10 Things That Can Help You Understand How Strong Your Relationship Is

Written by Shivani K • 

Even the most tuned-in relationship requires effort from both ends to keep it going strong. And don’t we hate to admit that we tend to weave in doubts about our relationship from time to time? We often submit ourselves in a relationship by doing everything we can; right from its cocoon stage till the fluttering butterfly stage. But, we fail to go over the relationship with a fine-toothed comb. Is the relationship worth all the effort? Are we pushing the panic buttons unnecessarily or are we investing too much time in a relationship that doesn’t have a future?

It’s okay to question this way. Because, darling, establishing a positive partnership takes effort and time, and it certainly doesn’t happen overnight. If you aren’t sure about your relationship’s strength, or if there are tiny cracks, you could read on and find out for yourself if the cracks will make your relationship sparkle or fizzle out.

1. Discussing Future Plans Doesn’t Scare You

1. Discussing Future Plans Doesn’t Scare You
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If the term “future” creates a havoc in your relationship, it shows that you and your partner don’t quite trust each other. When the connection is strong, talking about the future plans as a couple will not create any anxiety. Know that you’re with the right person when you both include each other in your future plans.

2. Keeping The Promises

2. Keeping The Promises
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One of the common mistakes we make while making promises to our partner is that we never keep our promises. Staying true to your words in a relationship builds security and trust in your partner’s heart. Therefore, go ahead and make that promise only if you are sure about it. Being honest is beneficial for both — you and your partner.

3. Quit Controlling Your Partner

3. Quit Controlling Your Partner
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You got into a relationship with your partner because you liked their interests and their personality. Then why would you try to change or restrict your partner from being their genuine self? If your partner is trying to impose his/her view on you, or trying to restrict you from living your usual social life, you know you’re in an unhealthy relationship. You didn’t ask for a third parent, did you? Having personal space helps strengthen a relationship.

4. Having A Couple Ritual

4. Having A Couple Ritual
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We’re not talking about the wedding rituals here. Creating a couple ritual will bring you closer to your partner. You could cook together every Wednesday, take a walk together after dinner, or you could even plan small getaways every quarterly. These rituals build and detox your bond.

5. Less Of Drama And More Of Love

5. Less Of Drama And More Of Love
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A relationship needs to be peaceful, only then will it last longer. Life isn’t a movie, so don’t make it dramatic. Sober down the dose of emotions, and keep it simple. Exaggeration of love, care, or anger over petty issues should be avoided. Keep the bond simple and stay happy.

6. The Possessive Alarm

6. The Possessive Alarm
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If your possessiveness gets out of the healthy limit, it could turn your relationship toxic. While being possessive about your girlfriend or boyfriend isn’t bad, being overly possessive is bad. A successful relationship is one where both the individuals give each other enough space to live on individual terms without having any issues pertaining to trust.

7. Showing Affection

7. Showing Affection
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Never shy away from seeking affection from your partner. Although we wish they could, but your partner can’t read minds. S/he wouldn’t know when you badly need that assuring hug or a comforting kiss on your forehead. Neither should you refrain from showing affection. Holding hands, a tight hug, a small peck on cheek – they are the building blocks of connection and trust. It instantly brings a smile to your face.

8. Being Happy Together

8. Being Happy Together
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Remember that being happy together is a common responsibility for both of you. It’s important to be a good listener to your partner, this will help you understand your partner better, and together you can conquer everything that you want.

9. Being Playful Together

9. Being Playful Together
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There’s never a bad time to be playful. Involving your partner in fun activities will increase the comfort level of you both. And fun isn’t just limited to going crazy in a supermarket; it’s about teasing each other, joking around, and making each other laugh.

10. If You’re Scared To Let Go, You Have Found THE ONE

10. If You’re Scared To Let Go, You Have Found THE ONE
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Love is the most exhilarating emotion that we, as humans, can feel. And when you find yourself truly in love with someone, you will never complain. No matter how serious the outrage between your partner and you, you will find a way to make peace with it and still be in love. We do this because we are scared to lose them. And you’ll instantly know that you have met the ONE if you ever feel scared of letting them go.

For a relationship to work, understanding each other is a prerequisite. Have you ever worked on your relationship, causing it to get stronger? Do let us know in the comments below.

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