10 Symptoms Of Thyroid Disease You Should Never Ignore

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According to a news report published by a leading English daily, thyroid disorders have taken an exceptional rise in India, being the most prevalent endocrine ailment to affect people. [1] The situation is not any different from developed countries like the USA or the UK where, the count of the thyroid patients shows a steady rise, running into millions.

It is also a worrying thing that its symptoms are highly deceptive and appear to be minor, yet persistent. Most people tend to ignore it rather than addressing such nagging health problems. If not dealt with in time, it can take a toll on your physical and mental state.

Let us find out what can be the possible indicators of thyroid disorder in our bodies, and how we can save ourselves from the unnecessary complications.

1. Inflammation Of The Neck

1. Inflammation Of The Neck
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It is a very common and obvious sign of thyroid disorder. An enlarged neck is caused due to the enlarged thyroid gland. It not only causes problems related to breathing, swallowing food or liquids, but it can also result in the development of lumps, which are actually nodules which produce an excess of hormones causing hyperthyroidism.[2] There are several problems associated with this condition, like anxiety, pain, weight problems, skin issues and so on.

2. Hairfall And Thinning

2. Hairfall and Thinning
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Hair fall could be a very prominent symptom in case of both hyper and hypothyroidism. It is better to get yourself diagnosed if you observe excess hair loss.[3] Generally, such hair fall affects the entire scalp, and if not treated in time, can result in thinning or balding patches where the hair might not grow back fully.

3. Constipated Bowels

3. Constipated Bowels
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If you are suffering from low thyroid production, one of the most telling warnings could be constipation. Many times, it is overlooked as an issue related to the gut, digestion and food habits, but what people don’t realize is that low activity of the thyroid hormones can cause inefficient functioning of the digestive system and can cause a constipated bowel movement. You can read this blog for more information. [4]

4. Puffiness In The Face

4. Puffiness in the Face
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A facial swelling or puffiness can result from various factors, and hypothyroidism is one of them. It can be in conjunction with other symptoms including growing pressure on the face, puffed eyelids, lips and sometimes, even the limbs. Apart from the physical discomfort, it can hamper a person’s self-esteem.

5. Cholesterol

5. Cholesterol
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If the levels of thyroid hormone go low, the body is unable to efficiently break down the LDL cholesterol as a normal thyroid does. Such cholesterol gets accumulated in the blood. It can happen even in cases of mild hypothyroidism. This can greatly affect the metabolic functions of your body.

6. Sensitivity Towards Cold

6. Sensitivity towards Cold
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In case of underactive thyroid, you may generally experience feeling cold, when others may not report such sensation. It is because thyroid gland regulates the temperature of your body and if the body is not producing enough hormones, you may feel the chill.

7. Heavy Bleeding During Periods

7. Heavy Bleeding during Periods
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If you feel that your menstrual flow is heavier than usual, you could blame it on your hormones. This is another classic example of hypothyroidism, where lesser production of hormones causes longer cycles and heavier bleeding. It is recommended that you get yourself checked and get treated to control such hormone disruptions.

8. Putting On Extra Pounds

8. Putting on Extra Pounds
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One of the most common complaints related to the thyroid is gaining unwanted weight. Generally, it is not looked beyond the possibilities of a diet and lifestyle related problem, but the truth is that low thyroid activity results in a drop in metabolic activities of the body.[5] This, in turn, lowers the breakdown of the fats leading to more weight gain, that is difficult to shed.

9. Disturbance In The Sleep Cycle

9. Disturbance in the Sleep Cycle
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You need a good night’s rest to combat your day’s stress. But what happens if you start experiencing sleepless nights and feeling like an insomniac?

The underlying cause could be your overactive thyroid glands that release an excess of T3 and T4 hormones. Hyperthyroid activity can make your nervous system stay alert, thus depriving you of your sleep. It can also cause palpitations. The result is, you start to feel sluggish and inactive and it can affect your day-to-day activities. Here you can read about some cool tips to beat the sleeplessness. [6]

10. Excess Perspiration

10. Excess Perspiration
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You might feel awkward when your hands and body start to sweat ahead of any official or social gathering, but it is not uncommon when you are suffering from excess thyroid production. It kicks off your metabolism, and the increased body temperature makes you sweat more than usual. Apart from the embarrassment, it can lead to physical discomforts like fatigue as well as dehydration due to loss of body fluids.

These were some of the common symptoms that you may experience if you are suffering from thyroid, but don’t remain carefree even if you feel they aren’t too severe. Get yourself diagnosed if any or more of the above conditions have been bothering you. Also, being aware of the side-effects of the thyroid related disorders, optimum diet, necessary supplements and healthy lifestyle will guarantee immense benefits. The sooner you get yourself treated, the better it is for your health and well-being.

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