Move Over Trump! Did You Know That These Things Were Actually Said By Real Politicians In India?

Written by , MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) Chaitra Krishnan MA (Journalism & Mass Communication) linkedin_icon Experience: 5 years
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Politicians are the leaders that we choose to govern us, but sometimes they outrightly prove that they aren’t worthy of holding that power. Corruption, dirty political games, and never fulfilling promises are what a majority of the politicians today stand for and we are all weary of this fact, aren’t we? However, even some of the most educated lot among them have made shocking remarks in their speeches that we can never forget. Donald Trump is considered to be the king of such remarks and he not only “bestows” such comments on the public through his speeches but he also uses his social media accounts to do that! Nonetheless, even he might cringe at some of the remarks made by our very own Indian politicians (yes, that is the height of horror).

Well, some of the politicians who say totally unacceptable things do apologize once the media stirs it up. But there are some others who are gutsy enough to just let it be and face the public without even a bit of shame. So, before you feel proud about any of these politicians and think about voting for them the next time, take a look at these instances when they‘ve put their foot in their mouth. We won’t judge you if you laughed after reading them!

Moon Moon Sen

“They gave me my bed tea very late so I woke up very late. What can I say? I really don’t know”

Moon Moon Sen
Image: Instagram @aajtak

When the workers of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Trinamool Congress (TNC) ended up in a clash that forced the police to resort to baton charge on the crowd, this was the response of Moon Moon Sen. The incident took place in Asansol, West Bengal which was the constituency where Sen was representing TNC for the Lok Sabha elections this time. We feel sorry for the people of Asansol who voted for her.

“Virgin as per the dictionary means unmarried and pure girl”- Mangal Pandey

When questions were raised regarding a form that was issued by Patna’s Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences in which the options given to disclose the applicant‘s marital status included “virgin,” the Health Minister of Bihar himself came to their rescue. He said that the institute did “nothing wrong” when they asked the applicants about their virginity. He also added that the word isn’t objectionable. Well, it isn’t objectionable as long as you know how to use it!

Mulayam Singh Yadav

“Boys will be boys, they commit mistakes”

Mulayam Singh Yadav
Image: Instagram @socialist_shailendraydv

Samajwadi Party head, Mulayam Singh Yadav made this shocking comment in support of three men who were convicted in a gang rape case in Uttar Pradesh. According to him, girls get friendly with boys and when they have issues between them, the former declares it as rape.

This is not the first time that Yadav has made such an insensitive and misogynistic comment. In the year 2015, he had told that the law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh is much better when compared to all the other states, and that the gang rape cases are actually just one person’s crime to which his family or acquaintances get pulled into. Well, he should probably trade lives with the rape victim’s father.

Tarun Vijay

“We have black people all around us “

Tarun Vijay
Image: Instagram @prabhasakshi

Tarun Vijay who was a BJP Rajya Sabha member, made this extremely racist comment back in 2017 referring to South Indians. He was then the president of the India-Africa Parliamentary Friendship Group and was talking in an Al Jazeera show about the racist attacks in India that happened during the time.

“If we were racist, why would we have all the entire South (India) which is… you know Tamil Nadu, you know Karnataka and Andhra… why do we live with them? We have black people all around us,” he said in response to a Bengaluru-based photographer when the photographer said that he found Indians racist.

Narendra Modi

“Boldly saying that she has zero tolerance towards terrorism”, “despite being a woman”

Narendra Modi
Image: Instagram @narendramodi

Our beloved Prime Minister Narendra Modi ignited a controversy in 2015 with his sexist comment “congratulating” Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina. Despite being from a country that cherishes the bravery of women like Rani Lakshmi Bai and many other bold women leaders, Modi went on to allude that women aren’t brave enough. Well, this is just sad. He probably forgot that there are women in the army and police forces of many countries including the one that he is governing.

Satyapal Singh

“Darwin’s Theory is wrong“

Satyapal Singh
Image: Instagram @anilgalgalirti

Yes, he’s talking about Charles Darwin who plays a very important role in everything we know about evolution. Singh who was the Minister of State for Human Resource Development probably didn’t hear himself when he said that nobody “saw an ape turning into a man.” Higher education is one among the responsibilities of the post that he held. (tears)

If you are interested in reading such sexist/racist/misogynist/ irrational remarks, you’re never going to get disappointed in this country. With more and more politicians churning out comments that are nothing but painfully funny, we can’t stop but worry about the future of our nation (facepalm). What do you think was the most hilarious comment made by an Indian politician? Share with us in the comments section below.

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Chaitra Krishnan
Chaitra KrishnanBeauty & Lifestyle Enthusiast
Chaitra has a triple main bachelor’s degree in journalism, communicative English, and economics from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru.

Read full bio of Chaitra Krishnan
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