50 Things To Drop This New Year 

Written by StyleCraze • 

Another event-filled year is about to come to an end, and it is time to decide what to take forward from the year that was. 2015 had its fair share of trends that will last, and fads that are better off on the other side of December. We have compiled a list that will help you make decisions you will definitely not regret for the next 365 days.

1. Grudges

Image: Shutterstock

We all have a heart that gets hurt. People leave or scar us emotionally in a way we can never imagine. Let it all go. Grudges are so passé.

2. Anger

Image: Shutterstock

Letting go of your biggest enemy before the new year begins is a good idea. Nothing good ever came out by being angry. Breathe in and breathe out.

3. Clutter

Image: Shutterstock

It can be the things under your bed or the thoughts and ideas in your head. Decluttering is the new yoga. Help yourself.


It’s time to stop using the crutch that YOLO was. Do things that you won’t regret after 10 years. An excuse that you will never be able to do it again doesn’t justify your rash actions.

5. Vibes

Vibes were meant to be in the 70s, right where the filters were. Let them stay there.

6. What A Guy

This phrase is not only judgmental but also shows your lack of vocabulary. Someone did something hilarious, tell them how funny they are. Maybe this time in a complete sentence.

7. Extra Weight

Extra Weight
Image: Shutterstock

Leave behind all those extra pounds. You don’t need them. There is no better time than now to get those flab-free arms and thunder-free thighs.

8. A Job You Hate

Job You Hate
Image: Shutterstock

Life is definitely too short to hold on to the job you hate. Leave it before it starts eating you on the inside. A happy you will instantly lead to a happier year.

9. People Who Drag You Down

They will always be around us. Start walking ahead of them and leave them behind in their self-created quicksand pits.

10. Selfies

Image: Shutterstock

Take a moment to look around you and capture moments, not just your bloated face neck up. If you climbed a mountain, it would be a good idea to show people what you saw with your own eyes, not how you looked like a Sherpa.

11. Hatred

Image: Shutterstock

A first cousin of anger, hatred must leave the building too. We do not realize that hatred towards others will soon start turning into hatred of yourself. We don’t want that now, do we?

12. Swear Words

Use real words to describe how you feel. Not only do swear words show your lack of vocabulary and intelligence, but they also make you look like a coward.

13. Excuses

Image: Shutterstock

Excuses are like hair extensions. Once you start using them, you cannot do without them. Learn to man up for your mistakes or lack of commitment. Be brave.

14. Home Gym

Home Gym
Image: Shutterstock


We all know home gyms are a lie. They have never helped anyone and never will. Go to a gym that is bustling with energy and, not to mention, men who want to stay fit.

15. Knee Socks

Knee Socks
Image: Shutterstock

Throw them out of the window, and put some real clothes on that actually go up your waist. Don’t be trashy. You are definitely not a neglected singer on a TV show.

16. Frivolous Spending

Frivolous Spending
Image: Shutterstock

Learn to save money and say no to expenses that you don’t need to make. Saving up for a cute apartment is way better than spending on heels that are too high for you to wear.

17. Texting While Driving

Texting While Driving
Image: Shutterstock

Getting rid of the terrible habit of sending text messages while driving your car may be a great step if you want to actually make it to the next year. Value your life and that of others too.

18. Sleeping Late

Sleeping Late
Image: Shutterstock

You are not in the first year of college anymore. Sleeping late will only give you dark circles, an unproductive day, and higher risks of a heart attack.

19. Doing Things Alone

We were never meant to function alone. Which is why colleges have dorms, apartment blocks have community pools, and families should be close. All your experiences will be better when you have someone to share them with.

20. Too Much Pride

Pride never did any good to anyone. Save yourself from suffering alone. Swallow your pride and get your friends back.

21. Jealousy

You can only be successful when you make others jealous. Being jealous of other’s success will stump your growth and slow down the pace of your personal development.

22. Gossip

Image: Shutterstock

Yes, we can’t stop talking about the juicy secrets we hear about our colleagues and friends. This needs to stop. Take a leaf from Rachel Green’s book, and make it a resolution.

23. Smoky Eyes

Smoky Eyes
Image: Shutterstock

Looking like a raccoon should not be at the top of your list for the new year. Get a fresh look for a new beginning. This will also save you from the inevitable dark circles.

24. Nail Clip-Ons

Nail Clip-Ons
Image: Shutterstock


Since when did fake things become the real deal? Throw those nail clip-ons right away, and don’t ever get them back. Maybe an old-fashioned French manicure is what the doctor ordered.

25. Green Hair Streaks

Green Hair Streaks
Image: Istock

Everyone took the peacock look a little too seriously this year. There is no need to look like a distant cousin of the Green Lantern. Get your natural tresses back, and show the world who you really are.

26. Dead Plants

Dead Plants
Image: Shutterstock

Keeping dead plants in the house can lead to a very depressing atmosphere. Alive plants, on the other hand, are stimulating and inspiring.

27. Skipping Lunch

Just because you need to shed those extra pounds, doesn’t mean you start skipping lunch. Each meal is just as important, even if it means grabbing a green salad.

28. Old Clothes

Change is good, even if it means changing the way you look. You don’t need to dress like the way you were dressing in 2005. Get a new wardrobe, now!

29. Dry Shampoo

Yes, we know it works like magic, but it’s stopping you from jumping into the shower and washing your hair for real. It’s time to brave the water, darling!

30. Gifts From Your Ex

If you really are on a self-destruction spree, go ahead and keep everything with you. But, if you want to move on in the new year, say goodbye to everything your ex gave you.

31. Broken Umbrella

Broken Umbrella
Image: Shutterstock

Broken umbrellas bring bad luck. Anything broken, for that matter, should go straight in the trash. With the kind of year you had, do you really think you want more ill fate?

32. Road Rage

Drive stress-free in a calm and relaxed manner. Speeding and road rage should be controlled at all costs. There is enough danger out there in other forms.

33. Stress

Image: Shutterstock


If you wonder why you look 35 when you are actually 25, it’s because of the amount of stress you are building inside of you. Learn to meditate.

34. Mashups

Why listen to a half of two songs when you can sing to the tune of just one? Mashups need to go before we forget what originality used to be like.

35. Debts

Image: Shutterstock

Enter the new year debt-free. Not only will it reduce your stress, but you will feel happier and lighter, and you will learn to make do with the money you have.

36. Self Sabotage

It’s time you stop being your own enemy. Let life take its natural course. Don’t intervene and try to orchestrate things. Be it your love life or your diet plan. Leave it alone.

37. Ummmm

Image: Istock


Placeholders need to go next year. Not only do they make you sound unsure and underconfident, but they are also a bad habit that can almost not be cured.

38. Junk Food

Junk Food
Image: Shutterstock


Promise yourself not to eat junk like you have in the past year. Be healthy and eat food that is not frozen. Better yet, try cooking. You might kill two birds with one stone.

39. Thinking The Worst About People

Always think the best about people. If you continue thinking the worst about them, no matter what they do, it will always appear awful to you.

40. Worn Out Yoga Mat

Replace your old and ratty yoga mat with a new one. Meditation will help you only when the environment around you is clean and in a good state.

41. High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure
Image: Istock

It is amazing how even in their 20s and 30s, women suffer from high blood pressure. Eat right and think right. You have to take care of the way your heart pumps blood.

42. Gluten-Filled Diet

Gluten-Filled Diet
Image: Shutterstock


Say goodbye to gluten in the new year. You will witness an amazing change in your skin, hair, and internal well-being. This may be the best thing you can do for yourself.

43. Black Nail Polish

Black Nail Polish
Image: Istock

Black attracts so much negativity. Having this dark color or lack of it at the tip of your fingers is not going to attract the positivity around you.

44. Striped Pants

Striped Pants
Image: Istock

Vertical striped pants don’t make you look tall and thin. If you remember this golden rule, you will never make this mistake again.

45. Procrastination

Image: Shutterstock

Remember how your work piled up in the last year? It’s because you wasted your time watching the video of the cat taking selfies a 100 times. It’s time to stop doing that.

46. Reruns

If you keep watching reruns and old episodes, something you have watched over and over again, it’s going to start reflecting in your life. Watch something new, and see how new experiences come your way.

47. Artificial Flavors

Synthetic flavors harm your body in multiple ways. When you are craving for some berry flavor, try having natural strawberries and raspberries rather than having bottled jellies.

48. Seeking Approval Of Others

Image: Istock

To be happy, you need to stop making other people happy. Approval of others will still not be as good as approval of your own self.

49. Laziness

Image: Istock

No lazy bones are allowed into the new year. It’s all about doing and achieving. Get started and don’t stop.

50. Limiting Beliefs

Limiting Beliefs
Image: Shutterstock

Stop putting limitations on yourself. If you believe you can do something, you will be able to do it twice as well.

Let the New Year unravel a new and improved you. Forget the memories of the past year, and build new and beautiful ones in the New Year. It’s time to change, and there is no better time than now.

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