What Each Zodiac Sign Should Let Go Of In 2020

Written by Shivani K • 

The month December stirs in a lot of excitement for everybody right from an 8 year-old-kid to a 60 year-old-grandpa. Everybody knows that in just a few weeks’ time, a new year will come knocking at the door. People start wondering what this New Year will bring into their lives. There’s a sudden aura of positivity and curiosity that starts brewing in the atmosphere, isn’t it? And with the news of a New Year soon approaching comes the question of “What’s your resolution this New Year?”

Each one of us begins to self-introspect ourselves to know what went wrong in the year that’s gone by, where could we improve, or is there anything that we need to start working on to become better and live the new year in a better way! And every year we sure do come up with a list of things that we label as ‘resolutions’ for the year to come. However, not many tend to stay by those words, written or said!


So, this time we came up with a list for all of you! Yes, a single list of what each one of you should possibly bid goodbye to before stepping into the new decade of 2020. If you’re wondering how we managed to dot that down, we held zodiac signs as our source of information. Therefore, presenting to you a list that tells what each zodiac sign should let go of this 2020. Read on.

1. Aries


Aries are known to be one of the most egoistic zodiac signs out there. We understand that once someone hurts you, that’s probably the end of your tolerance levels. You don’t want to be associated with them ever again. And it doesn’t end there, you let the feelings of hurt to take a ride on your shoulders for the rest of your life. So, this New Year, we think you need to let go of all the anger and frustration. You should probably just accept the truth and let it go.

2. Taurus


Taurus are very hard people to gain the trust of. And we know that maybe, the last relationship wasn’t a good one. But you need to throw the cynicism that you’re nurturing. Allow yourself to fall in love again and give yourself an opportunity to be happy again.

3. Gemini


Gemini loves being guilty. You need to know that everybody on this earth makes mistakes. You need to stop blaming yourself for all the faults you’ve committed long ago. Mistakes can be fixed right? So giddy up! Be happy!

4. Cancer


Cancer peeps love to make sure that everybody is happy. See, we understand that you love keeping people happy, but that doesn’t mean you are in charge of it. You cannot please everyone around. You should learn to focus on your happiness first.

5. Leo


Leo souls love using social media. And this New Year, we truly think that you need to learn to control your addiction over social media. So, put down your phone please, and stop complaining about how your high school mates are living a better life than yours.

6. Virgo


Virgo love being right always. They want everything perfect! But we think that there can be no soul on earth who would know it all. So, embrace this fact and stop spoiling the fun for wanting to be perfect or right ALWAYS!

7. Libra


Libra is never confident about themselves. This New Year, we think that you need to stop doubting yourself so much. You shouldn’t hold back on doing anything that you love. Stop being a self-critic and be a self-motivator instead.

8. Scorpio


Scorpio love hanging on to all things that are bad and done and dusted. We think you should forget and don’t have any grudges. Leave the past behind and don’t turn back at it again.

9. Sagittarius


Sagittarius is drowned in fear most of the time. And we think you shouldn’t be doing that. Kick those fears off this New Year and get out of your comfort zone. Allow yourself an opportunity to explore your hidden talents and simply take more chances.

10. Capricorn


Capricorn loves setting expectations. But you see, there’s a difference between that and setting unrealistic expectations. Don’t be harsh on yourself or on others to reach at a certain point in very little time.

11. Aquarius


Aquarius are afraid of losing people in life. But what if they are turning out to be toxic people who are doing more harm than good to you? Peace in life is precious. And if there is a person coming in the middle of being peaceful, it’s best advised that you let go and relax.

12. Pisces


Pisces worry a lot! Pisces always overthink and over worry about what will happen in the future. Hey! This New Year, stop yourself from doing this. Try to practice living in the moment and don’t jump far ahead in thoughts.

We hope we threw some light on what you should be bidding adieu to this New Year. Have you already decided on what to let go of in 2020? Let us know in the comments below.

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