These Lines On Your Palm Will Tell You How Many Children You Will Have

Written by Tanya Arora • 

“Your destiny is in your hands. Creating the life you want is only, and always, up to you.”                                                                                                                     – Darren Johnson, Politician

So today, we’re off to a rather philosophical start even though what we are going to talk about is not exactly philosophical but still related to this beautiful quote by Darren Johnson. Especially if we focus on the ‘your destiny is in your hands’ part.

As all of us know, India is the land of astronomy, astrology, and palmistry. How palmistry can determine the numbers of babies you will have is what we are here to discuss. Walk down the streets, and you will find many babas and jyotishis sitting on a mat on the pavement with bright green parrots in tiny cages and rows of cards in front of them. These seers, or what we can also refer to as palmists, have been known to predict the futures of thousands and thousands of people, sometimes all too accurately for comfort. And believe it or not, they can also predict how many babies you may have.

While there’s no real ideal age to have a child, it’s still beneficial for most wannabe parents to have their children between their mid-20s and mid-30s. In fact, the ideal time to have a baby, if we were to pick one, would be when your biological clock wakes up one day and tells you it’s time.

Now, it’s only natural for you to have dreams and hopes regarding the number of babies you wish to have in a lifetime, and you may even plan your pregnancies accordingly. But there’s no way you can know for sure the number you will actually end up having. However, if you still want a rough idea, palmistry is the way to go. But before we tell you how palmistry can predict the total number of children you will have, let us give you a brief idea of palmistry.

How Palmistry Works

How Palmistry Works
Image: Shutterstock

Palmistry, which is also known as chiromancy, is an ancient art that focuses on the foretelling of the future by analyzing the palms of people. Palmistry is of many types and works by analysis of the palms of your hands. Professional palmists read the lines on your palm, studying their intersections and interpreting what that means for your future. Certain palmists also analyze the mounds of your hand as well as your fingerprints, fingernails, the texture and color of the skin, the shape of your palm, and the flexibility of your hands. That said, the number of babies you will have is entirely dependent on the lines of your hand according to Chinese palmistry.

The Big Reveal: What The Lines Of Your Hands Can Say About The Number Of Children You Will Have!

The Big Reveal What The Lines Of Your Hands Can Say About The Number Of Children You Will Have!
Image: Shutterstock

To determine how many children you will have, you will have to study the lines of your right hand. This technique is employed by Chinese palmists and can also help you discover the status and health of your children. Your child lines are the lines that are located at the base of your little finger. You need to analyze these lines top to bottom to know about your future children.

Curl your palm into a fist as shown in the image below, the V-shaped lines formed near the little finger could indicate the number of children you will have.

Right at the base of your thumb is Mount of Venus. If it is thick and fleshy, it indicates heightened sexual function, thereby suggesting that the number of children will be more than two. But if the Mount of Venus is flat, the chances are the number of children will be less.

If your little finger is smaller than average, and the end of wisdom lines look like a fork, you will have fewer children.

Multiple light lines on both sides of marriage line or below the little finger base, also called as Mercury area, indicates that one is unlikely to have children.

Other than the number of children, the lines on your palm could also determine the sex and health of your baby.

  • If your lines are deep and prominent, you will have a boy.

  • But if your lines are shallow, you will have a girl.
But if your lines are shallow, you will have a girl.

        • If you see forks at the end of your child lines, you will have greater chances of conceiving twins.




  • If your child line forks out towards the top into islands, the chances are that your baby may be weak and may even fall ill often when very young.

  • However, if the line forks out towards the base, then that means your children may be difficult to deal with and raise the right way.

  • If your child lines follow a curvature or are quite crooked, your child is likely to fall ill a lot and not have a good physique.

Chinese palmistry also says that both men and women who have a well-formed and deep Mount of Venus (the portion of your palm that is located right beside your thumb) are likelier to have more children. While those whose Mounts of Venus are shallow and mostly flat are likely to end up with fewer babies.

While all of this sounds like a lot of fun, you should still take this with a little bit of salt as palmistry cannot be entirely relied upon. But nonetheless, it is good to know your chances by taking a look at these ancient practices. Did you check your hand yet? What do the lines of your palm say? Let us know!

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