9 Superstitions Our Grannies Told Us That We Now Know Are Ridiculous

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Grannies have always had the darndest things to say. Most of us have learned to take their tales in our stride and not take them too seriously. However, when we were younger, many of us probably believed in (and might still believe in) their superstitious tales. While he cannot deny that some superstitions are rooted in some logic, most seem to be absolutely illogical and silly. Despite us growing up, we may still avoid doing certain things out of habit because our grannies told us about some superstition related to it. So here are some fun and downright weird superstitions our grannies may have told us and the origins of some of them:

1. Black Cats Crossing Your Path Will Give You Bad Luck


Cats have played the role of a companion animal for humans since time immemorial. We’ve all heard stories of cats in our mythical books, and in ancient Egypt, cats were revered for their ability to hunt down mice and the companionship they offered. So why would anybody believe that a cat would bring bad luck, right? Well, the superstition probably arrived from the belief that black cats were used by witches. This silly belief isn’t just common in Asian countries but in Western countries as well.

2. Keeping Knives Under Your Bed Will Drive Away Bad Dreams


Some people believe in placing a knife or an onion under their newborn child’s crib as it will keep bad dreams at bay. Others believe that it may give you an insight into who your future soulmate might be. If this is the case, we totally recommend our single friends to do this (we’re just joking). The belief is said to have originated from Greece, but it clearly spread internationally since so many of our grannies believe in it.

3. A Rabbit’s Foot Will Bring You Luck


Many people believe in amulets and talismans, and you might have even spotted someone carrying a rabbit’s foot to ward off evil. Just as some people believe that garlic and crosses would ward off vampires, some believe that a rabbit’s foot will bring them good luck. This belief is said to have arrived from hoodoo, which pertains to the religious beliefs of African-American folk located in the Southern USA. This “folk magic” is a blend of European, African, and Native American beliefs.

4. Don’t Break A Mirror


Many people believe that breaking a mirror will surely doom you and make you suffer from around seven years of bad luck. This superstition arises from the fact that many people believe that mirrors are portals to another world. Others believe that mirrors hold parts of your souls in them. This belief was so strong that many people believed in covering up their mirrors while they slept or if they were not using them. Seven is considered to be an unlucky number, and hence superstitious people avoid breaking mirrors. Who wants seven years of bad luck, right?

5. Knock On Wood


The phrase “knock on wood” is usually used when someone speaks about something they are grateful for and then “knocks” on wood or touches wood to make sure that their good luck doesn’t go away. Many people follow this even today, and this superstition has followers all across the globe.

6. Cutting Your Nails At Night Will Summon A Witch


Many people believe in this superstition, and your granny would have probably asked you not to cut your nails in the evening or nighttime. This superstition probably arose from the fact that many people did not have the right kind of lighting at night, and due to this, they may have suffered from injuries and cuts while chopping off their nails.

7. Crow Poop Brings Luck


No, we are not making this up. Some people genuinely do believe that if a crow poops on you, you will be blessed with good luck, and a lot of money will fall into your hands. If this was truly the case, then people would like to keep crows as pets, right? We now know that the only thing a crow pooping on us would bring us is excessive laundry bills!

8. Hiccups Mean Someone Is Thinking Of You


Your granny might have told you that if you feel a hiccup coming your way, someone is thinking of you. So what happens when you get hiccups in a continuous row? Does this mean that the person who is thinking about you is obsessed with you? It sounds more scary than realistic, if you ask us.

9. Itchy Palms Mean That Money Is Coming Your Way


This is just silly! If you have itchy palms, you are most likely sweaty or have a fungal infection coming your way. We’d advise you not to trust your granny’s words and use the money that will magically come your way to buy yourself some hand sanitizer and soap!

There’s no denying that some of these old wives’ tales have almost been embedded in our brains and will take ages for us to get rid of and forget. As more and more people start to see the logic and use their internet access to gain knowledge and better themselves, we’ll see fewer people believing in superstitions. What old superstitions did your grannies/parents firmly believe in? Tell us in the comment section below!

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Niharika Nayak

Niharika NayakBA (Media & Communication)

Niharika has a passion for all things art, music, and travel and has over 4 years of experience in writing for social media. During her spare time, she likes experimenting in the kitchen, playing video games, and hanging out with stray animals. She has a bachelor's degree in media and communication from the Manipal Institute of Communication and aspires to...read full bio

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