10 Items We Need To Stop Holding Onto

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

It’s difficult to admit to being a hoarder but the reality is that a lot of us are hoarders. There are some items that we simply can’t let go of, even when they are not of the best quality, and we cannot use them. However, keeping clutter around our house is not a good idea as it can be quite the eyesore and can even lead us to get anxious about having to constantly hide the mess. Having excess magazines, souvenirs, mugs, etc can present as too much visual stimuli for us and it even forces our tactile, visual, and other senses to not be in a state of rest. Here are a couple of items you should be getting rid of if they are occupying too much space in your home:

1. Old Jumbled Cables

Old Jumbled Cables
Image: Shutterstock

As technology progresses more and more, we tend to collect and own more gadgets and cords that come with it. A lot of us will keep old cords and wires lying around the house thinking that we can use it in the future because we hope that they will come of use someday. In the end this moment never arrives and we just end up piling up our wires till the point of them turning into a major eyesore.

2. Expired Makeup

Expired Makeup
Image: Shutterstock

Expired makeup is something that almost every makeup lover has a hard time letting go. You know the product. It’s probably an expensive lip balm you might have bought two years ago but never bothered using because it was so expensive. Or maybe you just bought a foundation and now you don’t get the opportunity to use it as much as you used to. Well, do the right thing and dump it in the trash; where it belongs.

3. Old Magazines

Old Magazines
Image: Shutterstock

Remember kids, recycling old items is extremely important! You can give these to your local “raddiwala” or paper scrapper who will even give you some money for the items. Or you can simply reuse them or use the magazines for an art or collage project.

4. Used Pens And Stationery

Used Pens And Stationery
Image: Shutterstock

If you’ve got a lot of used pens and stationery lying around your house then you can use them for an art and crafts project or just throw them out as they will simply keep collecting around your house and end up useless.

5. Worn Out Bras

Worn Out Bras
Image: Shutterstock

Worn out bras or bras that are ripping apart and looking terrible can be not only painful but also really terrible to look at. Rather than keeping around bras that are on their last lung, you can throw them away and invest in new ones. Yes, bras can be quite the investment, especially if you’re well endowed, but it’s better than forcing your sensitive breasts to ensure the pinch of a loose and misplaced underwire.

6. Unused Planners

Unused Planners
Image: Shutterstock

Rather than keeping unused planners around your house, you can gift them to someone who would actually use them. Or you can find better ways to make use of them for yourself. You can turn some of them into a dream journal, an exercise diary or a cookbook or anything else.

7. Too Many Candles

Too Many Candles
Image: Shutterstock

Having too many candles around your house isn’t just a fire hazard but is totally unnecessary. Rather than cluttering your house with candles to make it look extra cozy, you should just keep the extra candles away for later instead. Having them all over your apartment will simply look untidy and messy.

8. Expired Condiments In Fridge

Expired Condiments In Fridge
Image: Shutterstock

We all know how annoying it is to clean up your fridge. But rather than having that jar of mustard collect mold as you go forward, you should start throwing them away. After a while these bottles of condiments just end up piling on and you won’t realize when it’s time to kick them to the curb. If you have too many sauces in your fridge, you can simply give them away to your relatives or friends who might be taking a fancy to them.

9. Plastic Bags

Plastic Bags
Image: Shutterstock

Plastic is not good for the environment and hoarding on plastic trash bags is really ridiculous as they are not going to be of much use. Instead of holding onto plastic bags, you should just switch to keeping paper, jute, and cloth bags around your house. Sure, you have to pay a little extra for them but a little goes a long way and you’d be doing wonders for the environment.

10. Old Loofah

Old Loofah
Image: Shutterstock

Using a loofah can be riskier than you think. Dead skin can collect in your loofah and can even begin to collect moisture, which would make it a breeding ground for bad bacteria. If you have a natural loofah, you should replace it a little quicker than you would replace a plastic one and if you have a plastic one, it is advised to replace it every two to three months.

We know it’s often quite hard to let go, but letting go is the best option for some of these products. Instead of holding on to these products for dear life, just discard or recycle them. It’ll be better for you as well as the ecosystem. Do let us know your thoughts on this article in the comment section below!

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