6 Stress-Related Skin Conditions You Should Never Ignore

Written by Saumya Gaur • 

Stress is our modern-day villain. No matter where we go, it is impossible to escape its wrath. But what exactly is stress? Well, stress is the feeling we get when our wedding is around the corner and there’s no sign of a makeup artist for the day. Stress is the feeling you get when you are rushing to meet impossible deadlines and nothing seems to be going your way. This sounds familiar to most of you, right?

The scenarios in the present world are extremely fast paced that it pumps us with equal amounts of stress. But not all stresses are bad for you. In fact, sometimes stress also acts as a motivator. It helps us to focus, and spurs us on to give a powerful performance in that important work presentation or in that examination. Though, right now, it is the harmful effects of stress that are up for discussion (let’s just stick to it). Stress affects your entire body, even your skin. So yes, the breakouts that you used to get during the exams, stress was your culprit. It also gives rise to a number of skin conditions. Let us have a look at what these conditions are.

1. Acne

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Surprised, aren’t we? You might have spent thousands to cure the persistent acne problem of yours without realizing that the reason for it might be your everyday stress. This happens because in response to external stress, our body produces a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol regulates the flight-or-fight response of our body, in the event of an emergency. However, it also signals our oil glands to produce more oil, making our skin very oily. This, in turn, makes it more prone to acne (1).

2. Eczema

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Certain types of skin conditions clubbed together are known as eczema (2). It is typically found in infants, most of whom outgrow it before reaching adulthood. It is characterized by the dry, itchy, and inflamed skin which has a leathery appearance. When we are stressed our body perceives a danger and it begins to produce a lot of cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones, in turn, suppress our immune system leading to the appearance of inflamed skin. Once these flare-ups appear, they cause more stress to the person thus, creating a vicious circle (3).

3. Pruritus

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Pruritus is a condition in which you feel an intense itching sensation in your body that prompts you to scratch. It is quite a common phenomenon in older adults who have drier skin. Even though it is caused by a lot of factors, this condition worsens in the presence of stress (4).

4. Psoriasis

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Psoriasis is a skin condition which is characterized by the appearance of thick white or red patches, flaking, and inflammation on the skin. It happens because the skin cells start multiplying at an unusually fast rate. As more cells are generated, the old ones are pushed deeper into the surface of the skin. These old, dead cells accumulate over time and give rise to plaques with scales on the skin (5). The exact reason why this happens is unknown though researchers think it has something to do with our immune system. However, it has been found that stress can promote psoriasis (6).

5. Hives

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At the risk of sounding repetitive, we have to inform you that stress is also a factor in the appearance of hives. Hives are red, itchy patches that appear on the skin and they are accompanied by a stinging sensation in the affected area. They often appear as a result of an insect bite or a food allergy. However, it has been proven that stress might also be a factor in the onset of this particular disorder as well as in making it worse, in case the person is already suffering from it (7).

6. Rosacea

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Rosacea is a common skin affliction that is often confused with acne. It is characterized by the appearance of flushed skin on the face. Other symptoms also include burning and stinging sensations, visible blood vessels, and red bumps. These symptoms are known to appear from time to time such that a person suffering from rosacea might exhibit them for a period ranging from a few weeks to a few months. The symptoms might subside for a sometime before reappearing again. Among several factors such as hot drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, etc. that are known to trigger rosacea, stress is also one (8).

As it must have become apparent to you by now, skin problems and stress seem to have a cyclical relationship. When you get stressed it shows on your skin, and when you get these skin issues it makes you more stressed out regarding your appearance. The best way to break this vicious cycle is to manage your stress levels effectively so that you can be the proud owner of beautiful, flawless skin. You can do so by trying and practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation etc. Indulging in hobbies and interests, making sure that your body gets enough time to rest and sleep are some of the methods by which we can manage stress. If you have some other tips to manage stress, let us know in the comments below.

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