Which Sleeping Posture Is Right To Reduce Your Type Of Back Pain

Written by , MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Chaitra Krishnan MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) linkedin_icon Experience: 5 years
Last Updated on

Back pain is something that most of us would have experienced at least once in our lifetime. If your job demands you to sit in front of a laptop for eight to nine hours, chances are that you’re best friends with back pain. It becomes one of the most important reasons why IT professionals and other desk job people miss their work and spend a fortune at the doctor’s clinic. The symptoms of back pain include shooting pains that go up and down your back, pain that radiates down to your leg, and pain that elevates with bending, walking, standing, or lifting.

Not all of us experience the same kind of back pain because the reasons behind the pain are often different. Very often, the way we sleep can be the culprit that triggers back pain. This is why it is vital to know the right kind of sleeping position to go for when you’re experiencing the pain. In this article, we will help you learn about the different positions that you should sleep in according to the type of back pain you’re experiencing. Read on to know more.

Neck And Upper Back Pain

Neck And Upper Back Pain
Image: IStock

Poor posture and straining of muscles by looking down at something for too long can be the reason for your neck and upper back pain. Sleeping on your back with a pillow to support your head and neck, with another pillow under your knees would be the ideal sleeping position for you. Sleeping on the back will spread your body weight evenly and it will also align your spine and internal organs. The pillows are used to maintain the natural shape of your spine during your sleep. It’s not really possible to sleep in the same position throughout the night but at least when you’re lying down in your bed or you’re trying to sleep, you can maintain this position.

Pain Along The Spine

Pain Along The Spine
Image: Shutterstock

Pain along the spine can be quite disturbing because you don’t know which muscle to rub the pain relief balm on. The pain keeps shifting from top to bottom in the area surrounding your spine. This occurs due to excess pressure on your spine. To reduce this type of back pain, sleep on your stomach with a thin pillow underneath. The pillow should cover your abdomen and upper pelvic area and it should not be thicker than 3 inches. The idea is to let your abdomen support your weight so that the pressure on the spine is reduced.

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain
Image: IStock

Lower back pain mostly occurs due to strain. However, consult a doctor if you have a family history of cancer, long-term steroid use, weak immune system, unintentional weight loss, history of IV drug use, or if the pain gets worse even after getting enough rest. If you’re experiencing lower back pain, sleep to your side with your knees slightly bent upwards and a pillow tucked between them. When you sleep to your side with your legs straight, your spine is positioned in an unnatural way and that adds extra weight to your lower back. Lifting the knees up will help maintain the right position of your spine when you sleep.

Pain In The Lumbar Region

Pain In The Lumbar Region
Image: Shutterstock

The lumbar region is located in your lower back. If you’re suffering from back pain which is in this region, you need to sleep in an inclined position. When you’re relaxing your body in this position, your lumbar region gets stretched, thereby eliminating the stress that usually falls on it. Set a few pillows and cushions behind your back so that you can sleep in the inclined position. Adding a few smaller cushions under your knees and feet will make you feel more comfortable. This position will support your spine’s natural curve, which will reduce the pain that you’re experiencing.

Pain Due To Spinal Disc And Tensed Nerves

Pain Due To Spinal Disc And Tensed Nerves
Image: IStock

You may experience a lot of pain if one of your spinal discs slides away from its natural position even slightly. Also, back pain can occur if the nerves in the region are under too much pressure due to your posture problems. Try bending your torso at a position that’s between the angle when you lie to your side and when you lie on your stomach. Now lift your knees to your upper abdominal area and keep a pillow between them if you want to. This position will help to widen the space between each vertebra and help them get back to their original position. If you’re finding it too difficult to fall asleep in this position, lie down for at least an hour in this position while listening to music.

While back pain is something that goes away with proper rest and home remedies within one or two weeks, you may need medical attention if the pain persists even after that. Also, if you have symptoms like bowel issues, bladder problems, and fever, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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Chaitra Krishnan
Chaitra KrishnanBeauty & Lifestyle Enthusiast
Chaitra has a triple main bachelor’s degree in journalism, communicative English, and economics from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru.

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