6 Useful Facts About Vitamin Intake

Written by Dushyant • 

Vitamins are incredibly important substances that help the human body with growth and function. Usually derived from food sources, some vitamins can also be produced via the body’s own mechanisms.

All vitamins have their own specific functions that they perform. Vitamins are great for human health in their own different ways, and if a person experiences a vitamin deficiency, it can prove to be disastrous for their health and well-being.

Today, we’re going to discuss six useful facts about vitamin intake that might help you understand these substances, their interactions with each other, and their health effects a little better than you previously did!

1. Best Combinations Of Vitamins And Minerals

There are certain combinations of vitamins and minerals that work well together! Vitamin A’s effects can be enhanced by phosphorus, zinc, calcium, etc. While the B vitamins work well with vitamin C. Vitamin D also performs better when combined with calcium and phosphorus just like vitamin A. Additionally, vitamin C is perhaps best taken with magnesium as well as calcium.


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    2. Sources Of Vitamins
    Image: Shutterstock

    Vitamins are found in abundance in several natural sources! Here’s a list of where you can get your vitamins in abundance from:

    • Vitamin A: Fish oil, milk products, eggs, carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, etc.
    • Vitamin C: Cabbage, spinach, gooseberry, etc.
    • Vitamin D: Fish and exposure to sunlight.
    • Vitamin E: Nuts, corn, eggs, etc.
    • Vitamin K: Broccoli, kale, spinach, etc.
    • B Vitamins: Nuts, green leafy vegetables, meat products, yeast, soy products, etc.

    3. Implications Of Vitamin Deficiency

    Vitamins, as mentioned above, are incredibly important for the human body. Despite the implied importance and the fact that most vitamins are easily obtainable simply by having a balanced diet, people can still sometimes experience vitamin deficiencies.

    Vitamin deficiencies are actually not as uncommon as they might seem, with reports putting the incidences of people being deficient in vitamins at alarming numbers (1).

    Of course, there are implications of vitamin deficiencies and some of them are listed as follows:

    • Vitamin A deficiency: Dry skin and slow growth.
    • Vitamin C deficiency: Weak immune system and dental/gum issues.
    • Vitamin D deficiency: Bone problems and dental issues.
    • Vitamin E deficiency: Skin problems and acne.
    • Vitamin K deficiency: Heart disease and bone density issues.
    • B Vitamins deficiency: Anemia, skin issues, and dental problems.

    4. Overabundance Of Vitamins

    4. Overabundance Of Vitamins
    Image: Shutterstock

    The adage “too much of a good thing” applies to vitamins as well. Somehow, a majority of the population is unaware of the fact that an overabundance of vitamins can also lead to certain health troubles, toxicity, and complications.

    Even though an oversupply of vitamins can be troublesome, however, most people should not be too worried, as overdosing on vitamins requires an unnaturally high amount to be taken in most cases. Regardless, here’s a list of issues that happen due to an overabundance of vitamins in the human body:


    • Vitamin A: Loss of appetite and headaches.
    • Vitamin C: Kidney issues and digestive troubles.
    • Vitamin D: Headaches and unnatural weight loss.
    • Vitamin E: Blood pressure problems.
    • Vitamin K: Issues with medication.
    • B Vitamins: Skin troubles and loss of feeling in extremities.

    5. Medicines Can Affect Vitamin Levels And Absorption

    Certain medicines and pharmaceutical products can affect the body’s ability to absorb and utilize vitamins. These medicines, even though they might be helpful for your body in fighting diseases and curing other health conditions, are still detrimental in some ways when it comes to vitamins.

    Let’s discuss a few such medicines and their effects on vitamin absorption:

    • Aspirin: Can affect the absorption and levels of vitamins A, B, and C.
    • Antibiotics: The absorption of B vitamins can be affected.
    • Diuretics: B vitamins are reduced and absorption is affected.
    • Laxatives: Vitamins A, E, and D aren’t absorbed very effectively.
    • Cholesterol medication: Cannot be used with vitamin A.

    6. Vitamins Help Prevent And Treat Cancer

    6. Vitamins Help Prevent And Treat Cancer
    Image: Shutterstock

    Through various clinical trials and medical research, it has been made abundantly clear that certain vitamins are incredibly important in preventing and treating the incidence of cancer in humans. Vitamin E is said to be significant in preventing cancer (2).

    A study on vitamin A also managed to demonstrate a connection between the vitamin and cancer treatment (3). There’s an increasing number of studies being done on vitamin D’s relationship with cancer treatment as well (4). Additionally, vitamin K’s anticarcinogenic properties have also been studied in the past (5).

    These six facts about vitamins demonstrate one thing majorly, that vitamin intake should always be an incredibly important part of the human diet. Not only are the health benefits significant, but the fact that vitamin deficiencies can cause major health issues should also be taken into consideration.

    Hence, always ensure that you are consuming a healthy balanced diet that includes all the vitamins in their daily recommended amounts. Avoid the taking additional vitamin supplements that could put you at risk of toxicity, unless you have been prescribed to do so by a physician.

    Stay healthy!

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