Planning A Solo Trip? Here Are 10 Safety Tips Everyone Should Keep In Mind

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

For people who love to travel, having a solo trip can be akin to having an experience in self-discovery. You gain a certain sense of invigoration and independence when you go on a solo trip, and it is much recommended for those who love traveling. However, you need to be meticulous in your planning and factor in your safety when you decide to venture out by yourself. Regardless of which gender you identify as there are certain things that everyone should keep in mind. Solo trips can be both daunting and exhilarating at the same time. It involves taking that leap of faith and trusting yourself to be brave and stand on your own two feet. Taking that leap of faith and making the decision to travel can lead to mixed emotions. So to make things easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of ten safety tips that every first-time traveler should keep in mind:

1. Read Up On Your Location

Read Up On Your Location
Image: IStock

As a part of the planning process, you need to research and learn more about the place that you are planning to visit. This should include finding out emergency numbers, prices of essential goods, and more. This is the best way to safeguard yourself while traveling as there are plenty of locals in the area who would be out to con you. Don’t just focus on finding accommodation and sightseeing, hangout places. Consider your budget and prepare yourself to avoid getting conned. Read about customer and tourist reviews of the place and be alert at all times. Have fun, but know what you are getting yourself into.

2. Choose The Right Accommodation

Choose The Right Accommodation
Image: IStock

The most essential travel safety tips for solo travelers that most people would recommend would be to pick the proper accommodation. You need to be pretty sure of which place you are booking accommodation in and if the front desk is 24/7. The last thing that you want to do is be stuck outside a hostel or hotel and wait for them to open the gates for you. This is an unsafe situation as it’s pretty easy for a mugger or assaulter to get to you in the time that it takes for the receptionist or staff to open the door.

3. Be Confident

Be Confident
Image: IStock

The fact that you have set out for a solo adventure on your own is enough proof of your confidence. However, it’s also in your jurisdiction to keep yourself in check and not be too trusting of the acquaintances you gain in a tourist place. Meet good people, have a conversation, but never divulge your personal details just because they propose something. Learn how to skillfully avoid an offer which will give them a hint that you cannot be easily tricked. Make sure that you have a confident face at all times. Often having a lost look to you can attract the attention of a con artist or mugger. Many would even try to test how well you know the city so that they can trick you into trusting them. However, maintaining a confident face can help with any worry you may have. It’s also a good idea to hide the fact that you are traveling solo so you can avoid being tricked by con men.

4. Blend Into The Crowd

Blend Into The Crowd
Image: IStock

One of the best ways to avoid drawing attention to yourself is by blending into the crowd. There are many perks to blending into a crowd, and by doing so, you will be able to avoid being harassed or followed by strangers. This is also a great way to avoid being a target. Don’t wear clothes that stand out too much from the local crowd. That would only be an assertion for con artists. Do not go to empty or remote places at night when you’re alone. Since it’s a foreign place and you hardly know anybody, it is simply a dangerous risk to take just for the sake of enjoyment.

5. Carry The Right Identification

Carry The Right Identification
Image: IStock

If you are going to be carrying a purse, fanny pack, or a satchel with you, you need to make sure that you are storing all of your identification documents on you. Make sure that you don’t carry too much money on you and use cash as much as possible. Keep some money for cabs and other modes of public transport in an easily accessible area, so you don’t have to pause to take the cash out.

6. Ensure You Always Have Cash

Ensure You Always Have Cash
Image: IStock

Make sure that you do not carry a thick wad of cash but ensure that you have at least some amount of money on you at all times. Many touristy places do not accept cards and may ask for cash instead. You don’t want to be stuck in a situation where you’re out of cash and left stranded.

7. Share Your Itinerary With A Trusted Loved One

Share Your Itinerary With A Trusted Loved One
Image: IStock

Before you decide to head out, give a family member or a friend a soft copy of the itinerary and details of your flight. They need to have a rough idea of your movements and keep in touch while you are away. Since many people post social media updates while traveling, you must message and share the journey with friends and family.

8. Do Not Carry Your Valuables While Traveling

Do Not Carry Your Valuables While Traveling
Image: IStock

It’s hazardous to carry valuables on you when you are traveling. You may think leaving them at the hotel might be risky as they could be stolen (make sure you lock valuables in a safe); however, it’s more challenging to carry them on you since muggings are often common while traveling. Make sure that you don’t carry any essentials that do not serve a purpose or attract attention to them.

9. Avoid Drinking Too Much

Avoid Drinking Too Much
Image: IStock

This is one of the most essential pieces of advice you are ever going to get. Do not get intoxicated in front of strangers even if you feel like you’ve known them the entire duration of your stay. It is essential that you avoid overindulging in alcohol to the point that you are passed out drunk. The last thing you want to wake up to is your wallet (or your clothes) missing. Of course, we are not telling you to quit drinking altogether. Just put a stop to it after a certain point.

10. Be Mindful Of Your Environment

Be Mindful Of Your Environment
Image: IStock

You need to stay alert at all times. This should be the case regardless of whether you are traveling alone or traveling with someone else. Don’t be too paranoid about seeking help if you are in distress but go to the right person. Ensure that you carry pepper spray or some form of self-defense on you if a stranger accosts you. Remember that your fists are not enough to fight off a group of people. Also, make sure that you avoid stepping out late at night and avoid dark and lonely alleys.

While traveling solo can be a combination of exciting and scary experiences alike, a few important precautions will make you all set to embark on any adventure peacefully without any potential hassle. The pandemic has taught us the importance of self-care and as much as we want to go back to socializing like before, we equally want to dedicate some quality time for ourselves. Having said that, do let us know which of these safety tips you’ve employed while traveling solo or if you have any tips you can recommend to newbie travelers. Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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Niharika Nayak

Niharika NayakBA (Media & Communication)

Niharika has a passion for all things art, music, and travel and has over 4 years of experience in writing for social media. During her spare time, she likes experimenting in the kitchen, playing video games, and hanging out with stray animals. She has a bachelor's degree in media and communication from the Manipal Institute of Communication and aspires full bio

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