Here Are 10 Reasons Why You Should Switch From Coffee To Tea

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

There are many benefits to drinking tea. It’s one of the most popular beverages in the world and is not only refreshing but also extremely beneficial for one’s health. Habitual tea drinkers will rave about the benefits of consuming the versatile beverage and try their best to convince you to switch to drinking it. Well, we’ve got a list to help persuade you further. Here are ten reasons why you should switch from consuming coffee to drinking tea (1).

1. Promotes Digestion

Promotes Digestion
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Drinking tea aids in the digestion of food. Teas like masala chai contain spices such as cardamom, clove, tulsi, and ginger which help get your digestive juices churning. Elaichi tea is said to help in increasing one’s appetite (2).

2. Lowers Your Risk Of Cancer

Lowers Your Risk Of Cancer
Image: Shutterstock

Adding spices into your chai will not just taste good but help you fight off the free radicals that cause cancer. Masala chai is said to have strong antioxidant properties that help in the prevention of cancer. Spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger have been proven to be effective in battling against certain types of cancers. Numerous studies have been conducted in that regard (3).

3. Improves Immunity

Improves Immunity
Image: Shutterstock

The spices from masala chai have antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic properties that help your immune system stay at its fighting best against common colds. Green tea also contains catechins which can help prevent certain cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and even type two diabetes. The health-promoting effects of green tea are mainly attributed to its polyphenol content particularly flavanols and flavonols (4).

4. Boosts Your Metabolism

Boosts Your Metabolism
Image: Shutterstock

The heat-generating properties of certain teas like masala chai help warm up your body and speed up your metabolic rate over time. Green tea too can help boost your metabolism and is often recommended to those looking to lose weight and get trim. If green tea is a little too bitter for your taste and literally not your cup of tea, try opting for plain black tea or masala chai instead (5).

5. Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Image: Shutterstock

When the spices in the tea are combined they form a protective concoction against a multitude of smaller infections. Ginger in particular is a very effective spice that contains a decent amount of anti-inflammatory properties that also aid in boosting immunity and can help combat any inflammation that may be present in the body (6).

6. Relieves The Symptoms Of PMS

Relieves The Symptoms Of PMS
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Chamomile tea is great for relieving anxiety and irritability in menstruating individuals. The warmth from the tea too acts as a comforting mechanism against the pain associated with PMS and periods in general. It’s a good idea to avoid caffeine and sugar during your period and stick to drinking teas like chamomile tea, green tea, or just plain black tea. This could definitely help you in reducing your symptoms (7).

7. Contains Less Caffeine Than Coffee

Contains Less Caffeine Than Coffee
Image: Shutterstock

Herbal blends of tea have no caffeine in them and traditional and regular blends of tea have less than half of the caffeine that coffee contains. Thus, while tea helps you stay alert, it doesn’t make you hyperactive or suffer from any of the effects that drinking coffee might cause you to suffer from (eg: low blood pressure, irritability, mood swings, etc). If you’re someone who can’t live without coffee, try switching to tea for a while and see the differences it makes to your routine (8).

8. It Aids In Weight Loss

It Aids In Weight Loss
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Green tea is often considered a weight-loss beverage and always marketed as such. Replacing your regular beverages with sugar-free green tea and following a good diet and exercise will work wonders for not just your body, but your skin as well. Thanks to the numerous anti-oxidant and metabolism-boosting properties of green tea, your entire digestive system will be grateful to you (9).

9. It Could Keep Your Smile Looking Brighter

It Could Keep Your Smile Looking Brighter
Image: Shutterstock

As odd as this sounds, green tea can help prevent tooth decay. Unlike many popular beverages like coffee and cola, tea does not lead to tooth decay or enamel erosion. In fact, green tea contains properties that help boost the health of your bones. There is a special type of tea called Moringa tea that is growing popular amongst young people for its medicinal properties. It contains more calcium than milk, as well as iron and the vitamins K and A (10).

10. It Can Help Soothe IBS

It Can Help Soothe IBS
Image: Shutterstock

If you’re someone who suffers from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), herbal teas like chamomile can be extremely helpful as an antispasmodic. Ginger tea also helps in reducing the feeling of nausea. Mixing the two together and drinking it would be beneficial for someone who might be suffering from discomfort related to IBS (11).

In the end, whatever your beverage choices may be, it’s always good to switch things up and try something different and new every now and then. Even if filter coffee is life for you, you should try giving tea a shot. There are many places across the country like Assam, Coorg, Darjeeling, and more that are known for their incredible tea plantations and different ways of brewing tea. Genuine tea drinkers will always tell you that brewing tea in itself and mixing the right ingredients together is a form of art. Do you agree with this list? Tell us all your thoughts on this article in the comments section below.

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