercising can help as well, along with indulging in activities that uplift your mood.

You should also try to get as much sleep as you can and even include probiotics in your diet to maintain a healthy supply of gut bacteria as these things can help you fight thyroid disease. As long as you practice whatever has been listed down here (after consulting your doctor, of course), you will be able to lose all that extra fat and be the healthy, slim, beautiful you!

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