6 Ways To Keep Your Hair Healthy While You Wash It Less

Written by Anjala Farahath • 

You know what’s a sure test from hell? Washing your hair! And it’s a nightmare if you have long locks that go beyond your shoulder. More than the act itself, it’s about the prepping, planning, and drying. (Makes you wonder how Rapunzel did it!) So, how often do we have to wash our hair? Well, it really depends on your hair texture and hair type (1).

After years of mental-conditioning that shampooing is the way to healthy hair, the hairstyling world introduced us to the anti-shampoo or “no-poo” concept that recommends us to reduce the frequency of hair washes. Now, we are not exactly sure if that’s going to give you healthier, silkier, and smoother hair (2). But, we can help your locks look great while you give the shampoo a miss. Here’s how you can keep your hair looking fresh and clean while you wash your hair less:

1. Detangle Your Hair Before The Shower

1. Detangle Your Hair Before The Shower
Image: Shutterstock

If you have just unbraided your hair, or you’ve let your hair brave the winds for too long, you know that your hair is going to be knotty as ever. So, it’s best to detangle your hair before you head for a hair wash. We all know that our hair is the weakest when wet; hence, it’s a wise idea to get rid of all the knots beforehand, else it could leave us struggling with a tangled chunk of post-shampoo hair. Simply, take a wide-toothed comb or a soft-bristled hairbrush and run it through your locks to remove any knots. This makes the shampooing process easy as you have already eliminated some knots and dust particles (and you also reduce the hair shedding during the shower).

2. Keep Your Hands Off Your Tresses

2. Keep Your Hands Off Your Tresses
Image: Shutterstock

Ladies, we know you love your hair and you can’t stop yourself from touching it frequently. But, touching your hair often stimulates the hair follicles into producing more natural oil. This makes your hair greasy. So, you’ve got to learn to keep those hands to yourself. Between opening those doorknobs and feverishly typing on your cellphones, we encounter a lot of germs. Hence, when you touch your hair, you’re unknowingly transferring a lot of grime and dirt to your scalp.

3. Clear Lines Of Distinction Between A Shampoo And A Conditioner

3. Clear Lines Of Distinction Between A Shampoo And A Conditioner 
Image: Shutterstock

The reason we end up washing our hair excessively is that it feels dry, dirty, and oily. But it is important to shampoo and condition the right parts of your hair to keep your hair looking and feeling fresh for longer. Always condition the length of the hair, and not the roots (3). The ends and the length of your hair are prone to split ends, tangling, frizziness, and breakage; therefore, the need for conditioning. On the other hand, the roots are where the real business happens (the growth), which demands the scalp to be clean. Therefore, only cleanse your roots and never condition it.

4. Dry Shampoo Your Locks

4. Dry Shampoo Your Locks 
Image: Shutterstock

If shampooing every day isn’t your thing and you like giving ample time between washes, your hair is in dire need of dry shampoo. It helps to keep the oily and smelly hair at bay. Dry shampoos are composed of either aerosol or powder that soaks up the oil and grease from your hair, thereby providing you with a longer time between washes. Always remember to use your fingertips to massage the dry shampoo onto your scalp. And before you get to styling your hair, allow the dry shampoo to sit on your scalp – it dries out sweat, sebum, and moisture (4).

5. Pull It Back

5. Pull It Back 
Image: Shutterstock

When you aren’t outside socializing or flirting with your tresses, opt for hairstyles that keep your hair tied. You can either pull it back in a ponytail or roll it up in a bun. Alternatively, if you’re patient enough, go the extra mile and style your hair in some chic braids and barrettes or a bouffant. The trick is to use less of styling products on your hair to keep it clean for longer.

6. Scrub Your Hair

6. Scrub Your Hair
Image: Shutterstock

Like you exfoliate your skin with scrubs, your hair too needs frequent exfoliation. There is a layer of dirt and dead skin that settles down on your hair. This hinders hair growth and also leaves your hair looking dull and lifeless (and sometimes leaves you with hair that looks like hay). Hair scrubs help in strengthening the hair follicles and also removing all the dead cells, thereby restoring the luster and life in your hair. You can either get the hair scrub off the market shelves or go natural with some DIY remedies (5).

While it really seems like a cinch to just stand under the shower and lather your hair with shampoo, hair washes are more than just that. “Shampoo, rinse, and repeat” used to be the conventional hair care routine. But with blowout bars, dry shampoos, and other styling techniques gaining popularity, we needn’t spend hours in washing and drying our hair every day. 

What do you do to keep your hair feeling fresh and clean between washes? Let us know in the comments below!

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