7 Tips To Lose Weight With PCOD

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Recently, when star kid Sara Ali Khan made her debut on the popular talk show, Koffee With Karan, she surprised many viewers with the revelation that it was difficult for her to lose weight as she suffered from PCOD. Saying this out aloud not only made her more relatable but with this statement, she brought to light an important fact that for women suffering from PCOD, losing weight is an uphill task.

PCOD is a very common hormonal disorder that affects around 10 million people in the world. Its exact cause is not known; however, it is believed that a number of environmental and genetic factors might be at play here. PCOD affects its victim negatively on a physical as well as an emotional level. One of the many symptoms of PCOD apart from Hirsutism and emotional changes is weight gain (1). The weight gain that accompanies PCOD is not only detrimental to the self-esteem of the patient but it also put her at an increased risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea and even uterine cancer (2). Since there is no cure for PCOD, the only recourse left for people suffering from it is to manage its symptoms.

While Sara might have managed to achieve this feat successfully by losing a huge chunk of weight, there are many among us who are still struggling to do so. If you are one of those who feels demotivated or defeated while struggling with this, we have compiled a list of a few handy tips which will help you on your journey of weight loss and help you manage this disease better. Here they are —

1. Manage Your Stress

Manage Your Stress
Image: Shutterstock

Chronic stress and weight gain are two sides of the same coin. Long periods of stress cause hormonal imbalance in your body. It also tricks it into thinking that you’re not consuming enough calories. As a result, you end up consuming a lot more than what you can actually metabolize (3).

We know it’s not possible for you to avoid the stress that accompanies the everyday routine such as the stress of meeting deadlines, etc. But you can manage it by indulging in activities such as meditation, yoga, and anything else that relaxes you.

2. Get Adequate Sleep

Get Adequate Sleep
Image: Shutterstock

Yes, your snooze time has a direct correlation with your weight gain. While you may be able to get by with a mere four hours of sleep, it contributes to your inordinate weight gain. It has been found that people who sleep for about four hours a day, instead of the recommended 8 hours, experience hunger pangs more frequently (4).

So, don’t fall in this trap. Start catching up on the Zzs.

3. Make Workout A Part Of Your Morning Routine

Make Workout A Part Of Your Morning Routine
Image: Shutterstock

A lot of us opt to work out in the evening after our work hours at office, so we can exercise in peace. However, since you’ve been up for a long time by then, your body is already tired, and you are more likely to skip the workout in favor of lounging in bed.

Instead, incorporate working out in your morning routine, when you are full of energy. It will help you start your day on the right note, and you won’t be inclined to skip the gym as well.

4. Be Consistent With The Workout

Be Consistent With The Workout
Image: Shutterstock

The key to getting good results from a workout is consistency. Firstly, be aware that you can’t achieve the desired results overnight. You need to follow them consistently for a given duration to see any noticeable changes.

Therefore, avoid taking long breaks from exercising. If you plan to workout 6 days a week, then take a day off to allow your body to recover. And if you are away or traveling, try to incorporate exercises such as running or jogging in your schedule which you can do anywhere.

5. Avoid Eating Out

Avoid Eating Out
Image: Shutterstock

Since, the key to managing weight while suffering from PCOD is a change of lifestyle, eating right is crucial. Instead of ordering takeouts try preparing your meals at home. Not only will you be aware of the ingredients going in your meals, but it will also encourage you to eat right since you will be able to control factors such as portion sizes and oils used in preparation. You can even substitute high-calorie ingredients with their low-fat counterparts.

Also, this way you can avoid eating processed food which is a major contributor to weight gain, as it is very high on sugar and fat.

6. Include A Lot Of Veggies In Your Diet

Include A Lot Of Veggies In Your Diet
Image: Shutterstock

If you have a lot of vegetables, fruits, and nuts in your diet you are bound to regulate your weight in a more healthy way than when you are crash dieting (5). A diet rich in vegetables and fruits would also ensure that you get all the nutrients that are required for the proper functioning of the body. Dieting this way will reduce your risk of getting heart disease.

7. Count Your Calories

Count Your Calories
Image: Shutterstock

The simple funda behind weight loss in any circumstance is that in order to lose weight there has to be a calorie deficit. That is, the number of calories that you are spending should be greater than the number that you’re consuming. To make sure this happens, monitor what you eat carefully. Instead of skipping meals, opt for foods which have a lesser number of calories but nonetheless make you feel full. You can also monitor your calories by logging them in various apps that are available in the mobile marketplace. This will help keep you on track.

A little hard work and dedication will go a long way when it comes to losing weight when you’re suffering from PCOD. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t see immediate results. Just keep working at it. It will happen if you keep working towards it.

Do you have any other tips for losing weight with PCOD? Share them in the comments below.

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