Can’t Sleep Because Your Back Hurts? Here Are Some Reasons Why It Happens

Written by Chandrama Deshmukh • 

If someone told you that (s)he didn’t sleep well the night before, chances are that the reason is back pain. Inferring purely from the numberof us speaking to people who point to it as the reason for nocturnal discomfort, back pain would appear to have become the prominent cause of sleep discomfort.

Back pain can be caused by a variety of factors; it could develop gradually over the years orbe a sudden flare-up or a circumstantial onset directly related to an activity or a health issue.

Back pain can seem even more annoying compared to other pains because it is a condition that does not allow for comfort in any position – sitting, standing, lying down, etc. When we suffer from a headache or joint pain, in comparison, it seems to us as though there are position options that will ease the pain to an extent, but with back pain it can seem relentless.

While it may just be a twitch from having not stretched properly to reach the top shelf or bending backward to retrieve something, the root and the cause of the pain must be properly analyzed in order to avoid a more serious concern later. We don’t mean to alarm you, but we would like to offer some possible causes below so that you can gain a better understanding about this and have a more informed discussion with your doctor. Remember, the spinal region and back play an active role in your daily life.

1. Excess Burden On Shoulders

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Modern day life places a lot of responsibility on our shoulders. Literally. From oversized tote bags filled with items that can see us through an entire season on Survivor to laptop bags accompanied by gym bags to head directly tothe gym, our shoulders are constantly carrying weight when they are not hunched over at the desk because of our sedentary workstyles. While this is an obvious explanation, it is often ignored with the help of a pain relief spray. Our lower back region is critical and strained when the upper body is carrying more than its fair share of weight (1).

2. Posture

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While this is linked to the previous point, it includes more than just our shoulders. Posture is also how you sit, stand, lean, balance, and lie down. For example, sitting without lumbar support or sleeping in an intense foetal position can cause pain in your lower back over a period of time. While you may feel a momentary twinge when you get up, over a period of time, this can grow into a more serious concern. Poor postures, in fact, are the best known cause of back pain (2).

3. Improper Workout Techniques

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Trying intense or even simple exercise techniques without proper guidance is a common cause of back pain than perhaps a disease. Exercise is all about balance and flexibility, and improving your body’s mechanics. If you are hoping to go from couch potato to being tomorrow’s YouTube star on fitness, chances are you that you will strain your back. Lack of overall fitness makes the back that much more vulnerable to pain. So, if you are starting to exercise, go slow and gentle and make sure that you are learning from a reputed instructor who is not just giving you advice on dropping the love handles from your tummy. Your instructor should also be able to guide you on an improved diet to handle the new demands on your body.

4. Stress

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Yes, not only can it lead to weight gain – (which can also lead to back pain, by the way) it can also lead directly to back pain. Stress management plays a very important role in ensuring better health of our bodies and mind. Speaking of weight gain, being overweight adds immense pressure to your back region as it now has to support the excess weight also. This prolongs and intensifies the stress on your back.

Taking care of yourself includes taking care of your emotions and mind and not just your diet and sleep. Stress has a direct impact on your spine and the spinal region.

Stress can also be the stress you add to the spine by constantly wearing high heels, or intense bending and lifting as may be the case for a new mother. It could also be that your mattress and pillow do not support your body structure well.

There are a multitude of reasons why your back can hurt. You need to carefully gather information on periods, duration, exact location if possible, and probable reasons why it might be hurting before you approach your doctor. It is important that you address any niggling issues promptly so that you can begin to make positive changes where required.

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