Here Are 7 Things That Can Happen To Your Body If You Overuse Hand Sanitizer

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Due to the constant instructions most of us are getting on how to keep our hands safe, we might be taking things a little too far. When the Lockdown was announced in March, many people went crazy and overstocked on items like hand sanitizers and disinfectants. This has created an increased demand for hand sanitizers and many companies have jumped on board and switched operations to manufacturing them. However, while it is essential to stay safe during this time and ensure you take all the precautions necessary, it is also important to not overuse products like hand sanitizer.

  • It Cannot Replace Handwashing


It is important to remember that no matter what happens, certain things should be washed out with handwash and water. When you handle certain food like meat, dairy, and even vegetables, you must ensure you wash your hands with soap and water. While hand sanitizers can be extremely useful when you are out in public, you must also remember that once you reach back home you should immediately wash your hands to protect yourself from the virus. If you’re someone who has to deal with animals for a living and also live with someone who is immunocompromised, you must take extra precautions to keep your hands germ-free.

  • Excessive Use Can Disrupt Your Biomes


Bacteria present on your body is not always a bad thing. Some bacteria are good for us and using hand sanitizer excessively can destroy them as well as bad bacteria. If you upset the balance on your skin, you might start to notice adverse effects occurring on the surface layer.

  • Stronger Bacteria Can Grow On Your Palms


As they say, too much of one thing is bad for you. If you overuse hand sanitizer that contains antibacterial ingredients, the bacteria on your hand can eventually develop a form of resistance to it. As much as possible, you must always ensure that you wash your hands instead of using a hand sanitizer.

  • It Cannot Effectively Clean Dirt And Grime


If there is an excessive amount of soil or sand on your hand simply using a hand sanitizer will not work. Hand sanitizer is less effective at cleaning your hands and destroying germs than hand wash and water. If you’re someone who has to deal with fecal matter or other bodily fluids skipping hand washing is a big no-no and should never be replaced with hand-washing.

  • Long Term Excessive Use Can Lead To Dryness


If you are someone who is in the habit of using hand sanitizers daily, you might notice that your palms are getting excessively dry. The alcohol that is present in the hand sanitizer can eventually lead to dryness and flaky skin. You can combat this by staying hydrated and ensuring you moisturize your hands as soon as you notice a bit of dryness. It’s a good idea to carry a pocket-sized moisturizer in your purse so you can use it even when you’re on the go.

  • Ingesting And Inhaling It Daily Can Increase Your Risk Of Alcohol Poisoning


No, we’re not joking. There is a reason why you feel lightheaded after you sniff hand sanitizer. If you’re one of those kids who tried to consume hand sanitizer as a child, then you’re not alone. However, ingesting hand sanitizer is incredibly dangerous and the ethanol in it may even lead to death. It is crucial to keep hand sanitizers away from children and ensure that they do not have easy access to the products.

  • Hand Sanitizer Might Prove Hazardous To You If You Work With Chemicals


If you’re someone who has to deal with chemicals for your job, it’s a good idea to skip the hand sanitizer altogether and stick to your regular soap and water routine. Hand sanitizer should be the furthest thing from your mind if you deal with chemicals like degreasing agents, ultra-strong cleaning, and pesticides. The combination of chemicals and liquid gel can be extremely detrimental to your health.

Sure, you might argue that using hand sanitizer is still a better option than skipping cleaning your hands all together but this isn’t always the case. While we maintain social distance from each other it is also safer to wash hands when we do interact so we don’t spread the virus between one another. Do let us know if this information helped you out in the comment section below.

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