9 Thoughts You Have After Impulsively Blocking Your Partner During A Fight

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

If you find yourself reading this article, then you’ve probably just had a serious argument with your partner. But hey, you’re not alone! Every one of us can relate to doing the same thing or at least hovering over that button thinking of doing it. This has often been covered in the media. The show Black Mirror featured an episode called White Christmas that dealt with the future of blocking. As long as the fights aren’t too frequent, it’s totally normal to bicker every now and then. The same way as you resolve fights with other loved ones, you can resolve fights with your significant other. However, due to ego issues, you often decide to give each other the silent treatment. Here are a few thoughts some people have when they block their partners online.

1. “I Give Them 3 Days To Respond Before I Call Them Back”


“I usually give my partner about three business days to respond to my last text after a fight. If they still don’t respond, then I call them up and try to sort things out myself. However, if the fight is more serious, I ask them to meet up and discuss our issues over coffee or dinner.”

2. “Does This Mean We’re Broken Up?”


“Realistically, I know that my boyfriend and I have been together for a long time, so why would he decide to end things by blocking me? He can certainly handle things a lot more maturely when we speak face to face. I can be insecure at times so I often jump to conclusions and assume the worst out of a situation. However, my boyfriend knows how to work around this flaw and that’s what makes our relationship special.”

3. “What If They See It As A Break And Cheat On Me?”


“Okay, so my boyfriend and I keep having fights over whether Rachel and Ross from Friends were on a break or not and sometimes I worry that he might actually do what Ross did. However, we have already discussed what to do when, how and if we should ever decide to take a break from our relationship.”

4. “Um… Maybe I Shouldn’t Have Said That”


“Sometimes my girlfriend and I get so carried away with our fights that we end up saying deeply hurtful and awful things to one another. However, when we make up, we always make it a point to apologise and let the other know that we didn’t mean anything we said.”

5. “What If They Use Their Friend’s Account To Spy On Me?”


“A lot of my boyfriend’s friends follow me on Instagram and we share many mutual friends who I absolutely cannot block. I always worry that he’s spying on me through their accounts and so I try to put up really nice pictures of myself to show him what he’s missing. Every girl knows how to play the game.”

6. “I’m Starting To Miss Him, I Hope He Unblocks Me”


“After a point I start to miss my boyfriend, but I hate making the first move so I wait it out until it’s too unbearable. I usually follow a two-day rule before I give in and make the first move but that’s pretty rare. I only make the first move towards making up if I genuinely care about the person I’m dating.”

7. “I’m Tired Of These Fights Or They Might Be”


“I don’t like getting into fights with my partner very often. I feel like it’s a waste of time and it really gets on my nerves. Similarly I wonder if they too grow tired of these fights and want things to end. I think if we ever get to a point where this is a recurring occurrence, it starts to become toxic and we should probably end things.”

8. “I Should Probably Send Her An Email”


“Sometimes, when my girlfriend blocks me on social media, I like to send her a really well-composed formal email asking her to enlist her reasons for doing so. I write it so humorously that by the end of the last word, she’s already unblocked me and is calling my number. In the end it’s all about effort and taking the time out to listen to your partner.”

9. “Maybe I Should Call His Mom”


“So I’m very close to my boyfriend’s mum and if he’s blocked me and stopped responding to my messages, I just give his mom a call to enquire about him. Although some of my friends think it’s a little silly involving your parents, my boyfriend and I have been dating since high school and his parents treat me like their own.”

It’s alright to have the occasional tussle with your partner. However, it is also important to call things off when you start to notice the relationship turning toxic. In the end your mental wellness matters more than any relationship with anybody and you should prioritize that above all. Do let us know if the tips on our list helped you out.

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