14 Weird Things Women Do As Soon As They Find Out They’re Pregnant

Written by Chandrama Deshmukh • 

It’s true. Being pregnant is probably the best feeling ever. And a little overwhelming too. I mean, you will have another person growing inside you for the next nine months! That’s surely something, right? And even after they have left your body, they will forever be a part of your life!

Motherhood is truly amazing. But pregnancy, probably, is the most amazing part of it. The feeling of overpowering joy that comes over you when you discover that you are pregnant for the first time is a feeling that can hardly be matched. So, it is only natural that your behavior and outlook towards life will be slightly (and in some cases majorly) altered.

But what are the weird things that women do as soon as they find out that they are pregnant? Well, let’s find out!

1. You pee on a stick and show it to everybody!

1. You pee on a stick and show it to everybody!
Image: Shutterstock

It’s actually not as ridiculous as it sounds. We’re not talking about any random stick, but a pregnancy test ‘stick’, which reveals to you for the first time ever that you’re going to be a mommy. So, of course, you’ll be showing that to a lot of people who are important to you. Chances are, you’ll also be clicking pictures of it and sending it to friends or putting it up on social media.

2. You then keep this pee-stick safely away!

As if showing the stick to everybody was not enough, in all likelihood you might even keep that little stick on which you peed as a keepsake and reminder of the most special time of your life! Just make sure that you are okay with the lingering smell of pee.

3. You start keeping a track of what vegetable your baby’s size corresponds to.

3. You start keeping a track of what vegetable your baby’s size corresponds to.
Image: Shutterstock

This is probably the weirdest thing on the list. I mean, really? Do you need to know that today your baby has become the size of a bean? But, who are we to judge? The ways of mothers are strange indeed.

4. You don’t know if you should or shouldn’t tell it to the world.

It’s one of those things that you do not want to tell anyone, and yet, you’re so happy, you can’t really not tell anyone! It’s the classic dilemma, if we may call it so. And then, of course, you have to consciously avoid drinking alcohol and such, so your friends start asking questions and it becomes even tougher!

5. You start behaving like a child yourself.

5. You start behaving like a child yourself.
Image: Shutterstock

You keep saying that you’re forgetting stuff or don’t remember things anymore because – baby brains. Well, it isn’t baby brain as much as it is a baby obsession! These days you tend to know and remember pretty much everything about your baby, but nothing much about anything else and this is most probably because you just don’t care.

6. You start using your pregnancy to your advantage.

Which is not entirely a bad thing, we must say. It’s perfectly okay to not want to do the dishes or any other chores when you are pregnant, because, come on, we all know you are the queen for the next nine months and no one is allowed to disturb you!

7. You start speculating as to what your baby will look like.

7. You start speculating as to what your baby will look like.
Image: Shutterstock

Even if it is an ultrasound photo, you will still try to claim that the baby resembles you!

8. You want to read every pregnancy book ever published.

This may not be humanly possible though, for there will be thousands of such books. But that’s okay. Like we have mentioned before, you are the queen for the next nine months and all your wishes shall be respected!

9. You want your partner also to read every book on parenthood ever!

9. You want your partner also to read every book on parenthood ever!
Image: Shutterstock

Like having a wish for yourself wasn’t enough, you now have a wish for your partner as well. And, of course, your wish has to be their command. Which is why, they also end up spending enormous amounts of time reading up, alongside you.

10. Your mailbox is full of pregnancy emails.

Not just books, you are also reading tons and tons of subscription emails because you must know everything about childbirth and babies before your baby arrives, right? Right.

11. You are emotional like never before.

11. You are emotional like never before.
Image: Shutterstock

It feels like someone has turned on the ‘tears tap’ in your eyes and you just can’t stop crying! But that’s ok. It’s the hormones doing that to you. Plus, a crying pregnant lady is probably the cutest thing ever, after babies, especially when they’re crying over the silliest things.

12. You start jotting down names.

Your journal or phone is probably filled with names and you spend hour after hour contemplating what name would suit your baby boy or baby girl the best.

13. You spend hours at shops.

13. You spend hours at shops.
Image: Shutterstock

And that too not to shop but just to stare at the absolutely adorable baby stuff there. And who can blame you? I mean, have you seen baby socks? They are so teeny and tiny and so adorably cute! Who wouldn’t want to ogle them for hours on end?

14. You keep posting pregnancy and baby stuff.

Your social media is suddenly full of pregnancy stuff or baby stuff. Be it DIY baby cribs or recipes to fulfill your cravings, it’s just baby and mommy posts that flood your wall!

Are you an expectant mother who identifies with this article? Let us know in the comments!

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