9 Surprising Facts About How Our Brain Functions

Written by StyleCraze • 

Ever wondered how your brain works? Get ready to clear all misconceptions you have had about this wonderful organ’s working. Check for yourself how far were you correct. Here you go.

1. Multitasking Is Impossible

Multitasking Is Impossible
Image: Istock

It’s true that your brain cannot do any multitasking. While you may be pretty sure about your multitasking capabilities, the fact is, your brain is only switching over from one context to the other, and by doing this, you are reducing your brain’s productivity. By just concentrating on one task alone, you are boosting the activity of the prefrontal lobe of your brain.

2. Sleeping Is Good

Sleeping Is Good
Image: Shutterstock

Take rest occasionally while on the go in between tight schedules for short naps and sound sleep – it does improve your memory power. This is a time when your brain can actually process the thoughts it is already fed with and reorganize and restructure them into the best creative ideas possible.

3. The Brain Is More Creative When Tired

If you know which time of the day you prefer to think and plan, based on the morning larks or night owls that you are, better ignore the idea that you are good at it. The brain is more creative while you are tired, because it is more prone to distractions while you are tired, and thus, you are tempted to think out of the box. Off peak working makes you explore a whole deal of possibilities, and you become more innovative as you are less confident being over tired.

4. The Brain Shrinks When You Are Stressed

Brain Shrinks When
Image: Shutterstock

Chronic stress increases glucocorticoids and decreases the regulation of cortisol, ultimately leading to cellular changes in the hippocampus. Prolonged stress can affect the smooth functioning of our brain. So, slow down if you do not want to cause any serious damage to your brain structure. People with reduced hippocampus are more prone to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

5. Your Vision Exceeds Your Brain Capacity

Vision Exceeds Your Brain
Image: Shutterstock

Enjoy the wonderful sights around you, and let these sights dominate your thoughts. Because, believe it or not, your brain is subjugated by your eyes. If you still are not convinced, just see something (like a video tutorial) and notice that you remember at least 65 percent of it contrary to the verbal messages of the same (as in lectures or notes), because the brain decodes the verbal cues in pictures, and helps you understand them. Needless to say, audio-visual has a double impact.

6. Preference For Foolish/Careless People

Preference For Foolish
Image: Shutterstock

“Making mistakes is better than faking perfections” – this is called the Pratfall effect. We tend to love those people who goof up and commit occasional faux pas because a perfectionist is generally considered morose. Moreover, people who commit blunders are supposed to be easy-going, understandable, and more human. So relax. It’s not that bad to commit mistakes. This finding is based on a study where people preferred the participant who knocked off his coffee cup during the quiz in a survey taken immediately after the program.

7. Brain Wiring: Extrovert/Introvert

Extrovert and introvert types are determined by genetic factors, but a larger credit goes to our brain too. It all depends on the emotional stimuli that run through a shorter pathway in your brain, involving the faculties of sensory pleasures, making you an extrovert, while the same stimuli running through a longer pathway that involves memorizing, analyzing, and problem solving could make you an introvert. This explains why some people are slower and lethargic to respond to situations, however exciting, while some people need just a hint of the same for excessive excitement and vigor. The extroverts show a comparatively stronger response in the dopamine system of the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens in the brain.

8. Deceive Your Brain By Thinking Time Is Slow

Brain By Thinking Time Is Slow
Image: Shutterstock

You might feel that even 24 hours, with just two hands and two legs and one brain, aren’t sufficient to achieve all that you aspire. Well, even the feeling that you are running short of time is the brain’s activity. Don’t load your brain with too many familiar ideas because it may take only seconds to decode and process them and, at the same time, give you a feeling of being overworked. Just think you have lots of time ahead, and plan accordingly. You will feel much more relaxed and happier, and what’s more? Your work will definitely reflect that.

9. Exercises Revitalizes The Brain Power

The Brain Power
Image: Shutterstock

Exercises are good for the body and the mind too. While you do exercises, your brain reads it as stress, due to which it releases the happy hormone BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) and also chemicals called endorphins that help in protecting and repairing your memory neurons. Hence, you’ll feel even more relaxed and happy after doing regular exercises.

So, don’t worry about the future generations to come, and about the meetings missed, targets unachieved, or the deals unfixed. Less stress, regular exercises, including meditation, and proper sleep, apart from good nutritious food, are the only things you need worry about. Let your thoughts do the positive talking for you.

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